“Since everything has been decided, then come!”

Soon, Lokes pulled out a 100 Bailey coin.

“The obverse is the red-haired Shanks, and the reverse is the alliance of Bigumuam and Kaido.” With that, Rocks threw it into the sky, and a second later, the coin landed.

“Positive? Redhead Shanks? ”

“Hmm: It’s okay. ”

Seeing this, the members of the group of white-bearded pirates were relieved.

Fortunately, it was a redhead, and if it was against the alliance of the Four Emperors of Kaido and Bigumum, it would be a big trouble.

The power of the Four Emperors is extremely huge, and the two Four Emperors Alliance is even more so.

Although the high-end combat power of the Rocks Pirates is very strong, in addition to the combat power, the power of the four emperors is also very important.

Persimmons should also be picked and pinched first.

But before they finished thinking about it, for some reason the coin on the floor suddenly jumped again, and suddenly jumped to the opposite side!

“This is?”

“It won’t be like that!”

“It obviously stopped just now!”

Unexpectedly, so suddenly, the members of the white-bearded pirate group all held their heads and couldn’t believe it.

“Hahahahaha, that’s interesting!” The golden lion laughed, and his tone was proud.

Just now, he used the ability of the fluttering fruit to turn the coin around.

After all, he really wanted to see Kaido and Bigumum begging for mercy, if he went to clean up the other Four Emperors first, he didn’t know when he would have to wait!

But in an instant, the coin that had obviously stopped shook again with the shaking of the deck, and jumped to the front again!

“Huh? Whitebeard, you bastard! Actually use the ability to cheat! Sensing this, the golden lion stretched out his finger and pointed at Whitebeard and cursed angrily.

“Stinky lion, you mean to say me? The coin just now had obviously stopped, but it still turned over! I don’t need to say who did it! ”

The beak knife slammed into the floor, and the white beard did not lose the wind in the slightest.

In fact, he didn’t care who cleaned up first, but he just couldn’t get used to the golden lion secretly making evil. That’s why Whitebeard struck.

These two people are like this, they have to fight everywhere, and they are uncomfortable if they don’t do it for a moment.

“Hmph, since they all tore their faces, let’s take a good look at who has the stronger ability!”

After that, the 100 Baileys on the floor floated up in front of everyone and turned over.

“Lao Tzu has exactly this intention!”

Not far behind, Whitebeard was not far behind, and the deck of the Moby Dick seemed to have shook, and the coin kept spinning.





The two abilities clashed constantly, and the coin flipped at great speed.

Suddenly, with a bang, it cracked directly.


The crowd was speechless.

For this situation, Ye Tian did not have a good way.

After all, these two guys were like this 38 years ago, and you can’t help but let them quarrel.

Blu Bru Bru ~!

“Huh? This is the Doflamingo guy’s call. On the side, Hiryu took out the phone worm from his waist.

Because of the lowest generation, this kind of thing is also done by Xi Liu.

Every day he had to carry this phone worm, and he was so unbearable that he died, but he did not dare to complain at all.

“Captain, do you want to pick it up?”

“Take it.” Ye Tian said.

Without something important, Doflamingo would not have called.

“Ferferfer… Lox, I got amazing news. ”

Click~, as soon as it was connected, Doflamingo’s evil laughter sounded inside the phone.

“If you have a fart, let it go.” Ye Tian was a little impatient with this attitude of selling passes.

On the other end of the phone worm, Doflamingo did not expect Rocks to be so direct, obviously stunned for two seconds, and then suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and his tone became normal.

“On the naval side, Qingzhi and Chidog are about to have a marshal battle. The only battle for generals in history, this opportunity, but very rare. ”

“Well… I already knew. Without other intelligence, there is no need to call. Ye Tian said lightly.

“Don’t you have any ideas? As far as I know, the two guys Kaido and Bigumam have already started to act! Doflamingo laughed.

“Oh? Are they also interested in the heads of the generals? Ye Tian was interested.

“Ferferfer… Of course not, what interests them the most is the territory! Doflamingo felt that his information was useful and began to let out evil laughter again.

“Due to the sudden attack of the navy, the pirates under Whitebeard suffered heavy losses, and even his territory was also involved in this bloody vortex at this moment!”

“As far as my current intelligence network knows, of the 86 islands owned by Whitebeard, more than 70 have changed owners at this time! Kaido and Bigumum alone took more than 30 and greatly expanded their power, but they were very happy. ”

“Ferferfer… Although there is not much left, if it is the Rocks Pirates, you can also get a piece of it. Doflamingo laughed.

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