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Fishman Island, backstreet.

This is the gathering place of the fish people, and every fish person will respectfully call out Brother Jinping when they see Jinping, and Jinping will also nod to them with a serious face.

“Mr. Levi, take a seat here.”

Jinping sat in the quiet room with a serious face to make a cup of tea for Li Wei and others, and now Jinping has faded the youth of the past, and his every move is very ~ everyone’s style.

“Today is the day of our Fishman Island’s Princess Otohime’s speech, so all our fishmen went to see her speech, please forgive me for not being well entertained.” – said to Levi.

“This is not tight, it seems that the princess of your Fishman Island is very loved by the residents of Fishman Island!” Levi sighed.

Seeing Li Wei praising their princess, Jinping immediately had an honored expression, and he said with a look of reverence: “Yes! Our princess is a truly loving person, she is the same idea as Brother Tiger, she advocates the peaceful coexistence of fish and fish, in order to get closer to and understand human beings, she also initiated the signing of land migration on the entire fishman island, and she is ready to express her demand for land migration at the World Conference. ”

Jinping took a sip of tea and continued: “Princess Otohime also personally set an example for the fish people, in addition to leading the soldiers to save the people on the shipwrecked, she also personally taught the children of Fishman Island about land, just some time ago, there was a shipwrecked Draco who was touched by her!” ”

“Really an amazing person.” Levi also deeply praised this kind of person, but he would not use this method, Princess Otohime is a natural saint, she tries to touch people’s hearts with love, but she does not know that people’s hearts are the most fickle thing.

Li Wei’s heart suddenly hit a stirring spirit: “Jinping, how many years is this year?” ”

“1510 of the Haiyuan calendar, what’s wrong?” Jinping replied with a confused look.

“1510 year 1510 calendar? Isn’t this the year that Princess Otohime died? ”

Li Wei said to Jinping: “I also have great respect for Princess Otohime, I wonder if I can go and listen to the speech of the princess?” ”

“Of course!” So Jinping took Levi towards the square of Fishman Island.

As soon as Li Wei arrived at the square, he saw that among the crowds of fish people, there was a long wavy golden hair, blue eyes, orange hair ornaments, and a long robe with fish scales.

Levi remembers that Princess Otohime was born with a “domineering attitude”, she could hear what was in the minds of others, so she used this ability to give speeches that were often invincible.

The current Princess Otohime is giving a speech with tears in her eyes:

A thousand years ago, the sage of humanity, Joypo, and our Fish-Terran Princess Poseidon jointly made a commitment to peaceful coexistence between humanity and the Fish-Terrans, and today we gather in front of her statue. Yet, 1,000 years later, we still don’t get the equality we want.

My people, I want to say to you, moment, I still have a dream.

I dream that one day, the children of the Fish-Terrans will be at ease in the light, and our people will live in a world where they are not judged by race.

At that time, we can work together, fight together, explore together, live together, and defend freedom together.

I dream that one day, on the red soil, the Fish-Terrans and the Terrans will drink and rejoice and share brotherhood; I dream that one day, the alien races such as the Fish-Terrans, the Giants, and the Fur Race will be seen by the Terrans.


Otohime’s speech made Levi feel a little enthusiastic, but this is just an ideal after all.

The original Fish-Terrans were already silent, but I don’t know who started it, and suddenly the entire Fish-Terrans shouted at Otohime: “Return our signature, we won’t trust the despicable Terrans.” ”

“Yes, they killed Big Brother Tiger!”

All the fishmen became very emotional, and they began to rush forward.

Jinping was shocked; “Quickly protect the princess!”

The guards of the Fish-Terran built a human wall in front of Otohime, but in front of the surging Fish-Terrans, this human wall was precarious, and it seemed that it could be broken immediately.

Levi’s eyes were sharp, and his overlord-colored domineering aura was released along the Fish-Terrans, and the Fish-Terrans began to fall in pieces, and in the blink of an eye, except for the princess and her guards, the rest of the Fish-Men fell.

“Mr. Levi, thank you very much!” Jinping bowed deeply to Li Wei, both sides are fish-people, no matter which side he can’t shoot, Levi’s overlord domineering has solved a big trouble for him.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Levi.” Otohime also ran over and said to Levi. But when she saw Levi, her pupils constricted, and her eyes showed fear.

····· Asking for flowers…

“What’s the problem, Princess Ottohime?” Levi asked curiously.

“This idea of yours is dangerous, it will make the world bleed, and endless lives will die.” Otohime said to Levi.

“You see my heart?” Levi also became surprised, would he also see the domineering, but he did not feel the prying eyes of Princess Otohime at all.

“Mr. Levi, stop your thoughts! You are far more dangerous than Dorag, the leader of the revolutionary army. Otohime’s eyes were full of sincerity, and once Levi’s idea was implemented, it would cause immeasurable casualties throughout the world.


Levi couldn’t help laughing, his plan was originally implemented after the Golden Lion finished making a fuss about Marin Fando, but he didn’t expect to be seen by Princess Otohime today.

“Otohime, since you saw my plan, don’t you feel that this is the most thorough way to solve the problem?” Levi asked Otohime rhetorically.

“No, we can touch everyone with love, and as long as all people are touched, we will also have true peace.” Otohime is still sticking to her point.

“Don’t be naïve, the Draco will give up their status? Will the corrupt royal families in the various nations give up their interests? They have long become black-hearted, and they even have no heart. Levi scoffed at Princess Otomime’s words.

“Mr. Levi, I thank you for doing this for me, but you are too dangerous, you are not welcome on Fishman Island, please leave!” At this time, the weak Otohime’s attitude was surprisingly firm.

“Okay, don’t speculate, leave!” Levi said to Princess Otohime.

“Jinping, beware of the inner ghosts, sometimes the same race is far more hateful than the foreign race.” Levi warned Jinping. Although Princess Otohime this guy is very angry, but Levi also admires her heart, if Jinping can understand his words, maybe Princess Otohime can live, if not, then follow the trajectory of history!

“Princess, why are you so afraid of this person?” Jinping asked suspiciously.

At this time, Otohime was still a little trembling: “The revolutionary army just wants to overthrow the Draco, and he wants to subvert the whole world!” “_

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