Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 143: Naval Traitor, with a bounty of one billion (2)

"Come back, all of you! Maryjoa has given orders on this matter."

Without saying anything, Sengoku gave the order directly.

"Yes!" Hanging up the phone bug, the green pheasant directly supported the yellow monkey and boarded the warship with the ghost spider. I believe that soon, this incident will spread to the whole world. After all, this battle cannot be hidden.

And Malin Fando, in the office, hung up the phone, Sengoku rubbed his forehead with one hand and tapped the table with the other, his whole mind was in chaos.

"What happened to Zefa?" After a moment of indulgence, the Warring States broke the repressed atmosphere, and he was afraid that Zefa would do something stupid.

"I can't see anything, I stay in the villa all day, and sometimes appear on the back mountain. One stop is a day." He sighed, and the crane was also exhausted.

"I hope he doesn't do stupid things!" Sengoku sighed.

"No, we all know how he is, the justice in his heart, and it won't be conquered so easily." Karp is full of confidence, and he trusts Zefa very much.

"Let's think about how to deal with Xuan Ye's matter!" Warring States picked up a document from his desk.

"It can only be implemented according to Mary Joa's order. Since the matter is irreversible, the only way to minimize the harm." He pondered.

"I have a way to catch that guy." At this time, Akainu was sitting on the chair with a gloomy face, but no one knew how excited he was at this time.

Everyone looked at Akainu.

"Isn't that guy's subordinate still in the navy? Especially that monkey, as long as they are used to threaten, I don't believe that guy won't take the bait." The winning ticket is in hand, I have to say, as an opponent, Akainu still knows Xuan Ye very well of.

However, at this moment, in the entire office, no one spoke, and everyone looked at Akainu gloomily.

"Why, isn't this method not enough? Believe me, based on what I know about that guy, he will definitely take the bait." Akainu said again, wanting Sengoku and others to agree with him and implement it.

"Kid Akainu, do you want to die?" Karp stared at Akainu, his face not concealing the deep disgust.

"Akainu, you are the Admiral of the Navy, you must remember this point for me, I don't want to do it again." Sengoku suppressed his voice and was a little angry.

"What's wrong with this method? What if you want to catch that **** and sacrifice some navy." Akainu stood up and did not retreat.

"Akainu, are you crazy? Don't bring your personal grievances with that guy into the navy. If you want Zefa to obliterate you, then don't give me that idea." Crane knocked heavily. Sitting at the table, his tone was a little annoyed.

"Personal grievances? What about the guy who killed my subordinates? He didn't bring his emotions into the navy? What's more, now, that guy is no longer a navy, but a pirate, a marine garbage that does all evil."

With disdain on his face, Akainu sneered.

"If you want the entire navy to fall into a state of doom, then you can try it, or in other words, you have the strength to avoid that madman's pursuit." Karp crossed Erlang's legs and looked at Akainu flatly.

"Hmph, that guy and I have already died for you. As long as he dares to come, I will dare to arrest him." Akainu's face was full of confidence.

"Wonderful." Karp gave him a contemptuous look, and didn't bother to talk to this guy.

"Akainu, I just want to ask you one question. If you kill those people and Xuan Ye doesn't show up, what will happen to you!" He sullenly looked at Akainu.

"If he didn't come, it means that the guy is nothing but a coward."

"It's easy to say, you have to know that that guy is alone now and has the strength of a general. If he wants to destroy a naval fortress, I think no one can stop it. In comparison, people with power are not so scary. , What is terrifying is this kind of person who has both strength and no power."

"Moreover, the character of that lunatic cannot be inferred from common sense. Therefore, we can only find opportunities in the future. What's more, those people are also the strength of the navy. If we deal with them just for this reason, what will other navies think of us? How will the world see us?"

Silence, the whole hall was breathing heavily, and even Akainu said nothing.

"It's nerve-wracking!" The Warring States sighed, this time, it was all to blame for the three Heavenly Dragons, who made the navy lose a general's combat power directly and abruptly.

"That group of stupid guys." Unable to bear, Warring States directly muttered a curse, he hated those idiots now.


The next day, a piece of news shook the entire sea.

Everywhere in the sea, as long as there is a little money, everyone has a newspaper in their hands.

The navy traitor, the lieutenant general of the headquarters, Xuan Ye Tang was sentenced to the navy, and in the Chambord Islands, brutally killed three world nobles: the Tianlong people.

In the end, he fought with the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, lost the enemy and fled.

On the newspaper, there was blood all over the floor, and a figure, surrounded by flames, with golden red eyes, stood quietly on the ground.

Moreover, in the center of the newspaper, a line of striking big characters shocked the world even more.

Bounty: Celestial Bird. Tang Xuanye, Billion Bailey.

The sea, the new world, an unknown place, in a dark room, several figures sat quietly here, and in the center, a newspaper was lying on the table.

"Dover, this guy actually killed the Tianlong people, it's really lawless. But this guy is no longer a navy, so we can relax."

"No, on the contrary, this guy is not a navy, we have to be even more careful." Rubbing his forehead, Doflamingo's face was ugly, you know, as long as he becomes Qiwuhai, Xuan Ye, who is a navy, can't treat him shot.

However, I didn't expect that this guy was so fierce. He even killed the Tianlong people and sentenced him to the navy. This means that even if he became Qiwuhai, that guy could come to trouble him at any time.

It is also a new world, an unknown sea area, a big ship, domineering sailing on the sea.

"Dad, something big happened in the navy. That guy actually killed the Tianlong people and sentenced the navy."

"Uh? Show me." A big hand, exuding domineering, a pair of piercing eyes, looked at the newspaper.

After reading the newspaper, the man grinned and said, "It seems that the sea will not be calm, Warring States, Warring States, it seems that the world government has begun to collapse."

At the same time, Donghai, Windmill Village, a tavern is opening as always.

"Maggie, come and see, there is news about that kid." An uncle, excitedly holding the newspaper, ran into the pub.

"Uncle Ke, really?" With her long hair loose, Makino looked nervously at the newspaper in Uncle Ke's hand.

"look by youself."

He hurriedly took the newspaper, and when he caught his eye, it was the guy who he was thinking about.

However, the more he looked, the more worried his face became. He actually killed the Tianlong people, and he was sentenced to the navy.

Impatient, Makino was full of worries, what should I do, what should I do, is he okay now?

"Don't worry Makino, didn't the newspaper say he escaped? Maybe he will come to you soon." Uncle Ke saw Maggie's worry and comforted aloud.

His eyes lit up, Makino put down the newspaper, and there was only hope left in his heart.

"Finally, I can finally see him again, I miss him so much."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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