The headquarters of the Navy, after a big war, was full of ruins.

Many buildings were destroyed by Kaido.

The square directly in front of the port was full of large stones, there were many corpses on the ground, and blood was also covered in the square.

A large number of naval soldiers were constantly on the move, carefully cleaning the battlefield.

Although it was late at night, the navy was still busy, and at the same time it was vigilant, for fear that the Hundred Beast Pirate Group would come again.

Although this is very unlikely.

On the other side of the square, many high-ranking naval officers gathered here.

The conference room was all destroyed by Kaido, and everyone could only sit in the open air.

Although many navies looked a little tired, they had smiles and relief on their faces.

After all, this time, their navy can be described as a big victory.

Not only did it not pay too much, but it also greatly weakened the strength of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and executed Drought Jack.

And also in front of everyone in the world, the strength of the headquarters of the Navy was demonstrated.

Especially since the beginning of the era of sea pirates, there have been pirates all over the world, and ordinary people have lost trust in the navy.

The Navy took advantage of this opportunity to once again gain the trust of the people and promote the majesty of the Navy.

It can be said that this time the top war, the navy is a big victory.

Although it could not solve Kaido, everyone directly ignored this matter.

After all, Kaido’s ability, they also know that even if they stand there and let you cut, there is nothing at all.

“Guys, our navy has won this top war, but we can’t be so proud.

Throughout the new world, there are still many powerful pirates waiting for us to deal with.

Also, today everyone is very tired, so go back to rest in advance, and you stay in the Warring States and be responsible for cleaning up the battlefield. ”

“Hee-hee-hee… Sengoku, let me say, being a marshal of the navy, admiral, there is no benefit at all, you still need to stay and clean up the battlefield. ”

Karp listened to the words of Marshal Kong, laughed proudly, and teased.

Sengoku is full of black lines.

He was very tired today, and it was really hateful that Karp actually teased him like that.

The air marshal is also full of black lines.

Karp, this guy, is usually lazy and not an admiral, and everything is left to them.

Well, now, I actually want to fool the warlords into becoming admirals.

It’s really abominable.

“Karp, after a while, you will go to the new world, take a good look at Kaido, and don’t let him find trouble.”

Karp’s face instantly darkened.

Sengoku snickered.

Let him mock himself, now well, he is in trouble.

Kaido has definitely had a big temper recently, and nine times out of ten he will find trouble with the naval base, and the new world will bear the brunt.

Admirals who go to the New World will definitely have more headaches.

“Marshal Air, it’s not early, I’ll go back to rest first.”

Ron suddenly stood up, said a word, and then turned his head and left directly.

The other navies also said hello one after another, and then did not wait for the air marshal to answer, and left directly.

The air marshal is full of black lines.

These people he fancy are all very strange, could it be that this is the common disease of strong strength?

Pheasants, red dogs, yellow apes, everyone has a little problem.

Ron, too, did not take him as a marshal at all.

“Air Marshal, I’m also tired, so I’ll go back to rest first.”

Karp also turned around and left directly.

Marshal Kong glanced at the Warring States next to him, and there was some rejoicing in his heart.

Fortunately, not all powerful navies are unreliable, at least the Warring States are still very reliable.

On the other side, not long after Ron left, Peach Rabbit chased after him and stood next to Ron.

“Ron, how’s it going? You don’t have anything to do, right? ”

Peach Rabbit kept looking at Ron, very worried in his heart, afraid that Ron would be hurt.

In particular, Ron first fought with Quinn and then took Kaido’s move, which made Peach Rabbit very worried.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Ron said comfortingly, and also glanced at Peach Rabbit.

Although it experienced a big battle, it was not a big deal for Peach Rabbit to stay in the rear and take care of Lieutenant General Tsuru.

“Well, it’s not early, you have a good rest, in a few days, we will go to the new world.”

Ron stretched out his right hand and gently wiped Peach Bunny’s cheek, wiping the dust off it.

Peach Rabbit’s little face instantly turned red, and he turned his head a little embarrassed, not daring to face Ron directly.

My heart is even more pounding, as if there are thousands of deer, which will jump out of the heart at any time.

Soon, Ron was in his dormitory.

It is a pity that after a big war, the entire dormitory building has turned into ruins, not to mention a place to rest.

Fortunately, the Navy has long been ready, although there is no house, but at least there is a bed, and a stack of quilts.

Ron was not a tsundere, lying directly on the bed, covered with a quilt, and then fell asleep.

Peach Bunny stood by and looked at Ron for a moment, then turned away as well.


Over the next week, the whole world was talking about the war on top.

After all, this was the first large-scale engagement between the Navy and a large pirate group.

Naturally attracts a lot of attention.

This war, also all over the world, has blown a great storm.

After all, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is famous in the entire New World.

Although it is not as good as the old pirate group such as the Whitebeard Pirates, it is the same as the Aunt Pirates, and they are at the top.

There is a faint tendency to catch up with the Whitebeard Pirates.

But it was such a top group of sea pirates, in the top war, actually lasted less than a day and directly retreated.

For a time, there were many pirate groups, all thinking about whether the Hundred Beast Pirate Group was lonely, and whether they should replace the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Of course, most of these people are ordinary pirates who do not know the gap between themselves and the world.

Those who are truly knowledgeable know very well that as long as the Hundred Beasts Kai is not dead, then the Hundred Beast Pirate Group still exists.

This also made many ordinary pirates desperately look for the Hundred Beast Kaido, hoping to defeat the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and take his place.

Most of these pirates were very unlucky and were directly exterminated by the furious Hundred Beast Kaido.

It wasn’t until more than two months later that many people realized the strength of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and the new world gradually calmed down.

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