“Phew!” The green bull jumped up from the splint.

“Huh… Yikes! Kaido struggled desperately, his hands being suppressed by Akainu and Fujitora.


Kaido had a look of fear on his face.

A huge armed fist rushed towards him, and the fist gushed out with air.

Seeing that the giant fist was about to hit Kaido’s head, “Boom… Moisture! ”

Ye Tian flashed in front of Kaido from a position of one thousand meters in a slight step, this speed is extremely fast, and it cannot be seen with the naked eye alone.

“What a strong moon step!” Whitebeard was surprised.

Ye Tian blocked the impact of the green bull with a heavy fist, and the magnetic field around the collision of the two fists produced a riot, crackling with lightning.

“Go and die!” Ye Tian has a stamina, “biu”

The green bull couldn’t resist at all, “Ahhh! A scream.

The green bull hit the ground with unsteady friction and tumbled for hundreds of meters before stopping.


The clothes on his body were already tattered, smoke was smoking everywhere, and the green bull could not resist the internal wounds and spit out blood.

“Yay! Isn’t it a little unfair for so many of you to bully a pirate, such a navy still has a fart justice, let me end you! ”

Ye Tian turned around and grabbed the red dog’s hold, and a swoop upwards took the red dog to cloud nine.


The red dog released molten slurry and prepared to slip out of Ye Tian’s hand.

“I still want to run!”


Ye Tian’s three-in-one domineering aura was able to control any kind of supernatural form.

Desperately grabbed the red dog’s neck, and the Devil Fruit lost its ability in that instant.

“Die, Super Gravity Fist!”

“Wait…” Akainu’s eyes were empty, he knew that he would definitely die if he fell so high in the air.

Brought to an altitude of more than nine thousand meters, Ye Tian let go, and the red dog fell down in free fall.

“Gravity suppression!” Fujitora pulled out his knife and stroked a few times in the air.

“Shhhh!” At this time, Ye Tian instantly felt that there was an oppressive gravity in his body.

“Kind of interesting!”

Ye Tian’s eyes glowed red, raised his leg with a 180-degree roundhouse kick, and flew out an empty slash and rushed towards the vine tiger.

“Boom!” Fujitora pulled out his knife and blocked the air slash.

“Gravity Command!”

Fujitora once again stroked a few times in the air.

Ye Tian knew that the vine tiger would welcome a large meteorite to attack every time.

Glancing at the vine tiger confidently, it didn’t take long for a burning sensation to come from overhead.

Looking up, a large meteorite with a diameter of more than a hundred meters flew down, and the meteorite entered the atmosphere and turned into a large red fireball.

“Are you ready?”

“Eh??” Fujitora heard what was said without any eyes.


Ye Tian’s hands were charged, and his golden arms became huge in that instant, and his green tendons burst out!

“Huhu~” Both hands directly top the large meteorite.

“Yay!!” Directly threw the meteorite up and threw it towards

“Amazing power!” Cold sweat broke out on Fuji Hu’s face.

“Light of gravity!” Fuji Tiger waved the knife in his hand, “Boom! “The huge meteorite was split in half.

Due to the extremely fast speed of the meteorite and the strength of Ye Tian, the vine tiger had no time to dodge and was wrapped in meteorite blocks.

“It’s called self-inflicted consequences, haha!” Ye Tian said with a smile and came back to his senses.

“It’s up to you.”

A heavy punch of gravitational acceleration hammered directly into the head of the red dog.

“Poof… Ahhh! ”

The red dog’s face was instantly distorted, two teeth were lost, and both eyes rolled and instantly lost consciousness.

“Huh~” The red dog landed quickly downwards, seeing that he was about to hit the mermaid island.

“Oops…” The yellow ape saw that the red dog was in danger.

“Lightspeed legs!” Kicked the stone in front of him to pieces.

“Eight-foot mirror!” Multiple beam tracks appear in the air.

The yellow ape quickly shuttled through the air at the speed of light and came to the front of the red dog.

“Okay, let’s retreat first!” The yellow ape hugged the body of the red dog.

“Huh…” Running away at a speed of 3 kilometers per second was too powerful for Lockes in front of him.

“Boom!” The yellow ape came to the naval ship.

“Tread… Treadling. “Many soldiers ran to the planks to find out.

The scene in front of them made them all stunned, and the generalissimo lying on the ground was actually unrecognizable and miserable.

“Quick, quick, arrange for the ship doctor to come up!”

“This… Yes yes! ”

The soldiers were scrambling to run up and down.

“Now I take over all the authority.”


“Pass the order to all personnel to push out the mermaid island and return to the headquarters of the navy!”

The yellow ape knew that the navy would suffer heavy losses if it continued to fight like this, and Locks was simply not something they could stop.

“Beep… Beep beep beep! ”

The main ship sounded the signal to retreat, and all the ships turned away.

“Fuji Tiger is about to retreat…” said the green pheasant after hearing the retreat slogan and grabbing the green bull lying on the ground.


The clothes were burned away by the scalding meteorite, and there were only a few fig leafs left in front of him.

“Damn, the old man won’t fight you for the time being!”

A flashing pheasant and a vine tiger both returned to the ship.

“Poof!” The green pheasant put down the green cow and looked at the injuries on the green cow’s body, which should be multiple crushed fractures.

“Come on!”

The soldiers carefully carried the green bulls down.

The five generals were abolished by Rocks at once, and they were seriously injured, which had a serious impact on the military heart of the Navy.

Ye Tian floated in the air and did not intend to step forward to pursue, after all, his task had been completed.

“Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully rescuing Kaido and Bigumam and obtaining 1000 reputation points.”

“Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully repelling the admiral and gaining prestige point 68153.”

“Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully winning a lottery opportunity, whether to use it now, you can also accumulate it until the next use, the higher the reputation point value, the higher the value of the item drawn!”

(Got Zhao’s.)

“So how many prestige points will be drawn next time?” Ye Tian asked.

“The host now has 143665 reputation points, and the next draw requires 200,000 reputation points.”

Ye Tian thought in his heart, it would be better to give me the most satisfactory one at once, so that there was no need to draw around often.

“Then next time!” Ye Tian replied.

“Huh…” a flash returned to Whitebeard.

“Captain Rocks, you are so powerful that you drove the navy back so quickly.”

Whitebeard looked up at Lox.

The naval fleet ahead has slowly disappeared in front of them, and the sea is calm.

“Thank you, Captain Rocks!” Kaido came over and said.

“Captain?? I didn’t promise you that I would improve at your level. ”

Ye Tian looked at Kaido with disdain, how could the tall horse’s face be so thick. _

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