“Well, then according to your plan, if it fails, everyone will take my proverbs, my proverbs can be empty, and the encirclement of the navy will not work for me.” Levi said to Shanks and the others.

Kaido has almost been driven crazy by these pirates who are forcing Lai Lai in front of him, he used to rush directly with people to do it, anyway, no one can kill him, and he can recruit as many as his subordinates die.

But now that the Navy has six general-level combat powers, Kaido would also be in trouble if it weren’t for these pirates to block those navies.

“Hey, Kaido, if you don’t want to command them, I’ll command them!” Levi’s voice came from the side.

“Everyone listens to him, if anyone dares not to listen, Lao Tzu will be the first to kill him!” Kaido’s fierce aura made the pirates present tremble.

So, all the captains of the pirate group were gathered by Levi, and Beckman told the captains about his plan, and these guys were very foolish and became enthusiastic under Beckman’s three eyes. So one by one, they prepared for a war that could go down in history.

“Warring States, the pirates still haven’t moved, let’s attack!” Karp saw that the pirates were not moving, and he was a little impatient.

“Okay, Xiaohe, the navy is under your command, and Karp and I are in battle!” The Warring States immediately gave the command of the war to Tsuru.

“You guy, I know.” Lieutenant General Tsuru had an expected expression, their configuration when they were young was that Tsuru led the troops, Sengoku, Karp, and Zefa directly fought with the strongest of the pirates, and now they seemed to be back in their youth.

“Why does the old man suddenly feel that his youth has returned!” Zefa put his sunglasses on and laughed.

Karp, Sengoku, and Zefa looked at each other and laughed at the same time. After that, the five of them came directly towards the pirates’ camp.

“They’re coming!” Li Wei and the others felt cold in their hearts when they saw the arrival of Warring States and others, and they knew that a big war was about to begin.

“Warring States and Kapu Laozi are packed, whoever dares to rob Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will kill him first!” Kaido said to Levi and the others.

“Li Wei boy, meet again, this time the old man must send you to Advance City.” Karp couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Levi, last time because his soldiers were ineffective, the whole world thought that he was Levi’s defeated general, and today he will defeat Levi to wash away this shame.

“Karp, your opponent is Lao Tzu!” Kaido roared loudly.

“It’s terrible!” A lewd middle-aged man wearing a yellow and white striped suit with a beard and a very exaggerated face.

This person is Admiral Yellow Ape, and his face is too recognizable.

“Kaido, Lao Tzu doesn’t want to fight you.” Karp and Kaido have faced Sengoku many times, and Kaido has also been captured by the Navy several times, but this guy is too difficult to kill, and Karp also looks at him with a headache.

“I can’t help you!” The mace in Kaido’s hand rolled towards Sengoku and Karp at the same time, and in a blink of an eye, the three of them became a ball.

“Li Wei, I heard that you also practiced swordsmanship later, sister see how your swordsmanship cultivation is?” Peach Rabbit held Kim Biwu and pointed directly at Levi.

“Peach rabbit girl, the old man can feel that this person’s strength is extremely strong, he is still dealt with by the old man!” Zefa stood in front of Peach Rabbit.

“Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit has mastered swordsmanship for a long time, and is one of the general’s substitutes, Shanks wants to compete with Miss today, and I hope that Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit will give Shanks a face.” The Griffin in Shanks’ hand was unsheathed, and he held a sword flower in his hand, after which he pointed straight at the peach rabbit.

“That is? The supreme speed? Peach Rabbit looked at the sword in Shanks’ hand, and the surprise in her eyes flashed.

“I accept your challenge, the supreme fast knife should not be held by evil pirates.” After that, Peach Rabbit’s Kim Bigo was unsheathed, and she also stepped on the moon step towards Shanks to kill.

“Levi, have you ever experienced the feeling of being kicked by light?” The yellow ape asked to Levi.

After that, the yellow ape’s body emitted a golden flash, and his body appeared in front of Levi’s body, and the light above his right foot flashed towards Levi’s head.

“Boss, leave this guy to me to deal with!” In front of Levi, the figure of Anilu appeared out of thin air, and at this moment, the thunder on her feet and the legs of the yellow ape kicked together.

Kaido’s willful move disrupted Beckman’s plan, but overall it didn’t have much impact on the big picture. Now Kaido fights alone against the two strong men of Sengoku and Karp, and Anilu fights the yellow ape.

Kaido’s perverted body can be called an immortal body, Levi’s full attention is on Anilu’s body, although Anilu is powerful, but compared with Admiral Yellow Ape, it is still slightly insufficient, Levi is ready to directly rescue him when Anilu can’t support it.

(First of all, thank you to this friend at the beginning of HJB for the tip and monthly pass.)

Friends, there are many changes today, because this book will be on the shelves at 8 o’clock tonight, and seven changes will be sent before 6 o’clock to show everyone’s support for me.

Finally, ask for another wave of flowers and evaluation votes. )

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