The most famous intelligence trafficker in the Chambord Islands, Levi and others were telling other pirates the location of Xia Qi’s bar.

“Xia Qi’s Rip-off Bar”

A golden bar sign shone golden in the setting sun, and Levi and others entered the bar and were surprised to find that this bar was very different from other bars. The bar was empty and not a single pirate was drinking here at all.

Originally, before night fell, the entire Chambord Islands were chartered by pirates. As a good man who makes a living on the sea, casinos and bars have always been their favorites.

As the most prosperous transportation hub in the world, the pirates here are really like fish across the river, and Xia Qi’s bar should be the worst business on the entire island.

“Welcome! How many of you want something to drink? ”

A sexy female voice with a hint of husky sounded.

Levi then found that there was a black-haired beauty sitting in front of the bar of this bar, and at this moment, this beauty was looking at them with her left hand on her cheek, and there was an indescribable style in her eyebrows.

If Levi hadn’t known that Xia Qi was a pirate of the same stage as Renly, she would have been chased by Karp all over the world forty years ago, and later washed her hands and became an intelligence trafficker. Extrapolating from this time, Xia Qi’s age is at least over seventy years old.

But Xia Qi looks at the appearance at most in her early thirties, the years have not left a trace on her face, only when her eyes look at Li Wei, Li Wei can feel a trace of the vicissitudes of the years from her eyes.

“Would you like a few drinks?”

Without waiting for Levi and the others to answer, she skillfully poured a glass of ale for each of them.

“Isn’t there any other wine? I like to drink some stronger liquor. Levi glanced at the ale and said to Xia Qi.

The taste of ale is similar to the taste of beer that Levi drank in his previous life, but the taste was somewhat light.

“Sorry, Brother Levi, my bar only has this kind of wine, this is the signature of my bar, its name is Heartache Feeling.” Xia Qi threw a wink at Levi.

“You know me?” Li Wei said stunned. He is just a nameless newcomer now, and he can’t imagine that Xia Qi actually knows his name. He is worthy of being the last outstanding intelligence trafficker in the Chambord Islands, and this intelligence network is really terrifying.

As if seeing Li Wei’s doubts, Xia Qi smiled and pulled out a bounty order from under the bar and handed it to Li Wei.

Levi took a look at it, and it was his own bounty order, which read:

Levi the blasphemer

A reward of 550 million Baileys

Sin is extremely evil, whether it is alive or dead.

Levi was completely stunned, the current pirate bounty is real, unlike the reward order that Luffy went out to sea later, the later bounty made too much moisture.

The current sea pirates, in addition to the bounty of the four emperors, take the current hot pirate nova, the current sand crocodile Klockdar bounty is only 81 million Baileys.

As for Moonlight Moria, because he was clamoring to defeat Kaido and become a new generation of four emperors, and he had many men, his bounty was higher than that of Klockdar, and his bounty was 320 million.

Although Doflamingo is a pirate, he has been engaged in dark industries such as arms smuggling, and he has a bounty of 220 million Baileys.

By comparing the bounties of several other pirate novas, you can know the horror of Levi’s bounty.

“It is worthy of being the boss of Li Wei, and he has such a high reward as soon as he debuted.” Tezzoro’s eyes flashed, and he felt more and more that he was not following the wrong person.

“I got news from within the navy that Brother Li Wei stole something from the palace of the Draco, this thing is extremely powerful, and can even compete with the four emperors, I don’t know if it’s true?” Xia Qi’s lips opened lightly, and she said a piece of information that made Levi’s heart jump.

“Nonsense, I have such a high bounty only because I killed a Draco.” Levi pouted, he was very disdainful of the world government’s trick of borrowing a knife to kill.


Xia Qi was originally wiping a wine glass, but at this moment, the wine glass inadvertently slipped in his hand, and the wine glass fell to the ground and was instantly shattered.

As a veteran of the intelligence industry for many years, she naturally knew that what the world government said about the secret treasure was really nonsense. But she didn’t expect the truth to be so amazing, so that she was shocked after a long time on the sea.

“I seem to have heard a terrible news, and the young people are really getting stronger now.” While Li Wei and the others were chatting with Xia Qi, a male voice came from behind Li Wei.

Levi turned his head and looked, the person who came had long silver curly hair, he wore glasses, a scar on his right eye, and the person who came was Silbaz Reilly!

(Friends, new day, new beginning. Brush up with flowers and review tickets! )

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