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“Now it’s up to you, fatty, I’ll finish work if I get rid of you.” The bamboo stick in Virgo’s hand pointed to Bride, in the induction just now, the momentum of bby5 is far stronger than this fat man, so he did not hesitate to expose his identity to let the baby 5 score, and it was really a blow.

“Are you happy too early?” Breed’s gaze at Virgo was full of mockery.

Although Virgo’s calculation is very good, he does not know how strong the baby5 has reached. No one knows better than Breed how hard baby5 has worked all these years of practice.

“You’re actually the original Heart? No wonder Mr. Rosinandi is a second generation. In the mech, baby5’s voice came. After the bby5 mecha rotated and deformed, the brand new mecha of “593” stood in front of Virgo again.

This mech is a masterpiece of Vegapunk’s conjecture, how could it be damaged by Virgo so easily.

“Since you are the original Heart, and I was also a member of the Dofron family, I don’t need this mech to bully you today.” As soon as baby5’s words fell, she stood out from the mecha, but she also had a steel armor on her body at the moment.

“Come on!” Virgo said to baby5 with a stick in his hand.

Behind bab5, a fire came out, and then baby5’s figure suddenly appeared next to Virgo, and before he could react, he was punched by baby5.

After that, Virgo’s figure did not land, baby5 under the action of the thruster behind her, her speed was already full of ghosts, and seven or eight baby5 figures appeared in the sky.

“How is it possible, Virgo is a man with the strength of a lieutenant general!” Caesar’s gaze was full of surprise, a lieutenant general-level combat power in the hands of bby5 did not hit a blow, could it be that this young beauty in front of him actually had the strength to fight with the general?

“Mr. Virgo, you have lost.” A long knife appeared in baby5’s hand, and at this moment her long knife reached Virgo’s throat, Virgo’s glasses had been knocked away, and he was now bleeding from his mouth and nose, and he fell to the ground and could not get up.

“How can I lose! How can I lose in your hands! Virgo kept letting out a roar, but his body was too badly injured to get up.

“Let’s go, Uncle Breed, let’s go to the country of Wano!” Baby5 put away the knife, and then she took the children towards Wano Country.

“What, Virgo you were actually defeated?” When she received the news of Virgo, Doflamingo was also distracted, bab5 was what she grew up looking at, and she also knew how much strength Doflamingo had, so he dared to send Virgo to rescue Caesar.

Virgo is the top three in the family, and Flamengo has always had high hopes for him, so he sent Virgo to the Navy to work undercover.

In fact, Virgo did not live up to him, in just a few years, Virgo has even reached the level of lieutenant general, and Virgo’s combat power is also ranked among lieutenant generals, I can’t imagine that he lost in the hands of baby5.

There was a haze in Doflamingo’s hands, and he remembered what he said when he first met Levi, Luo said that he wanted to seek justice from him himself, now that baby5 has such strength, then what level has Luo, who is much stronger than baby5, reached?

More and more interesting, Doflamingo suddenly laughed.

The next day, news spread around the world again with the news birds, and the sea thief Levi conducted brutal human experiments in Punk Hassad, abducted nearby children, and brutally wounded Vice Admiral Virgo when he discovered their plot.

The bounty of bby5, the main culprit of this incident, instantly rose to 500 million Baileys, and the bounty of another accomplice, Brid, also rose to 3 Baileys.

This is the first time that Levi has made a move on the sea after many years of silence, although this time it is just a small fight, but all the sea thieves smell a very unusual breath from it.

“Boss, we’re coming!” After a long trip, baby5 and Breed have arrived in Wano Country, and in addition to Caesar, they have also brought those little children with them…

“Levi, you are Levi, a sea thief with a bounty of 5 billion Bailey!”

Caesar was now scared to death, he had already heard of Levi’s name, and he knew that he had come to the country of Wano, so naturally he knew why Levi had arrested him.

“Do you know why I’m looking for you, Caesar?” Levi looked at Caesar with a smile.

Being stared at by Levi’s gaze, Caesar’s forehead was full of cold sweat, and Levi was indeed looking for him for the artificial devil fruit.

“Sir, my artificial devil fruit success rate is not too high, of course, you still need to provide me with some devil fruit.” Caesar smiled at Levi.

“You misunderstood, Caesar, I came to you to get you to relieve the side effects of the Devil Fruit, because of you, many people in the entire Wano Country have now become monsters who can only laugh, this matter is because of you, you have to solve it perfectly, understand, Caesar?”

Levi said to Caesar.

Caesar’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, he originally thought that Levi saw the power of the artificial devil fruit after the battle with Kaido, and wanted to make the artificial devil fruit, but now it seems that Levi wants his life.

Caesar was only responsible for studying artificial devil fruits, and he had not studied the side effects of artificial fruits at all.

“Master Levi, rest assured that 4.7 will definitely develop it.” Caesar smiled at Levi.

“Hey, what are you doing?” The exclamations of the samurai came, and Levi and the others discovered that it turned out to be Bride’s newly harvested highly toxic salamander, and this guy climbed in front of the gas canister left by Quinn, and then it devoured the poison gas.

“It’s a bonus!”

Levi was originally worried about how to deal with these poisonous gases, these poisonous gases were swallowed by this guy is really appropriate, this is a pollution-free way to deal with ah, and it can also improve the toxicity of this guy.

“Breed, take this guy and dispose of all the gas canisters,” Levi said to Breed.

“Guaranteed to get the job done, boss.” Breed took the poisonous salamander and headed for the other sources of poisonous gas. _

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