Although the whole world has been shaken by Levi, Levi is still unaware of this, and at this moment he is coming to the Seven Capitals of Water with Tezzoro.

“Boss, Water Seven is a famous shipbuilding base in the entire New World, let’s just find a large dock design, why do you have to find a fishman named Tom?” Tezzoro asked puzzled.

In his mind, it’s just a design drawing for a big ship, just find someone to design it, as long as it can be opened. Why do you have to find someone to customize.

“Why find Tom, because Roger’s Oro Jerson was built by him!” Levi’s words left Tezzolo speechless.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree. After Roger’s strong ascent to the top of One Piece, even his ship became legendary. Tezzoro only knew that Roger’s ship was made by Adamwood, but he didn’t know who built him, and he couldn’t imagine that the shipmaster who made Roger’s pirate ship was in the Seven Capitals of Water.

And what Tezzoro didn’t know was that Levi had an amazing idea, and he was going to build an unprecedented ship, a ship the size of a country. Levi couldn’t think of anyone who could complete this kind of ship, he could only find the strongest shipbuilder in the world.

“Who are you looking for?” A young man with blue hair and a pair of swimming trunks asked.

This young man is the same Frankie, and perhaps because of his young age at this time, he is far from the thick perverted atmosphere of the later life.

“I’m looking for Master Tom.” Levi said with a smile.

“What are you looking for the old man for? He doesn’t have time now. Frankie replied, tilting his head.

Master Tom was known by pirates around the world because he built a ship for One Piece Roger, and because of this ship, after One Piece Roger was executed, he was brought to Justice Island for trial because he assisted One Piece in building ships, but after he wanted the presiding judge to explain the design and concept of the sea train, the judge changed the trial and temporarily gave him time to make it.

Now Tom has moved to this deserted island and is bent on building sea trains, and will not build new pirate ships for others.

“Master Tom, please see you again!” Levi’s voice suddenly rose, and his voice spread far and wide.

“Guest, please leave immediately, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind.”

Franky was holding a cannon in his hand, and now he pointed the swarthy barrel at Levi.

“I can’t imagine that Levi, who has been famous recently, will actually come to a small place like me, please come in.” Tom the Fishman came out of the cabin, and to Levi’s surprise, his temper was surprisingly good.

“I didn’t expect Master Tom to actually know me, which really surprised me.”

“Although I build trains behind closed doors, I read every issue of the newspaper.” For the sea thief who recently had a bounty of up to one billion, it is difficult not to know. Tom said with a smile.

“I don’t know what you’re here for, if it’s shipbuilding, please come back, I really don’t have time.” Tom the Fishman didn’t wait for Levi to explain his intentions, so he blocked Levi’s words first.

“Of course, it’s not for the master to build ships, I want the master to design a big ship for me, a ship bigger than the country.” Levi’s words shocked Tom.

Tom had built countless ships in his life, but this was the first time he had heard of a large ship of this size. The ships built by the pirates were enough for a large three-masted ship, and it was the first time he had heard of such an amazing idea.

“I want to build a nation on the sea, I want to free all the oppressed people at sea, and this ship is their refuge, where everyone is equal, and if they need to work, they can beat me and everything.” Here they will no longer have oppression, here …”

After Levi’s narration, a perfect society full of fantasy is in front of Tom and others, Tom and others are full of flushes with inspiration, and each of them has been discriminated against.

Tom is a fishman, so when he first came to land, he will be discriminated against by the Terrans, and it took him half a life to finally recognize him by the humans of the Seven Capitals of Water, but the countless fishmen under the Fishman Island are still trying to petition for power above the ground, and countless fish-Terrans are constantly sold into slavery.

As for Tezzoro, his lover Stella is a slave who tries hard to earn money to buy her, but when he has just saved enough money, Stella is bought by Draco, after which she is tortured to death by Draco, and he also becomes a slave for insulting Draco.

“Guys, I’m waiting for a free body, why can the Draco be high?” Levi’s questioning caused Tom and Tezzoro’s worldview to collapse.

They were instilled with the idea that Draco was gods at birth, and a new world appeared before their eyes after Levi’s prompting.

“For your great ideals, I designed this ship for you.” Tom said solemnly.

“Thank you very much, Master Tom.” Levi said to Tom.

“You are so polite, I should thank you, I am very honored to be part of such a great project.” Tom hurriedly pushed back. He saw in Levi the hope that the Fish-Terrans would return to land.

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