O’Hara’s vain attempt to revive the legendary ancient weapon has been completely destroyed by the Demon Slaughter Order.

Just the next day, this news was spread throughout the sea.

Those who really know naturally know the real reason why O’Hara was destroyed.

But ordinary people don’t know, they just think that O’Hara really tried to destroy the world, so he was completely destroyed by the world government.

None of this had anything to do with Ron, though.

As early as the day after the end of the Demon Slaying Order, Ron took his warship and left the West Sea for the Great Passage.

Although there must be many evil pirates in the West Sea in this era, there are still many great shipping lanes in comparison.


Great Channel, G8 base, a more luxurious room, Ron lay on the bed, focusing on the system panel.

【Name: Ron】

【Swordsmanship: LV8】

【Navy Six: LV5】

【Two-color domineering: LV6】

After leaving the West Sea, Ron took his men and hunted pirates everywhere on the Great Passage.

It took more than a year for Ron to finally scrape together enough sin points and raise his two-color domineering to LV6 level.

His armed color domineering has also reached the point of armed color hardening.

It is precisely because his two-color domineering has been upgraded that Ron plans to rest in this base for a while.

After all, for more than a year, fighting pirates all year round, even Ron felt a little tired, let alone those ordinary navies.

Ron planned to relax for a week before heading to the Great Passage to continue hunting the pirates.

A week is fleeting.

On this day, after Ron finished packing up, he was about to leave, when he was stopped by the base commander of the G8 base.

“Lieutenant General Coron, is there something going on? If there is nothing to do, then I will go. ”

“Rear Admiral Ron, someone will be transferred from the naval headquarters later, you wait a minute, I am ready to assign her to you and make her your adjutant.”

“Be my adjutant.” Ron’s brows furrowed slightly.

He is doing well now, and suddenly he is assigned a big man as an adjutant, and he is a little uncomfortable.

As for the women, Ron never thought that among the women he knew, they had not yet come out.

“Lieutenant General Coron, adjutant or something…”

Before Ron could finish speaking, someone outside interrupted Ron.

“Base commander, the people from the Navy headquarters have already arrived, and they are currently outside, can I let her in?”

“Come in!”

As soon as Lieutenant General Coren finished speaking, the door opened directly, and a person walked in from the outside.

The visitor has black and bright hair, moth eyebrows and teeth, a wonderful posture, a thin willow waist, and a pair of slender long legs.


Ron didn’t expect that the one who made him an adjutant was actually a woman, and she looked very young, even younger than him.

Most importantly, this woman is very beautiful, very beautiful.

Ron has been at sea for so many years and has seen many beautiful women, but he has never met such a beautiful woman with such temperament.

“Report Vice Admiral Coron, Lieutenant Commander Peach Rabbit, come and report.”

Peach Rabbit.

Ron came back to his senses and carefully glanced at the peach rabbit beside him.

Sure enough.

Although the current peach rabbit is very young, compared with the future peach rabbit, it is simply carved from a mold.

It’s just that Ron didn’t recognize it for a while.

Ron also did not expect that the person who gave him as an adjutant was actually the future admiral candidate Peach Rabbit.

“Major Peach Rabbit, you are here, I will introduce you, this next to you is Ron, who is called the evil nemesis, and I am ready to make you his adjutant.”

Peach Rabbit turned around and looked at Ron beside him, his eyes lit up.

For Ron, she also knows very well.

After all, Ron has been hunting pirates on a large scale every day for all these years, and is known as the most diligent navy.

However, this is the first time Peach Rabbit has seen Ron.

The first time he saw Ron, Peach Rabbit had a good impression of Ron.

Not only because Ron is very handsome, but also the temperament on his body is also the key, he is simply a completely beautiful man.

Every girl is pregnant with spring.

Peach Rabbit is no exception.

Especially now Peach Rabbit is still very young, and he has a good impression of young men with excellent ability and handsomeness.

“Major General Ron, my name is Peach Rabbit, please advise me in the future.”

Peach Rabbit saluted.

Ron’s eyes lit up again, and the saluting peach rabbit was more heroic and more charming.

Although he is still very young, Peach Rabbit’s figure is already very good, and he has a feeling that he is about to come out.

“Major Peach Rabbit, please advise more in the future.”

Lieutenant General Collen looked at the Ron and the two who got along well, and couldn’t help but nod.

“Ron, what do you think of Peach Rabbit? I made her your adjutant, how? ”

Peach Rabbit also has some expectations.

Compared to becoming the adjutant of those middle-aged men, Peach Rabbit still hopes to become Ron’s adjutant.

Not only because of Ron’s strong strength, but also because of Ron’s handsomeness and eye-catching.

“I agreed, just because I also need an adjutant, I think Major Peach Rabbit is a good fit.”

Ron agreed without hesitation.

Originally, Ron wanted to refuse, but now that the adjutant is actually a cute woman like Peach Rabbit, why should Ron refuse.

It is better to have a woman than the entire warship, which is full of big men.

What’s more, now that Ron is also in his early 20s, he should also find some women to accompany him.

Peach Rabbit is really nice.

“Well, you two get to know each other, and you will get along well in the future.”

“Peach Rabbit, I’m about to go on a campaign, since you’re here, then pack up and go with me.”

“Yes, Major General Ron.”

Peach Bunny saluted again, then followed Ron and left the office together.

Lieutenant General Collen waited until the two left, picked up the phone worm, and called directly.

“Hey, Lieutenant General Tsuru, I’ve done what you asked me to do, and I gave him a good leader, which is Ron, yes, it’s him.

Rest assured, Ron’s strength is very strong, and the two-color domineering has also been learned, and there will be no danger. ”

On the other side, Peach Rabbit packed his luggage a little, and then followed Ron and left the G8 base together.

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