“Ahem!” The elderly whitebeard could not receive enough oxygen, and his body’s functions declined.

“Boom!” A super powerful shock wave rushed to the surroundings in a gushing manner from Whitebeard’s heart.

In the sand, there was a strong gas shockwave, and all the sandstorms were destroyed in an instant.

“No way, Whitebeard’s strength is too strong!”

Klockdar glanced at Magellan helplessly, and there was no way to fight Whitebeard in his heart.

“In that case, then I have to come up with my trick!”

How come there is still a trick not taken out, in the previous deep-sea prison, due to the limitation of the venue, there is no way to use it, here it can play well, plus the influence of the surrounding air, can make his poisonous gas play to the extreme.

This weapon is also extremely harmful, and can affect everyone around him, and Magellan will never take it out when he has no choice.

This time it is a strong threat from the world government, and it must defeat the Lolox Pirates and consolidate its dominance, so Magellan will do whatever it takes, let’s take it out first.

“Poison Century!” A burst of slogans came out.

From Magellan’s body, a strong toxicity was constantly secreted and spread around.

The soldiers who would lie unconscious on the ground were integrated into the venom, and there were no bones left in that moment. 170

The entire sky was littered with purple-red dark winds, and the toxic diffusion was wrapped within a radius of 2 kilometers.

The South Gate of the Holy Land of Mary

“What is your conspiracy to bring us here? It’s the words of the eldest husband who will give me an upright battle! ”

Barrett looked at Dolma 66 in front of him.

“This is the venue of our decisive battle, we Jerma 66 have always been honest, and we will never do anything scrupulous!”

“Father, leave this guy to me…”

Ji stood up and said.

“Whew…” One of the gusts of wind drifted by, and purple smoke scattered over the soldiers of Jerma 66.

“Gag!” The soldiers who smelled the smoke instantly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and vomiting incessantly.

Djerma 66 felt inexplicable when he saw such a scene, how could there be such a strong poisonous gas floating to this side.

The closest to the south gate was the east gate, and the poisonous gas soon spread.

“I lean, what’s the situation? With such a big smoke, it shouldn’t be the poisonous gas released by Magellan’s guy desperately! ”

Jerma 66 watched nervously as the smoke drifted over.

“Everyone get out of here with me.” Kaji said to his sons.

Seeing this, Barrett also added and flew away from the south gate.

Barrett and Djerma 6 then found a beautiful garden and stopped within 2 km.

This garden is the back garden of the Draco people, and it is planted with the most beautiful flowers and fruits in the world.

“To save time, come all of you as a family!” Barrett looked at them proudly.

“Ridiculous, to see what kind of strength you have, flying legs.”

“Zizzy!” A flash of electricity flashed in his legs, and a strong voltage increased the strength of people’s legs through high-tech products, accompanied by a strong voltage.

“Hurrah!” Nicke stepped on an air bag in his leg, and a jet shot straight out of his leg.

In the blink of an eye, Nicky ran in front of Barrett and threw his leg and kicked.

“Zizzy!” Lightning hit Barrett directly on the waist.

Lighter stood firmly on the ground, not moving, and crackling lightning sounded from his nerves.

With a powerful armed color domineering, this lightning does no harm to him at all.

“Alloy Slugg!” Barrett raised his heavy fist, collected the surrounding pieces of iron, and merged into one, forming a hard iron fist that slammed Nicky in the face.

Nich’s face instantly contorted and made a squeaky sound, “Boom! ”

Directly knocked off the wall to the side by a powerful force.

East gate of the Holy Land of Mary

Anything within these 2 miles will wither and die in an instant, and birds flying in the sky will smell the poison gas and fall to the ground.

Around Magellan, thick venom rolled up, and small bubbles bubbled on the venom’s body, constantly releasing poisonous gas.

“Ahem!” Whitebeard absorbed a small amount of poisonous gas, and his body had begun to paralyze.

“Abominable fellow, unleash such a strong toxicity!” The surroundings of one’s own appearance were scattered with terrifying poisonous gas.

Underneath is a piece of venom scattered, it can be said that the sky and the ground are places where human beings cannot live.

Klockdar had long since run two kilometers away in a fresh place to observe them.

“Magellan this guy is really crazy, making the whole island poisonous.”

“Whitebeard, if you come down and surrender if you know each other, I will spare you from death!”

“It’s funny, I actually asked me to surrender, do you think I’m really afraid of you!”

“Your current body can’t withstand my powerful poisonous gas attack, if you stay in this space for another two minutes, your whole body will be paralyzed and die.”

“I’ll break them all and let the fresh air in.”

“Huh…” Whitebeard flashed in front of Magellan, with armed color domineering wrapped around the handle, and a sweeping fast knife directly slashed at Magellan’s body.

Due to the protection of armed color domineering, Venom will not invade Whitebeard’s body.

“Boom!” Magellan’s upper body suddenly turned into poisonous water and melted into the sea of poison.

“Poisonous dragon!” An even more powerful poisonous dragon erupted from the poisonous sea, and the 6-headed poisonous dragon simultaneously ejected a huge poisonous body and rushed towards Whitebeard.

“Shockwave!” Seeing this, the beard grabbed the air and pulled it down fiercely, and the air was distorted in an instant, forming a huge barrier and ejecting the venom sprayed directly.

“Boom!” The huge venom was ignited in the air, forming a huge explosion.

“Poisonous Dragon Bomb!” The nine-headed poisonous dragons all rushed up, embracing Whitebeard with their own poisonous gas.

“Dao Langzhong!” Or quickly waved the big knife in his hand, forming a huge spiral disk in the air.

The dragon that came over approached, reached the big head of the white beard, and was instantly rolled into the big knife of the white fox, and the broken bones formed blood and water, and turned into the sea of poison.

“Shhh!” A domineering white-bearded look in his eyes revealed a beautiful light and rushed directly towards Magellan.

I could only feel the terrifying aura of Whitebeard, which had completely entered him.

“In that case, if you can’t attack at close range, I’ll poison you alive with poison gas!”

“Poison gas!” Magellan spat out bubbles with tear gas from his mouth and spread around. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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