Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 160: The Sorrow of the Powerful (2)

Time went back to the moment when Xuan Ye and Zefa finished talking.

Malin Fando, Naval Villa, sitting alone in the empty hall, Zefa closed his eyes, his face was full of entanglement, despair, and pain.

"Why...why..." When he opened his eyes, he was already in tears. At this moment, Zefa seemed to be a dozen years old, exuding a twilight aura.

I have always insisted on the justice in my heart. For this reason, I lost my wife, my son, and everything. Could it be that I am really wrong?

If, if I don't insist on justice so much, right now, here, the family is reuniting in peace and happiness.

Turning his head and looking at the cold and clear surroundings, Zefa felt a pain in his heart. The warmth in the past, at this moment, is only cold.

Maybe Xuan Ye is right. This navy is no longer the navy it used to be. They are just serving the Tianlong people who are inferior to pigs and dogs. Justice? What is justice?

Deeply questioning himself, the justice in Zefa's heart has already cracked at this time, or in other words, justice should be implemented by himself, not by this rotten navy.

Standing up, Zefa's face was firm, because he had already found his goal. Since his justice could not be implemented here, then he would implement it himself.

Deeply nostalgic for everything familiar, an hour later, Zefa appeared in the Warring States office.

As always, in the entire office, Sengoku was busy all the time, and on the side, Crane was sorting out some events.

Regarding the appearance of Zefa, both Sengoku and Crane were a little puzzled.

"Why are you here, sit down!" Putting down the document in his hand, Sengoku took off his glasses and said tiredly.

"I just came to see you." With a grin, looking at the two friends who were getting older, Zefa said, "You are more tired than before. It seems that you are much older."

"Haha... Yes, but it's not bad to grow old together with you." Haha laughed, and the Warring States laughed heartily.

"You came here, don't you just say this!" And the crane, rolled his eyes, a little blame.

"I'm here, do I still need a reason?" Pretending to be unhappy, Zefa laughed.

"Whatever you want! Since you're here, let's help us with some things. During this time, I'm exhausted." Warring States' eyes lit up, very cunning.

"Forget it! I'm still going to teach my students. This kind of work is not suitable for me." He quickly stood up, and Zefa walked towards the door.

"You guy." Looking at Zefa's back, Warring States scolded with a smile.

However, when he walked to the door, Zefa turned his back to the two with a sad face, and said to himself, "Goodbye, friend."

After coming out of the Warring States Office, Zefa appeared in the academy and summoned Pacas and others.

Subsequently, more than a thousand navies disappeared into the navy at the same time.

At the beginning, at the port, someone saw Zefa leading the team and thought it was going out to do a mission, so they didn't stop him.

However, after half a day of this incident, the more the Warring States and the Crane thought, the more wrong they became, because Zefa was a little abnormal today. Therefore, in order to dispel their thoughts, the two came to Zefa's house together.

But as soon as I entered the door, the building was already empty, and in the hall, on the table, a letter was quietly placed there.

He hurriedly opened the letter. He looked at the contents and sat heavily on the sofa, his face full of gloom.

"What's wrong? What did Zefa say?" Warring States accepted the letter in confusion and looked at the information. In an instant, the entire face was completely distorted.

"Red Dog." Shen Han exited, Warring States' eyes were full of bloodshots, and a burst of anger shot straight into his heart.

"He's gone, he's lost confidence in the navy, we broke his heart." He lowered his head, his face was expressionless, and his voice was emotionless.

Breaking through the door, Sengoku exuded suffocation and appeared in the port.

"War... Warring States Marshal." At the port, all the navy saluted excitedly, their waists straight.

"Tell me, how long has General Zefa been gone?" He was holding onto a sailor tightly, and Warring States' eyes were bloodshot.

"It's been... it's been... half a day."

"It's too late." At this time, the crane also appeared in the port.

"No... it's not good..." At this moment, a sailor rushed over in a hurry.

"What...what's the matter!"

"Reporting to the marshal, in the cemetery, the tomb of General Zefa's relatives has been hollowed out." Swallowing, the sailor who reported the news was sweating profusely. This is a major event.

"I see." Not angry, Sengoku just waved his hand sadly.

A few minutes later, in the office, Sengoku and Crane with gloomy faces, quietly waiting for someone.

"Bang..." The door was broken open, and a tall figure, wearing a navy coat, walked in casually.

"Marshal of the Warring States, what are you looking for from me?" With a dull voice, Akainu found a chair casually, and sat down slowly.

"Did you take part in the Zefa incident?" In the depressed atmosphere, Sengoku raised his eyes without any emotion.

His pupils shrank, Akainu, his whole body froze.

Silence, Akainu did not speak.

"Boom..." The desk smashed to the ground, and the Warring States stood up and roared, "I'm asking you something! Did you poison Weibull."

"Yes!" There is nothing to hide, it is generous, Akainu seems to be admitting something that is not a thing, that expression is very indifferent.

"Boom..." The golden light was dazzling, and an iron fist landed heavily on Akainu's face.

"Boom...Boom..." The whole building was shaking, the door was broken, and the figure of Akainu flew out.

This movement completely alarmed the surrounding navy.

The golden light was dazzling, a big Buddha, holding the collar of Akainu firmly, and then pressing it on the ground, a terrifying shock wave directly broke through the ground.

"Who told you to do this." Constantly roaring, Sengoku went completely crazy, and kept pressing Akainu.

Surprisingly, Akainu did not resist, but let the Warring States attack, or in other words, even resisting was useless.

Around, the major admirals and lieutenant admirals of the navy headquarters all came to the scene.

They were all puzzled, because it was their marshal who attacked Akainu.

The ground was constantly bombed, and the Warring States were beating, and tears were shed.

"Why do you want to do this, how do you want me to face him in the future, I can't wait to kill you now." With red eyes, Sengoku recovered his body, staring at the blood-covered Akainu on the ground.

Without speaking, Akainu was lying on the ground with no defense at all.

"From now on, you are not allowed to take a step out of the villa without my order." With a grim face, if it wasn't for the last bit of the marshal's will to remind Warring States, maybe at this time, Warring States might actually kill Akainu.

However, as a naval marshal, the Warring States period cannot do this, just because he is a naval marshal, and with the current riots on the sea, the navy simply does not dare to lose a general.

This has to say the sorrow of the Warring States.

To be in power is doomed to lose a lot. Sometimes, it's ironic that you can't do it with your own mind at all.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thank you (April's Memories) for the 7,500 starting coins. You said that you just want to stay at home alone today? I don't have the ability to pay it back, so I'll give you four chapters after vomiting blood today.

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