A week later, Ron was almost resting at the Navy headquarters, and then left the Navy headquarters with Peach Rabbit.

In addition to Peach Rabbit, Ron brought Anilu with him.

Now that Anilu has graduated early, his strength is enough, he can go to the new world and experience strong winds and waves.

Without experiencing a storm, it completely wasted Anilu’s excellent devil fruit.

Just like the original, you can only bully some children on the empty island.

After leaving the Navy headquarters, Ron entered the New World directly from the path of Mary Joe, Holy Land.

As a navy, he certainly does not need to pass 10,000 meters from the dangerous bottom of the sea like pirates.

If you are not careful, the ship will be wrecked and killed.


In the new world, it is still rainstorm.

Ron stood on the deck, watching the rainstorm in the sky, a little impatient.

Every time he came to the new world, Ron had to prepare a large amount of clothes to prevent when it rained and wet his clothes.

This is still his high status, like those ordinary navies, there are not so many clothes in the room, most of them have to wear wet clothes.

Peach Rabbit stood to the side, holding a large umbrella in his hand, supporting it for Ron.

Although the storm on the sea is strong, the rain is as big as glass beads, constantly blowing on the umbrella.

But Peach Rabbit has great strength, and can completely grab the umbrella and shield Ron from the wind and rain.

The navy is very envious, and they all want this kind of girl with a good figure, a very beautiful body, gentle and considerate.

It’s a pity that they can only think about it.

“Black Dragon General, the weather in this new world is too weird, how can it rain every day.”

Anilu ate the apple and looked at the heavy rain in the sky, feeling a little impatient in his heart.

Although he had seen a lot of strange weather when he was in the Great Passage, it was normal compared to the New World.

After a long time, the rainstorm finally stopped, the sky gradually calmed down, and a ray of sunlight shone on the sea through the dark clouds.

Ron was standing on the deck, covering his eyes with one hand and watching the sun in the sky.

“It’s finally sunny, but I don’t know how long it will last.”

The last time it was sunny was an hour ago.

Maybe in half an hour, it will rain heavily.

“Black Dragon General, there is a pirate group in front, it is the Whitebeard Pirate Group.”

Suddenly, a navy yelled.

The rest of the navy also tensed up.

This is Whitebeard, known as the strongest man in the world, plus a group of Whitebeard Pirates, who can definitely challenge the Navy headquarters.

These people are certainly not opponents.

As soon as Ron heard the pirates, he was about to draw his knife, but when he heard that it was the Whitebeard Pirates, he immediately stopped.

The Whitebeard Pirates have always been together, and what he is doing now is to challenge the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

He is not yet arrogant to that point.

On the other side, the Whitebeard Pirates also saw Ron’s naval warship.

“Dad, there is a naval warship, it looks like a warship of the Black Dragon General.”

As the most famous admiral in the navy, the Whitebeard Pirates naturally paid attention to it and knew Ron well.

As soon as they heard Ron’s name, many people were drinking, immediately stopped, placed their glasses on the deck, and walked to the side of the ship.

“The Navy’s Black Dragon Admiral? I didn’t expect to finally meet him. ”

Whitebeard also became interested, picked up the large pheasant knife, looked at the sea in the distance, and stared at Ron’s naval warship.

Grabbing Roger and killing the golden lion, these two sea thieves, who were once his name, were all folded in Ron’s hands.

Although Roger voluntarily turned himself in, Ron killed the golden lion, which shows that Ron is quite not simple.

Between the two ships, two eyes watched.

Ron and Whitebeard stared at each other, and an invisible flame rose from their eyes.

One claims to be the strongest man in the world, the other is the strongest admiral, and both have the title of the strongest.

But the strongest, there is only one.

Unfortunately, Ron is facing the entire Whitebeard Pirates, and Whitebeard does not want to provoke the Navy.

So both sides just look at each other.

Soon, the ships of both sides crisscrossed each other and did not clash until neither side could see the other.

Until it disappeared completely, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates retracted their gaze.

“Is that the Black Dragon Admiral of the Navy? The spirit on his body is really strong, and he really deserves to be the strongest admiral. ”

A pirate couldn’t help but praise.

The other pirates nodded as well.

Although Ron did not deliberately release his momentum, they could still clearly sense the invisible sense of oppression.

“Che, so what? He is too powerful, can he still be Daddy’s opponent? ”

“Yes, daddy is known as the strongest man in the world, how can he be afraid of a naval admiral.”

Although everyone was surprised by Ron’s strength, they didn’t care at all.

In their eyes, Ron may be powerful, but he is definitely no match for their dad.

Whitebeard didn’t speak, just looked in the direction Ron left.

Just after the meeting, he and Ron had a brief confrontation.

In just a split second, he knew that Ron was powerful.

But Whitebeard wasn’t afraid, even though he was old now, he could still face Ron.

It’s just that although the two sides are enemies, there are no contradictions at present, and Whitebeard, of course, cannot provoke the navy casually.

After all, the Navy is strong, and he also understands it.

After a long time, Whitebeard came back to his senses and shouted to the people around him.

“Well, my good sons, what is there to care about, the Navy will definitely not mess with our white-bearded pirates.”

“That’s right, Daddy, don’t care about those navies, let’s celebrate.”

Soon, the Whitebeard Pirates fell into laughter again.

On the other hand, after Ron left, he also kept his eyes on the sea in the distance.

“He is worthy of being the strongest man in the world, and this sense of oppression is simply innate.”

The corners of Ron’s mouth raised slightly, and he was not worried in his heart.

Although Whitebeard is very powerful, he is not a vegetarian, and when he really fights, it is uncertain who wins and who loses.

Next to him, Anilu also looked serious.

“Is that the strongest man in the world? It’s really awesome. ”

At that moment, when Ron and Whitebeard clashed, Anilu felt as if he was being pressed by a mountain.

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