“It is worthy of being a golden lion, and this strength is powerful.”

Ron couldn’t help but sigh.

Although he lost his legs and had a rudder inserted in his head, his sword qi was still so sharp.

Even from a distance, Ron could feel the air vibrating.

It’s like a lion roaring mountain forest, the momentum is huge.

This is the strength of the once world-class powerhouse, so strong after being injured, it can be seen how powerful the golden lion is before it is injured.

If it had been a few years ago, Ron would have fled without hesitation when he saw the golden lion.

But now, Ron wasn’t worried at all.


Suddenly, Ron waved his hand vigorously, and the demon knife village rain instantly turned pitch black.

In the next second, a dazzling red light turned into a sword qi and rushed head-on towards the golden lion’s slashing wave.

“Armed color and chopping.”

The sword qi covered with armed color domineering, carrying unparalleled momentum, directly crashed into the golden slashing wave.

In an instant, the golden slash, which was like the scorching heat that ice would encounter, was instantly melted, melted into a stream of steam, and dissipated in the air.

Instead, it was Ron’s sword qi, which once again flew hundreds of meters.

Along the way, all the trees and rocks were split in two by the sword qi.

Countless leaves fluttered in the wind, and the roots were instantly shattered by the sword qi, and a large amount of wood chips and smoke covered the entire air.

After a long time, the enchanting red sword qi slowly dissipated.

Where the sword qi passed, only a long ravine was left.

This is the power of the world’s top swordsman, the destructive power that destroys the world.

If a great sword master is willing, he can spend a certain amount of time destroying the entire world.

Of course, there are no such idiots at the moment.

In the distance, above the naval warships, many navies saw this scene.

Although they were far apart, he could still notice a little.

Peach Rabbit, in particular, takes all this into his eyes.

“It’s so powerful, it’s worthy of Major General Ron, and he can actually fight against the legendary pirates.”

“Yes, if Major General Ron can catch the golden lion, we will be famous.”

The navy on the warship was full of discussion, and every navy had anticipation in its eyes.

As long as Ron can catch the golden lion, as they are on the same warship, they can brag with others later.

Only Peach Rabbit was very worried, and her beautiful eyes looked at Ron, and she didn’t dare to relax at all.

As the younger sister of Lieutenant General Tsuru, he has been exposed to the reality of this world and knows the strength of world-class powerhouses.

It is because of this that Peach Rabbit is worried.

At the same time, Peach Rabbit is also a little annoyed, if her strength is enough, she can help Ron.

Peach Rabbit also made up his mind that he must work hard and strive to become a big sword master as soon as possible and help Ron.

On the island, although Ron easily blocked his sword qi, the golden lion did not care.

Just now, it was just his tentative attack, and he hadn’t really brought out his full strength.

With all his strength, he was convinced that he could defeat Ron, and it would be a hearty victory.

“Boy, how’s it going? Give you another chance, as long as you surrender, I can make you the deputy captain of the Flying Pirates, which is a chance that many people dream of. ”

For Ron, the golden lion still has some expectations.

After all, Ron’s strength is very strong, and his talent is also very high, and with Ron’s help, he has taken another big step away from dominating the world.

Ron turned his right arm, and the side of the blade was facing the sky, and under the sunlight, the blade kept flashing, blooming with a dazzling enchanting light.

“Golden lion, let’s do it, let me see how powerful the once legendary sea thief is?”

“Well, since you want to find death, then don’t blame me for being unkind.”

The golden lion did not continue to persuade Ron, since he failed, then he would bring out all his strength to solve a future enemy.

Suddenly, a sharp cold light was released from the golden lion’s eyes and shone on Ron’s body.

Murderous aura, overlord-colored domineering, and sword intent were released one after another, completely shrouding Ron.

The entire space seemed to freeze, as if it was completely frozen.

This is the momentum of the golden lion, even if it is only slightly dispersed, it can slightly change the air flow in the atmosphere.

However, it is a pity that Ron himself is a big sword hero, with strong willpower, and naturally will not be affected by the momentum of others.

But others, such as the ferocious beasts on this island, can feel this unparalleled fury even if they are far apart.

Countless beasts, as if they had encountered some natural enemy, ran desperately, knocking down large trees from time to time, just to escape Ron and the golden lion.

Some of the small animals shivered in fear, lying in their nests, as if waiting to die.

Except for the place where Ron and the golden lion are, which is very quiet, the rest of the island is very chaotic.

“Lion Chikiri Valley.”

Suddenly, the golden lion took the lead, and his feet kicked quickly with unconventional sensitivity.

Huge golden chopping waves flew out, and in the blink of an eye, they crossed space and time and came to Ron’s body.

This time, the sword qi is even more huge, the power is also stronger than before, and the momentum is more terrifying.

The lethality was even more incomparable to the previous sword qi.

Ron clenched the demon knife village rain in his hand, and then with a strong horizontal slash, the enchanting red light rushed out and hit the golden sword qi.

The golden sword qi paused for a moment, then suddenly changed direction, passed by Ron’s side, and flew into the distance.

Being able to pick out the sword qi in the easiest way, Ron certainly won’t fight the golden lion to the death.

Along the way, the whole earth was cut apart, and all obstacles were wiped out.

Whether it is trees or rocks, or those tall beasts, they are like tofu, very fragile, and everything disappears without a trace.

Gradually, the sword qi spanned thousands of meters before slowly dissipating and returning to heaven and earth.

But on the ground, a huge ravine was left, like a dry river.

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