Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 221: The strength of the Tenjin Birds

Two days later, Malin Fando, early in the morning, in the Warring States Office, the air froze.

Into the eyes, all the high-level in Marin Fando, all appeared here.

"Bang..." There was a loud explosion, and the Warring States slapped the table with an angry face. "The military expenditure of the Navy is reduced by one tenth, and Karp has a major demerit."

The entire hall, although full of people, was silent.

"Damn it, it's really nasty..." He yelled, and the Warring States was furious, trembling with anger.

"After disappearing for two years, it is unforgivable to dare to kill Tianlong people and provoke the navy when he comes out." The Warring States, who has always been calm and calm, known as the wise general, is now going crazy, and he is furious.

"I said at the beginning that the dead bird has great ambitions..." Akainu, who had rushed back from the new world, was expressionless and dismissive.

"Shut up." His eyes were wide open, even bloodshot, and the Warring States period was like a beast, staring at Akainu.

"Hmph." With a cold snort, Akainu chose to shut up, because he knew that it was not suitable for him to talk back and talk back.

Indeed, the Warring States period was really mad. No one knew how much pressure he had withstood. The Five Old Stars, the Heavenly Dragons, and all these were all borne by him.

Strictly speaking, Akainu is also one of the midterms who caused all this, because without him, perhaps Xuan Ye would still be in the navy.

"This time, a quarter of the Chambord Archipelago was destroyed, and more than 400 of the naval elites of the headquarters were lost, including ten major generals and five lieutenant generals.

His chest rose and fell violently, and the Warring States looked at all the navies below, and said, "The most important thing is the four Tianlong people. Now that Mary Joa has fallen out, the Tianlong people and the five old stars have a lot of opinions on the navy."

"The Tianlong people gave an order, the **** bird, Tang Xuanye, must die."

"Hmph, that group of rubbish, if they die, they will die." Below, Karp's face was ugly, and he snorted coldly.

"Kapp." Sengoku shouted loudly, glaring angrily.

Turning his head, Garp put his hands on his shoulders and closed his eyes directly.

"Marshal of Warring States, his subordinates have a nature department." Suddenly, Kizaru looked solemn and spoke to Warring States.

"If you read it correctly during the battle, it should be the Thunder Fruit that is known as the strongest natural type." Rubbing his forehead, Crane recalled the image.

"Bastard." The anger that had subsided in the Warring States period rose again.

"Warring States, I have to say, we have to be prepared." With a heavy face, He looked at the data that he had investigated in the past two days.

Very heavy, He opened his mouth and said, "His power cannot be underestimated, especially the eleven people under him."

"Nature. Thunder Fruit, Anilu."

"Great Swordsman. Shiliu of the Rain."

"Superhuman type. Momo fruit, world destroyer. Valdo."

"I don't know the ability, it is suspected to be related to space, the original CP9 Rob Luqi."

"Superhuman. Heavy fruit, Pacas."

"Superman type. Fruit with three heads and six arms, Xiao Jin."

"Superhuman. Fruitful, Binz."

"Unknown ability, suspected to be related to light, Foxy."

"Superman. Castle Fruit, Capenberg."

"Superman. Bubble Fruit, original CP9, Kalifa."

"Superman. Fruit of retrogression, Ain."

"These are all fruit capable, and they are all powerful, and are proficient in the six styles and domineering. The harm in them is no longer an ordinary force."

Every time the crane chanted a name, the navy in the audience turned ugly.

Among them, the lieutenant generals and major generals who participated in the war were even more clear, because except for the dead, everyone else was wrapped in bandages.

"You left someone alone." At this time, Karp opened his eyes with a solemn expression.

"That guy, it's not the same as it was two years ago."

"Hmph, how strong that dead bird can be, you are too high." Akainu couldn't help it. For some reason, the more Karp and others praised Xuanye, the more he couldn't stand it.

"Idiot, why do you think that guy has been silent for two years, his character, you all know, as long as he can become stronger, he will do anything to the extreme, it's not that I look down on you Akainu, in a one-on-one situation , you have absolutely no chance of life." Squinting, Garp sarcastically looked at Akainu like a clown.

"If it was before, two generals might be able to arrest him, but now, three generals are on the move at the same time. Under desperate efforts, it is absolutely at the cost of the death of one general and two generals that are on the verge of dying to catch him. He has already, Completely grown."

I have to admit that in the Chambord Archipelago, when he collided with that guy, Garp had already used eight points of his strength, and he knew very well that the other side had also not shown all his strength, that is to say, Xuan Ye's strength at this time had already With the strength to compete head-on with Garp.

A head-on confrontation is completely different from killing a person, because with their strength, it is already difficult to kill a person, because if you are not careful, it will be possible to perish together.

In the case of relatively equal strength, there are only two possibilities to kill the other party. Except for accidents, it is to die together. If you can completely kill the other party, there is only one possibility, that is, the strength of one of them has exceeded that level. .

Garp's words made the entire hall breathe heavily.

Has he grown to this point?

"It seems that we have not underestimated. In the new world, there will be a fifth four emperors, or one of the four emperors will be replaced." With a sigh, the crane is already powerless. Originally, this combat power should be the navy.

In the first place, Warring States tensed his face, blue veins jumped on his forehead, and his fists were clenched tightly.

Since Xuan Ye sentenced the Navy, it seems that everything has not gone smoothly in the Navy. The most intuitive feeling is the death of a few Tianlong people.

"Issue a reward order!" Feeling haggard in his heart, the Warring States period gritted his teeth and sighed.

"Heavenly bird. Tang Xuanye, offering a reward of 2 billion baileys."

"What?" All the navy was stunned.

Frowning, He opened his mouth and said, "Will this be too high?" From 1.2 billion to 2 billion Bailey, and directly across 800 million Bailey in the middle, in this case, except for a few monsters in the sea Other than that, Xuan Ye was the only one.

And those monsters are people from the previous era.

"Let's not talk about strength, but what he has done is already worth the price. Also, it was originally five billion baileys. This was a reward issued by the Tianlong people, but it was finally suppressed by the five old stars. In the end, a bounty of two billion Baileys was given."

Sengoku's face was always black, and he explained to the stunned navy.

Hearing Warring States' explanation, everyone nodded. Indeed, Xuan Ye's killing of the Tianlong people was worth 2 billion baileys. You must know that Xuan Ye did not kill one or two, but seven.

You must know that killing the Tianlong people, the hidden storm is not so simple, and the darkness in it has even washed into the rule of the world government.

Sometimes, face is far more important than life.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Finally got off work.

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