“First Team Captain, Edward Newgate, see Captain Lox!”

Whitebeard’s breathless voice sounded, resounding in the sky!

“Hahahaha, finally… It has the original meaning! The golden lion said proudly.

“I didn’t expect that the old man would be able to be in the same boat with Whitebeard one day.” Renly’s tone couldn’t hide his excitement.

“Whitebeard? Interesting. Ledfield smiled like a vampire.

“There’s another monster on board.” Barrett said quietly.

The addition of Whitebeard will undoubtedly bring more powerful power to the Rocks Pirates! It will also make the Navy and the world government sit on pins and needles.

Therefore, the sea pirates of the Rocks Pirates all welcomed Whitebeard.

At this time, Whitebeard also turned his head and looked at the group of sons behind him who had been with him for decades, with a hint of apology in his eyes.

After all, as a captain, he should not join another pirate group without consulting with the crew like this, which is a great harm to his own crew.

“Forgive my self-inflicted claims, foolish sons.”

Whitebeard bowed his head slightly and apologized to Marko and the others.

“Oh?” Seeing this, Ye Tian stared blankly.

Although he is a captain, Whitebeard has always treated his son equally, even treating everyone like a real father, and respecting everyone, which is no wonder that the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are so cohesive.

“Daddy, what are you talking about?”

“That’s it, Dad, no need to apologize!”

“That’s right, we will always support your decision, Daddy!”

“Wherever you go, we will follow you!”

Seeing this, Marko and the others quickly waved their hands.

“Marco, Whitebeard’s crew, see Captain Lox!”

“Whitebeard’s crew member Portcar D Ace, see Captain Rocks!”

“Whitebeard’s crew Diamond Joz, see Captain Rocks!”

“Whitebeard’s crew member Foil Bista, see Captain Lox!”

“Whitebeard’s crew members to hide…..”

For a time, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates also knelt down on one knee and expressed their loyalty to Lokes, and the scene was very spectacular!

Everyone’s face was full of determination, without the slightest reluctance.

After all, they had long regarded Rocks as a lifesaver.

The top war saved Ace, and now he has saved his father’s life, without Lokes, the Whitebeard Pirates would have been wiped out long ago.

Since Whitebeard himself has joined the Rocks Pirates, it is natural for them to join the Rocks Pirates.

“What a helpless guy…. The next journey is not as simple as a battle of the level of the Four Emperors. Whitebeard shook his head, his eyes full of worry.

Captain Rocks is a complete maniac.

Next, even he didn’t know what to expect.

If you don’t get it right, you can run to Mary Joa the next day to fight the world government. Just like 38 years ago.

“Daddy, what are you talking about, we will always follow you! We are your sons! It’s family! ”

Marco smiled, very warm.

“Newgate, don’t forget, I’m the captain now! …. These guys, I want it! In the name of Lox, break into this sea, little ghosts. ”

At this time, Ye Tian, who had not spoken, finally spoke.

Seeing that the captain had spoken, Whitebeard was not good to say anything, so he could only acquiesce.


“Hahaha, daddy actually deflated.”

“So: We can be together again! ”

Hearing this, the Whitebeard Pirates burst into a burst of cheers.

In their opinion, it doesn’t matter if they can stay with their father, where they go, what they do.

“Whitebeard, your boy’s crew is not bad. Although the strength is not very good, but this kind of loyalty, you have indeed found a group of good partners. ”

Seeing this, even Ledfield, who has always been cold-blooded, couldn’t help but sigh.

He looked at everyone present and found that the feelings of the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group for Whitebeard were so pure.

This made Ledfield, who was completely disappointed in human nature, feel eye-opening, and his eyes were a little moist.

“Bastard Ryder, you have always been a loner, you know a fart!”

Seeing that his crew was said to be incompetent, Whitebeard immediately started the calf protection mode.

“Hmph, less get carried away, am I wrong? Stinky old man. ”

“Huh? Ryder, I see you have itchy skin? ”

“Hahaha, do you want to fight? Come on! ”

Not long after, the two quarreled again.

Soon, the beak knife and the umbrella sword collided together, emitting a huge shock.

No way, the way to greet the strong is like this, to let these sea pirates treat people with courtesy every day, and they will not go out to sea to be pirates.

Moreover, these people were originally mortal opponents, just like Solon and Yamaji in the original book, they were not noisy but not normal.

“Okay, listen to me, leave those two alone.”

“To celebrate the addition of the Whitebeard Pirates, a banquet has been held, little ones!” Ye Tian waved with one hand, and everyone began to prepare for the banquet!

For the first time, the Rocks Pirates held a banquet.

After all, there were too few people in the past, and this time there were at least a few thousand people who joined the Roxes Pirates!

Although there are some people who are not strong, they are loyal, and Ye Tian will not dislike such people.

In the future, the ship will be lively!

“It seems that terrible monsters and even more terrible monsters have united, where will the fate of this world go? It’s really hard to see. ”

Seeing this scene, the dragon on the side also showed a smile.

For some reason, his heart was a little excited.

In the foreseeable future, the union of Whitebeard and Rocks will definitely put great pressure on the world government!

The revolutionary army can also get a respite from this.

More importantly, the Rocks Pirate Group, at this moment, has expanded unprecedentedly, after absorbing the Whitebeard Pirate Group, no pirate can fight them.

Perhaps the only thing that can stop them is the naval headquarters and the world government.

No, maybe there is another organization.

Two other monsters, Bigumum and Kaido’s Four Emperors Alliance!

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