Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 169: The strongest in prison


"I can go out soon, I'm going to come out and dominate the new world..."

"Hahaha.... you damned bastards, go to die, go to die!"

Ferocious and bloody, criminals who had been suppressed for too long turned into demons and fought with prison guards.

Suddenly, there was a commotion, and every prison guard's face was full of joy, and those complacent criminals, like their dead parents, turned around and ran away.

"No, it's that guy Magellan." He was covered in blood, a slightly powerful criminal, with lingering fears.

"Could it be that I can only stop here?" Some thugs were unwilling.

"You damned rubbish, don't expect anyone to go out today." Deafening, that sonorous and powerful voice spread throughout the region.

"Poison Dragon." The dark purple liquid surged, and behind it, three huge terrifying dragon-shaped attacks covered all the criminals with lightning speed.

He couldn't escape, and he was surrounded by the huge poisonous dragon. As long as a trace of it was stained, the whole person would be corroded, and what was waiting would be death.

"No... run away, it's Magellan's demon." There was no criminal who dared to touch Magellan, because this guy's ability was too difficult to deal with, and he would be poisoned when he touched it, which was worse than a tortoise shell.

"None of them can be spared." The purple mist rose all over the body, and droplets of liquid continued to corrode the ground, making that harsh sound that made people tremble.

"Yes..." A group of prison guards wearing gas masks appeared from behind Magellan, like hungry wolves, holding weapons and slowly advancing.

"Save...Save me..." Wailing, a thug was covered in dark purple venom, the whole person, at a speed visible to the naked eye, his body quickly turned purple, and gradually lost his life.

The crushing was completely a one-sided scene. Whether it was a criminal or a prison guard, neither dared to face Magellan who was angry at this time, because this man was simply the devil of hell.

In just a moment, the entire fourth floor, criminals kept retreating one by one, the exit of the fourth floor that was close at hand was getting farther and farther, and just one person alone shattered the hopes of all the thugs.

"Damn.... With this devil here, it's impossible for us to rush out." Someone gritted their teeth with despair on their faces.

"Are you going to die here today?"

"Since there is no way out, let's fight." Someone was angry, his head was hot, and he rushed directly to Magellan, but before Magellan's body was even close, he turned into a corpse.

Gradually, the riots began to subside. This is the strongest man in the prison, and it is also the last insurmountable mountain, which makes all those who enter here despair again and again.

"Where is the celestial bird?" With a tall body, full of venom, Magellan turned his head and looked around, but he did not find the culprit.

This riot, the most important thing is this person, as for the others, it is not Magellan who blows it, and suppresses it in minutes.

"Report... Report to the director, I just found out that they went to the pantry, and... and... Lord Shiliu seems to have betrayed." A prison guard, trembling, looked at Magellan cautiously.

"What did you say?" The voice increased, Magellan lowered his head and looked at the prison guard.

"Yes, it's true." The prison guard was about to cry. You must know that the ground is gradually corroding. If a drop falls on his body, he will only have to lie on the bed in the next life even if he doesn't die.

"Damn, Shiliu, you dare to betray." Very angry, Magellan stepped directly towards the food room on this floor.

"No, I can smell that **** from Magellan." In the food room, Shiliu stood in front of the door, looking at the two people who were eating their dates wholeheartedly. Under the naked eye, the food that was as high as the mountain was constantly falling. The speed is like a beast devouring it.

"Are you okay?" I was a little anxious, because Magellan's ability was not easy to deal with. If he was not careful, he would be poisoned.

"You go to delay for three minutes." Without turning his head, Xuan Ye said directly, and then continued to gobble up.

"Don't let people disturb our mood to eat." Waldo also waved his hand, and now he wants to understand, the world is big, and the biggest thing is not to eat. The food that used to be dismissed is, at this moment, the food that the gods eat, It's delicious, don't mention it, I can't wait to die.

For the strong, food is also a kind of supplementary consumption. Therefore, those with some strength have a relatively large stomach, not to mention, Xuan Ye has been hungry for almost a month, and Waldo, even longer.

"You bastards, don't give up." Cursing, Shiliu's expression was solemn, and he slowly walked towards the stench.

In the blink of an eye, before seeing the figure, the iconic three poisonous dragons were reflected in Shiliu's eyes.

"Hiliu." Roaring, Magellan's expression was very ferocious, and he looked at Shiliu, "You have betrayed."

"呲..." In the dazzling white light, Shiliu pulled out his weapon, raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently, "I can't say that either."

"Could it be fake?" With a straight face, Magellan still had some hope.

"This prison is too small, the world is so big, I want to go out and have a look." Lighting a cigar, taking a deep breath, showing a relieved expression, Shiliu shrugged.

"Bastard, how dare you betray, **** it, then you go to prison to reflect on it!" Very angry, Magellan launched an attack immediately.

"Poison Dragon." There was a huge sound of breaking through the air, and the giant creature formed by three venoms, with its teeth and claws, rushed straight to Shiliu's face.

"Hmph, Sanlian Rain Slash." He didn't take it lightly, but was very solemn, because Shiliu knew very well the terribleness of this venom. Originally, he would have the antidote for this venom in a short time, but now it seems that there is no Hope too.

"Shh..." A blast of wind flashed with cold light, forming three hundred-meter-long slashes, rushing towards the three terrifying poisonous dragons.

"Pfft..." The sound of tearing, the poisonous dragon shattered, and drops of venom, like rain, scattered in all directions.

"Zi...Zi..." The ground corroded, and pieces of dark purple mist vacated the sky, all poisonous mist.

"It's useless, you should know my abilities very well." The broken poison dragon healed in the blink of an eye, and the entire space formed a poisonous area, which made Shiliu's face change greatly.

"Damn." Slowing his breath, Shiliu cursed, because the whole air was filled with poison.

"Go ahead! Even if I don't take action, you will be poisoned before long, and there is no way for you to escape." With the victory in hand, Magellan stared at Shiliu.

"Delusional, if I make a decision, I won't go back on it." He was very imposing, although Shiliu was cruel, cunning and bloodthirsty, but one was one, and the other was his character, which was what Xuan Ye admired.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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