Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 148: Destroyed Fate (2)

Into the eyes, colorful, a bubble invisible to the sky, surrounding a continent, ups and downs suspended in the sea.

Beautiful, very beautiful, people can't help but indulge in it, this is Xuan Ye's first feeling.

With a wave of his hand, Xuan Ye motioned for the octopus to leave. The latter, with a humanized lightness in his eyes, disappeared into the darkness in a flash, leaving Xuan Ye speechless.

The ability is activated, the boat is slowly approaching, Xuan Ye stands on the bow, the beautiful fishman island is reflected in his eyes, the corner of his mouth rises, I hope you have not left, this time, Weibull must die.


In the special port of Mermaid Island, more than a dozen law enforcement murlocs, armed with weapons, stopped Xuan Ye with a gloomy expression.

For humans, these murlocs do not have a good face, not to mention, Xuan Ye is only one person.

Frowning, Xuan Ye looked at the law enforcers flatly.

"Entry requires 500,000 Baileys, and is not allowed to act recklessly on the island. We will have companions to monitor, so you'd better be careful."

Being aloof, with a strong disgust, did not give Xuan Ye a good face at all. This fully explained the grievances between murlocs and humans. Humans look down on murlocs, and murlocs look down on humans.

Not to mention whether Xuan Ye has money or not, the 500,000 Bailey alone makes Xuan Ye raise his eyebrows, and when he enters the country, he asks for 500,000 Bailey? Are you sure there's no mistake, it's not five thousand Baileys?

Moreover, who is that look with the nostrils turned upside down? Who was that disgusting tone addressed to? Xuan Ye is not a good-tempered person.

Therefore, Xuan Ye's eyes turned cold, and he didn't even have the spirit to speak. He stared straight at him, and after leaving dozens of comatose corpses, he disappeared directly into the port.

Down-to-earth, Xuan Ye breathed a sigh of relief when he stepped into Fishman Island. To be honest, he was still a little scared in that dark deep sea.

First of all, let's find a place to eat first, after all, it seems that I haven't eaten for a few meals.

Walking on the streets, there are all kinds of creatures around, from beautiful mermaids to burly or fierce murlocs.

Xuan Ye directly ignored the murlocs, and instead looked at those beautiful and **** mermen.

This world is really amazing, not to mention the perfect face, just the slender body with a bulging front and back makes Xuan Ye's eyes jump, not to mention, this kind of mermaid temptation.

Desire, as long as it is a man, of course, except for a few abnormal men, Xuan Ye can suppress the restlessness in his heart. After all, his heart can no longer hold other figures at this time. If he just vents, Xuan Ye wouldn't care, but he wouldn't deliberately seek it out, so up to now, Xuan Ye is still...

Of course, walking on the street, surrounded by hatred and disgust, Xuan Ye didn't care about these eyes, but if he provokes himself, then this island doesn't need to exist.

Unconsciously, Xuan Ye stood next to a coffee shop, because after wandering around for a few minutes, it seemed that only this place looked like a restaurant.

Pushing open the door, the wind chimes rang, Xuan Ye stepped in, and it was very quiet. There were not many guests, and it was obviously not lunch time.

"Welcome...welcome." At this time, a beautiful mermaid child with bubbles wrapped around his tail, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with short light green hair, looking extremely cute, stepped forward and looked at Xuan Ye with some horror .

"Kimi, be careful, he's a human." On his shoulders, a starfish looked at Xuan Ye mercilessly.

"Papagu, don't be rude." At this moment, a cold voice from the bar in the distance broke the somewhat dull atmosphere.

Looking up, Xuan Ye looked at the place where the sound was made.

At first glance, it was a little cold, with short black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, purple nails, wearing a hooded top, holding a pipe in his hand, and puffing.

This is a very mature mermaid, yes, it is mature, and the whole body exudes an air of laziness and temptation.

Obviously, this mature mermaid is the owner of this coffee shop, his name is Charlie, and he is also a fortune teller.

After taking a look, Xuan Ye was expressionless, found a place by the window to sit down at will, and said, "Can you order something to eat?"

"Ah...yes...yes..." The guy who was called Kemi hurriedly bowed and ran to the backstage.

Sitting quietly on the chair, Xuan Ye looked out the window. First of all, this island is so big, how should he find Weibull?

Looking at all kinds of mermaids, Xuan Ye stood involuntarily, and turned his eyes to the highest place, because that was the Dragon Palace City.

However, from the beginning to the end, that cold gaze remained on Xuan Ye's body. Although Xuan Ye found it, he ignored it, because the other party gave him the feeling that he could die with just one finger.

At the bar, since Xuan Ye stepped into the door, Xia Li felt as if she had seen this person somewhere.

With frowning eyes, Xia Li racked her brains to think, but she couldn't remember it for a while. She always felt that if she didn't remember, something terrible would happen.

A crystal ball appeared on the bar. Obviously, Xia Li wanted to use divination, because her heart had always had an ominous premonition since that person came in.

Ambilight, a burst of dazzling light flashed, the entire crystal ball began to float in the air, and gradually, a picture appeared in the crystal ball.

Endless flames, the whole world is burning, corpses on the ground, mermaids, murlocs, mountains and seas of corpses, blood flowing into rivers, high in the sky, a cold and ruthless figure, suspended, like a master, judging the whole world.

And this hellish world is Mermaid Island.

With long black hair, golden-white eyes, magical wings that cover the sky, reborn from ashes, that figure, from beginning to end, is so cruel and ruthless.


The cracks staggered, the crystal ball burst and turned into rubble.

"Pfft..." A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Xia Li fell to the ground, her face full of fear.

Also at this moment, on the crack of the table, a reward order fell into his eyes.

"A reward of one billion is offered, the heavenly bird. Tang Xuanye." In the photo, in the Chambord Archipelago, in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses, a calm figure stands quietly, which is so similar to the divination.

Suddenly, with a heartbeat, Charlie raised her head, tremblingly, and looked at the man by the window.

It was a pair of plain eyes that seemed to have no emotion. Inside, Xia Li seemed to see hell, demons, and endless destruction.

The corner of his mouth rose, Xuan Ye rested his chin with one hand, and faced Xia Li with an indescribable smile. Because he saw the whole process of Charlie's divination, he was very interested for a while, what was the reason for him to destroy the entire fish-man island.

But it was this smile that made Xia Li feel cold all over her body, and she was in the endless abyss, and an aura of despair deeply surrounded her.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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