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“Mr. Levi, you, do you have a way to save him?” Esbagu raised his head in surprise, and at this moment his tears and snot hung together, looking very funny.

“I can save him, but his injury is too serious, and it is estimated that he can only be a reformed person in the future.” Levi said to Esbagu.

“It’s good to be alive!” Esbagu also let go of his heart.

After that, Luo was preparing for the operation in the operating room, and Beibo and the others continued to walk towards the island of justice.

At this time, Tom had already arrived at Justice Island, and the track of the sea train was only the first gate here.

“It’s ironic that the first operation of the sea train was to send its own maker to trial!”

Spandham said to Tom’s yin and yang strangeness, I have to say that this guy’s vitality is really strong, and he only broke his left arm with Tom’s punch.

At this moment they passed through a long corridor, passed the second main gate above the waterfall and came to the main entrance of the courthouse, Tom looked at the court in front of him with emotion, it was here that he was sentenced to death, and then he extended his life for fourteen years because of the development of the sea train, and now he is here again.

After that, Tom and the others passed through the complex Tower of Justice and came to the Gate of Justice after crossing the Bridge of Hesitation.

“This is not the direction of the court.” Tom’s expression was full of surprise.

At that time, he was in front of the trial, and he did not go to the rear at all, let alone see this huge and incomparable gate of justice.

“You’re so naïve! As long as the prisoners who are escorted to the island of justice have been recognized as prisoners, the prisoners will only be escorted here, this gate is called the gate of justice, and the prisoners who pass through this gate have never returned, which symbolizes the absolute justice of the navy. Spandam laughed and explained to Tom.

“Then why did I go to trial for the first time~?” Tom was stunned.

Spandam’s eyes were even more pitiful: “That’s because your case involves One Piece Roger, who was a world-renowned celebrity at that time, and everything that should naturally be done about his case must be done in accordance with the law!” ”

“So I was stained with Roger’s light, is this justice in this world?” Tom suddenly realized.

“Okay, old fellow, it’s time to hit the road, your next stop is the Great Prison of the Deep-Sea, Advance City Impelton. You will retire there in the future! As for the design drawings of Hades, I will find your two disciples to slowly interrogate. Spandam smiled strangely.

Tom was about to struggle, but he was held down by two giants.

“Old fellow, I knew that you had a lot of strength on the sea train, how could I not be guarded.”

With Spandham’s loud laughter, it closed with a bang.

“Rush over!”

Li Wei and the others had already arrived at the Island of Justice, and at this moment they were stopped by the iron fence of the Island of Justice, and then the submarine broke the railing and rushed towards the Island of Justice.

“Toot … Honk……! ”

A sharp whistle broke the calm on Justice Island, and they began to assemble.

“It’s not good, there are pirates attacking Justice Island.” The herald ran all the way to the rear of Justice Island, and all the guards along the way were alarmed.

“Keep going!”

Levi ordered to Beibo and the others, and then his eyes suddenly sharpened, and his overlord-colored domineering aura instantly enveloped these soldiers, and these soldiers fell to the ground without firing a shot.

“This level of overlord-colored domineering, when will I have this level of overlord-colored domineering!”

Kidd looked at the scene in front of him with envy, although he has the overlord-colored domineering, but his overlord-colored domineering cannot be sent and received freely.

“Is this my man, so powerful!” Lei Jiu’s eyes were full of little stars.

Although there were many soldiers on this island, they all fell under Levi’s overlord domineering.

Justice Island has never been breached, so none of the soldiers here have experienced the baptism of war, and although they are numerous, their will is too poor.

“Chief Spandam, there are pirates who have broken through the defense line of Justice Island and are heading all the way to the Gate of Justice.” The man guarding the island of Justice called Spandam.

“Who is it? Which sea thief is it? “Spandam originally just casually fabricated a crime for Tom, and he couldn’t imagine that there would really be pirates to rescue Tom.

“I can’t see the people clearly, no one came down from that ship, but all our soldiers have already fallen.” The phone worm came with a report.

“Could it be One Piece’s remnant party?” Spandam thought.

“Report to the Marshal of the Warring States right away!” Spandam said urgently. If it is really the remnants of One Piece Roger’s party, then the matter will be a big deal, they are all a group of monsters with superior combat power. Just like the Barrett who pushed into the city and locked up, in order to capture him, the Navy dispatched the scale of the Demon Slaughter Order.

“What, someone attacked Justice Island, and the enemy is not even showing his face now?” The Warring States immediately became angry, Justice Island is the important place of the world government, it has not been breached since it was built, and now there are people attacking Justice Island, and it seems to be successful.

The Warring States could not help but feel angry at the world government, the defenders of Justice Island lost a lot, but they did not even have a little effective resistance, which fully showed how corrupted the military discipline of the defenders of Justice Island was, they could not even be qualified to show up the enemy, and could only ask the navy for help in shame.

“Marshal, the enemy is out, and I (Li Nuohao) will pass the image to you.” The end of the phone said in surprise.

“Levi, how could it be him?”

Warring States suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, wasn’t Levi in the West Sea? How did it come here. And every time Levi appears, he causes immeasurable losses to the Navy village.

Levi was already standing on the yellow submarine, the speed of the submarine was undiminished towards the gate of justice, Levi’s eyes flashed, the seven-star sword in his hand was unsheathed, and then the sword in his hand swung towards the gate of justice.

A dark green light flashed, and the slash he swung went towards the gate of justice, and the originally indestructible gate of justice turned into fist-sized pieces at the moment the slash was swung, and the indestructible gate of justice was actually destroyed by Li Wei’s sword.

After the destruction of the Gate of Justice, Levi continued to advance the city along the current in the submarine. _

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