Chapter 108

The lava giant fist that was as fierce as a dog’s head, rubbed the air with rolling magma, made a “purring” sound, and rushed towards Whitebeard.

With a buzz, a strong domineering aura in Whitebeard’s body came out, and the air around his body seemed to be solidified, and under the influence of this domineering, the ruthless dog was constantly shrinking.

With a wave of the knife in his big hand, he violently cut the dog through the middle, shunted it to the sides, and burned the floor.

“Whew… Whew…”Just by resisting this blow, Whitebeard was already gasping.


“Abominable: It’s simply too late! ”


Seeing this, the captains of the group wanted to help, but they couldn’t pull away at all.

They could only do their best to drag the rest of the generals.

After all, after the navy’s world conscription, it suddenly had five generals, and the high-end combat power was not comparable to that of the Four Emperors Regiment.

Today’s navy, I am afraid that only the union of two four royal regiments can make a war possible.

Not to mention that these captain-level pirates can only drag the general in a short time at most, without the slightest hope of defeating the general.

“Abominable… Whitebeard Pirates, rush! ”

“Protect Daddy!”

“Quick, hurry up and stop the red dog!”

At this time, the few remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, due to the change in naval tactics, there are not many grassroots soldiers of the navy to block them at this moment.

They were also able to find time to interfere with the generals.

Although the strength may not be as good as the captain, but the number of people is large, and it can be delayed for a while.

Today’s Whitebeard Pirates, the whole group has only one idea.

That is to drag the generals as much as possible and let their beloved daddy live a little longer!

“What a troublesome guy… It’s like cockroaches. ”

Bang punched a few pirates who rushed up to harass, and the red dog also had to clean up the idle people first, and there was no way to take care of the whitebeard side.

“Really: Looks like it’s going to have to drag on for a while. ”

On the warship not far away, the Warring States as the commander sat firmly on the fishing platform.

In this situation, the Whitebeard Pirates can be said to have been basically eliminated, it is only a matter of time.

The next question is what was just conveyed by the Navy headquarters, Lockes, invaded the new Navy headquarters!

“Brannet, what’s going on at headquarters?” Sengoku asked.

“Yes… According to the intelligence sent by Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit just now, the square and building of the headquarters have basically been destroyed! Now the Air Marshal is grappling with Lokes himself. Brannew held up his glasses and looked solemn.

“Abominable: Did it really take too long to spend too much time here? I didn’t expect Rocks to arrive in the New World so quickly. Sengoku’s face also became solemn.

Fortunately, the naval headquarters is only the fortress destroyed, the problem is not big, as long as the whitebeard pirate group can be completely eliminated, the navy is enough to re-establish the image of the king in the hearts of the people of the world.

“Marshal of the Warring States, listen to the meaning of Marshal Kong, Lokes will directly destroy the entire naval headquarters! So he hopes that we can solve this side as soon as possible so that we can go back to support! Otherwise, the Air Marshal may not be able to stop it! Brannu said tremblingly.

Sure enough, after he said this, Sengoku’s face became even darker.

The overlord-colored domineering aura was quietly released, and the floor under his feet was a little deformed.

“Bastard Lockes! Every appearance can cause huge trouble for the Navy! That being the case, it cannot be delayed any longer. I had to do it myself. ”

Saying that, the Warring States used the moon to leap high, turning into a big Buddha, shining with golden light, and immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“Abominable: Is that guy from the Warring States going to strike too! ”

“Don’t give you a way to live at all!”

“Bastard Navy! You have to kill them all! ”

The white-bearded pirate group that noticed this had every face written with unwillingness.

Suddenly attacked by the navy, and the other side dispatched a full five generals!

Even if this is the case, even the Warring States themselves will have to strike!

It’s really not a way to live.

“Whitebeard, after being an opponent for so many years, I will personally send you the last ride!”

The Sengoku in mid-air looked at the Moby Dick below, and although his expression was solemn, there was no lack of respect in his tone.

If One Piece Roger’s lifelong enemy is the hero Karp.

Then the lifelong enemy of the world’s strongest man, Whitebeard, can be said to be the Warring States.

After killing and falling in love for more than forty years, if it weren’t for the conflict between the positions of the navy and the pirates, Sengoku could really sit in the country of blooming cherry blossoms like Roger and Whitebeard and have a drink or two.

But… This is impossible.

“Farewell, Whitebeard!”

“Big Buddha Shockwave!”

Thinking of this, Sengoku formed a palm with one hand, and then it was as if the air had been compressed, and in his palm, a translucent shock wave visible to the naked eye appeared!

A loud blast blasted out the shock wave, and in an instant, the shock wave quickly expanded to the maximum, and once it exploded, it was enough to destroy the Moby Dick.


Seeing this, the members of the white-bearded pirate group roared hoarsely one by one.

It is foreseeable that under the all-out blow of the Warring States, the already dying whitebeard can no longer resist.

“Goo: Mutter.. Goo la la la… Father… But Whitebeard: Yes! ”

With the last of his strength, Whitebeard wanted to laugh, but his body no longer allowed him to do so.

“Farewell, stupid sons.”

Feeling this, Whitebeard … Closed his eyes.


Seeing this scene, the tears of the members of the white-bearded pirate group instantly burst out of their eyes.

They were originally the villains of this world, and it was Whitebeard who took them in and gave them a home!

With a bang, just as the shock wave was about to explode, in the sky, a sword qi hundreds of meters long flew across the sky, instantly blocking the destructive shock wave.

“Huh? Who!! ”

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked.

Suddenly, a familiar voice resounded through the battlefield.

“Hahahahaha, Whitebeard, it’s really ugly enough. Although I don’t think it matters if you are an old man dead, but no way, before this, I don’t want to see the proud face of the navy! ”

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