“Brother Doflamingo, you actually dare to take the initiative to find trouble with me, it’s really looking for death!” Levi’s ship was suddenly shelled, and his expression suddenly changed.

Luo originally felt that Li Wei was like an amiable big brother, but now he felt that Li Wei’s aura suddenly became as majestic as the upside-down mountain of the Red-headed Continent.

“Finally had some fun.”

Anilu got up slowly, and then he slowly turned his neck to make a clicking sound. Then he turned into a ray of thunder and headed towards the Doflamingo family’s pirate ship.

“Since … Naturally a Devil Fruit Ability. The shock in Luo’s heart was even stronger, the natural demon fruit was known as the most powerful existence among the three series, and the natural demon fruit had always been priceless.

Even Doflamingo hadn’t acquired a single Natural Devil Fruit for so many years. Now he actually saw a Devil Fruit Abilityist of Nature on Levi’s ship.

“It’s not good, it’s actually a natural Devil Fruit ability.” Doflamingo’s face was full of solemnity, and he released his overlord-colored domineering, and Anilu was immediately oppressed back.

“The same breath as Boss Levi.” Anilu stood on the sails of the great golden ship and frowned.

“Overlord color domineering!”

Tezzoro was also surprised. The overlord color domineering is known as the existence of one in ten thousand, and I didn’t expect to see one here today.

Law has been shaken by Doflamingo’s overlord domineering, and he is still struggling to hold on with an obsession.

“Want to compete with the overlord color domineering? As you wish! ”

Levi smiled slightly, and a domineering overlord that was far more powerful than Doflamingo pressed towards Doflamingo.

When Levi’s overlord-colored domineering came out, even the clouds above the sky seemed to have a sense of it, and the boundless clouds also went towards Doflamingo with the overlord-colored domineering.

“Levi, it’s actually you?” Doflamingo felt Levi’s overlord-colored domineering that was several times stronger than him, and his face couldn’t help but become even more ugly.

“Levi, Luo is a member of our Don Quixote family, as long as you release him, I will retreat immediately.” Doflamingo saw that he couldn’t take Levi today, and he changed his eyes to a different set of rhetoric.

“I’m sorry, now Luo is the ship doctor on our ship, I’m afraid he can’t go with you.” Li Wei said with regret.

“That’s right, I’m now the ship doctor of Boss Levi, and I’m no longer from the Don Quixote family.” Luo yelled below. He never expected that Levi would actually fight Doflamingo for him.

“In that case, take your leave.” Doflamingo was ready to flash after speaking, he was not sure to take Levi, and now there was also a natural Devil Fruit ability on Levi’s ship.

“You bombard my ship and always give me some compensation, just leave, where do you put my face on the line?” Levi said to Doflamingo, who was preparing to leave.

“It’s my fault first, I pay you 100 million Bailey, how?” Doflamingo said to Levi with a smile.

“I’m poor now and only have money left, don’t you see?”; Levi pointed to his golden ship and said to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo’s forehead jumped up, and he gritted his teeth and said, “What do you want?” ”

“Leave these three little girls to me. My boat is too big, and I lack a few little girls who bring tea and water to chat and relieve their boredom. Levi pointed to Baby5 and the other two girls on the boat and said to Doflamingo.

“This is absolutely impossible, they are all my Doflamingo family officials, and I will definitely not trade them. So, how about I send you a billion billion? Rao was provoked by Levi, and Doflamingo still said to Levi very gracefully.

“I said, I don’t lack Bailey, I’m richer than you.” Levi said to Doflamingo with his hands spread.

“Then let’s have a fight! If I lose, not only these three little girls are yours, but even my life is yours. Doflamingo said dryly.

“Tezzolo and Luo Shou ship, Anilu, I want to live, don’t kill any of them.” Levi commanded to Anilu, who was standing on the sails.

“Understood!” Anilu gestured to Levibi, and then he turned into a bolt of thunder and headed towards the Doflamingo family’s pirate ship.

“Three thousand Ford Thunderbird!”

Anilu struck a few small drums behind him with a golden stick, and a bolt of thunder turned into a large bird, which spread its wings and rushed towards the Doflamingo family officials.

“Watch me knock it down.” Baby5 drew a multi-barreled machine gun from her maid’s skirt, and the machine gun ejected a tongue of fire towards the Thunderbird summoned by Anilu. From time to time, bullets hit the Thunderbird, but they did not work at all.

The Thunderbird did not slow down in the slightest and headed towards the Flamingo’s pirate ship.

(Friends, it’s evening again, and there are still a wave of flowers and evaluation votes that have not been cast, otherwise it will be wasted tomorrow.) The author kneels and begs, please. )

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