“Do you want to give you a chance?”

Ye Tian thought at this time that since there were still 500 pirate ships on the field, it would be better to add them all to his alliance team, so that he could also make the government guy suffer a little.

Anyway, this group of people are used as cannon fodder, then it is better to be your own cannon fodder.

“What chance?” The captain of a small pirate stood up and asked.

“A chance to join my team, as long as you follow me to defeat the world government, then I will accept you!”

Being able to join Rocks’ Pirates is a dream for many children, and with such a good opportunity, everyone began to get excited.

“I, I, I…” Bartolomeo ran to his knees in front of Lox excitedly.

“Well, is there anyone else?”

“I, the Kipda Pirates, join…”

“My whale shark pirate group joins…”


All of a sudden, all the pirate groups on the scene leaned towards Lokes’s side.

All 500 pirate ships have joined the alliance of the Rocks Pirates.

Locks’ team is constantly expanding, and seeing this situation, Locks’ heart is full of joy.

“Look who that person is underneath!”

The soldiers at the gate noticed the strange behavior below and lined up all the pirate ships neatly.

“This! It’s Lo… Lockes…”

The soldier made a trembling sound, and he noticed the figure below.

“Why did this guy show up? Hurry up and report to the general! ”

“What to report now, all the phone worms have been taken back, isn’t this telling us to accompany us to death here!”

The soldiers began to get nervous when they saw Rocks’ arrival.


Renly waved at Lokes in the distance, and their ship was slowly approaching.

The two huge ships stand out on the sea.

“You see, the Rocks Pirates have also arrived!”

“Don’t worry, this gate is very difficult, it is impossible for Lokes to pass through here…”

“Hopefully, I’ve heard others say that Rocks is a very horrible bad guy who can’t stand in his way!”

A strange expression appeared on the soldier’s face.

“What is the situation with these people, Captain Rocks?”

Renly looked at the neat rows of pirate ships underneath.

“These are alliances that go with us to the world government!”

Reilly knew that these were the pirate ships that Ye Tian had collected, but they were just a nice alliance.

“Huh…” A flash appeared, and Ye Tian returned directly to the Ark Proverbs.

“Wow, that’s cool!” Barto’s eyes were about to pop out.

“Okay, let’s go!”


All the ships heard Rocks’ slogan and sailed to the gate.

A huge lineup is displayed in front of it, which takes on a triangular shape, with the Ark Proverbs and the Moby Dick walking in front of 500 pirates closely behind.

Soon came to the front of the gate, Ye Tian saw that the gate in front of him was indeed very large.

“Captain, you don’t need to trouble you with this matter, leave it to me!”

Ledfield, who had been lying on the side and sleeping for a long time, stood up at this time.

“Snap…” Ledfield instantly turned into a bat and flew into the sky.

“Look at it, it looks like something is flying up!”

“Where, where!”

“Whew…” A group of bats flew over, baring their sharp fangs.

“Shhh… Boom! ”

The soldiers watched the bats flying over, felt very strange, and quickly shot at them.

The bat nimbly dodged their gunfire and then flew directly to their necks.

“Poof!” He bit their necks hard and tried to suck their blood.

In the blink of an eye, a powerful human turned into a dry corpse.

“Hooh…” All the bats merged into one.

“This blood is so inferior that it doesn’t taste good at all…” Ledfield touched the blood from his mouth.

Ledfield walked slowly on the path, and found no other figures, only a few small sailors guarding the gate.

This situation is a bit inconceivable, and it is impossible to appear in the headquarters of the navy, where the defense is so lax.

Soon Ledfield found the main opening and closing of the gate.

“Shhh Bite! Ledfield pulled the switch down, and the chains inside the gate began to roll.

The whole mechanism began to start, and the gate trembled slightly.

“Moisture!” Ye Tian looked at the gate in front of him and slightly revealed the light.

“Captain, it seems that Ledfield has opened the door.”

“Wow, look, Lox really opened the door!”

“Such a person really deserves his name, and following behind him can definitely defeat them in the navy!”


From the bat flew down from the air.

“Nice job, how is the situation above!” Ye Tian interrogated.

“It’s a little strange, there are not many people on it, this phenomenon should not appear!”

“Where have all the people gone? Will it be hidden! ”

“If you are likely to leave, if you hide, it should suddenly appear when I pull down the switch!”

“I feel as if they deliberately let us in…”

“Are you saying there are traps inside…”

“By the way, it’s hard to say, but the phenomenon just now makes me feel unreasonable!”

After Ye Tian listened to Ledfield, he also felt that it seemed to make some sense.

“Then everyone be on alert and pay attention to the situation inside!”

Ye Tian then passed the order, and all the personnel were in a state of emergency.

The Ark Proverbs and the Moby Dick slowly sailed through the gates.

From a distance, the appearance of the naval headquarters can be clearly seen, and the original tattered appearance has been restored to a brand new appearance.

“Captain Lockes, I suggest moving slowly, maybe there is something unusual in the sea ahead!”

Dreifeld seemed to feel strange fluctuations on the surface of the sea.

Some whirlpools appear 200 meters ahead, and the number of whirlpools is relatively large and widely distributed.

“Is there a strong rapids ahead?” Ye Tian looked at them and asked.

“Captain, I’ll take a look!” The golden lion then floated into the sky.

“This…” the golden lion looked ahead nervously, and he found that there were turbulent whirlpools everywhere.

“Poof!” The golden lion’s returned to the boat.

“There are many whirlpools in front of the captain, and the distribution area is very wide, and it is not very easy to pass through!”

Ye Tian knew that the navy could not let himself pass so easily, and left a surprise behind the door. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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