Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 231: Natural disasters, the cultivation method of the lunatic (1)

The new world, located in the second half of the great route, is likened to the cradle and **** of pirates. Here, you can get everything you want, of course, provided you have that strength.

Fame, wealth, power, you have the opportunity to get only by stepping here, blood, violence, darkness, everything is gathered here.

However, here, there are four emperors who have suppressed more than half of the entire New World.

There is no doubt that the four emperors, in the new world, are the emperors who rule the world. If there is no comparable strength, then you can only hide in a small place.

In addition to the insurmountable mountains of the Four Emperors, the most terrifying thing was the natural disaster that was forgotten by human beings.

The new world, an unknown sea area, in the deep sea, suddenly, the sea water exploded, a huge pirate group, all golden and red, like a dragon going out to sea, with great momentum.

Walking on the seabed for three or four days, finally, it broke through the current and appeared on the sea.

"Phew..." He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and Foxy said with a face full of enjoyment, "It's still delicious at sea."

"Well, it's better to be at sea." With open arms, Capenberg agrees very much, because in the deep sea, although there is no danger, it makes him very depressed. That feeling is like a big hand, tightly grasping Like his heart, it made him gasp for breath.

"Squeak... Two second-hand goods, shameful." On the reclining chair, the monkey pretended to wear a pair of sunglasses, drank a drink carefully prepared by Kalifa, and crossed Erlang's legs, full of disgust.

"When you say that others are second-hand, you are the real fool." Gao Qiang's contempt made Xiao Jin's hair stand on end.

"What did you say, you fat pig." Standing up, Xiao Jin stood on his waist, condescending. On this boat, there was only one person who couldn't get along with him, and that was Waldo.

"Idiot, I'm strong, even if the **** is red, even the IQ is so red?" With his hands on his shoulders, Waldo smiled narrowly.

"Want to fight, you dead fat pig."

"You say something again."

"I just said, dead fat pig, dead fat pig..."

"I will kill you." The figure turned into an afterimage, and without saying a word, Valdo started directly.

"I'm afraid of you." In the same way, the monkey also made a move, and as soon as he came up, the monkey stole the peach.

This scene often happens on the boat, and everyone knows the grievances of this man and the monkey, so no one is going to stop it.

For a time, Kalifa and Ain were trying new desserts in the kitchen; Shiliu was sitting on the edge of the boat, wiping weapons; Pacas was resting in the woods on the boat, and Lu Qi was practicing in the training room.. ..everyone is doing their own thing.

Compared with the leisure of everyone, there are only two places on the boat that are very quiet.

On the bow of the boat, on the crown of the divine steed's wings-spreading bird, Xuan Ye closed his eyes, sat cross-legged, and was enveloped in a faint layer of flames. He was accustomed to the slapstick on the boat.

On the other hand, it was on the deck. From the moment he got on the boat, Jinpei kept silent. Obviously, he still cared about Xuan Ye's despicable methods.

Disgusted, angry, helpless, Jinping leaned on the stoop, staring at the quiet figure of the boat.

He wanted to kill the man, but he was not strong enough, and he was afraid that the former would become angry and would destroy Fishman Island; on this boat, he was really lying on pins and needles and wanted to get off the boat immediately.

"An ant is an ant." Out of thin air, not far from Jinping, a proud voice sounded.

Turning his head, Jinbei was very calm, looking at this shirtless man, his heart was full of bitterness.

"Yeah, I can't even beat the opponent's subordinates, how could I hurt that man." Powerlessness has turned into despair. He has no chance at all. In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are paper tigers. .

"If I guessed correctly, you are a natural devil fruit person. Since you can control thunder and lightning, you must have eaten the thunder fruit, which is known as the strongest natural type. However, you are so powerful, how can you succumb to that man? subordinates?" Even in despair, he had to struggle.

"Are you a fool?" The arrogant face was frozen, Anilu suddenly appeared beside Jinbei, glanced at the man in the bow, and said sarcastically, "I will, you bite me?"

He opened his mouth wide, the corners of Jinbei's eyes twitched, and he turned his face away, but Anilu could see clearly, that was endless contempt.

At this moment, Jinpei is very clear that it is useless to sow discord. Could it be that that man is really so powerful? in such a short time.

Originally, with Enel's arrogance that doesn't take anyone seriously, it's impossible to talk to Jinpei, but it's unnatural, looking at the current Jinpei, Anilu thinks of himself, as if, seemingly, He himself was captured in the same way.

Unable to help, Anilu began to feel sympathetic and calm. During this time, Anilu's restless heart began to calm down. In the dead of night, he often comforted himself that it was okay, there was just one more person on his head.

At least, he is more than one person under ten thousand people, and the person above him did not drive him like a slave at will, but gave himself a lot of freedom. Except when necessary, he did not seem to order himself.

Most importantly, he gave him that domineering and stronger knowledge without reservation. Speaking of which, he didn't seem to have lost anything.

Moreover, compared with the self two years ago, the current self is like a world. It turns out that I never knew that there was such a thrilling world under which sea of ​​clouds.

The most important element of this is because of his position in the team. If you divide it according to strength, you are definitely the strongest other than the boss. Although it is not clearly stated, Shu does not see, those who get on the ship before him are all Are you looking at yourself gnashing your teeth?

That is jealousy, and I have become a milestone, waiting for these unconscionable guys to surpass, that kind of feeling is particularly satisfying.

It was in this complex suggestion and environment that Anilu's restless heart began to calm down slowly.

"Humph!" With a cold snort, Anilu has no interest in Jinping anymore. He thought to himself, he has already become a prisoner, and he still has the face to despise me. If it wasn't for the fear of angering the boss, I would electrocute you with a thunderbolt.

With the disappearance of Anilu, Jinbei raised his head and looked at the back on the bow, his head was in chaos.

"Boom..." Suddenly, the sky that was cloudless for thousands of miles suddenly became cloudy, and ice **** the size of houses plummeted down.

The sea was ups and downs, the waves erupted, and the whole ship, at that moment, was ups and downs.

"What's the situation?" Invariably, everyone came to the deck, all staring at this scene in disbelief.

"It is said that the most terrible thing in the new world is not pirates, but natural disasters, and now I believe it." After the noise stopped, Valdo breathed.

"呲..." The white light, a slash that shot up into the sky, destroyed Gu Laxiu, directly shattered the dark clouds, and in an instant, the warm sunlight poured down.

"Cut." Seeing that the black cloud was chopped to pieces by Shiliu, everyone pouted, preparing to plan what to do, but... the natural disaster is far from over.


"It's so cold." The sudden temperature made everyone unable to react.

"Look, what a big storm."

"Wocao, the waves are coming."

In just a few hours, all kinds of strange natural disasters, like locusts that could not be dispersed, continuously drowned the golden pirate ship.

"I think it's better to lift off!" Panting, Foxy wiped his cold sweat and looked at Anilu.

"I can't hold it anymore? In the face of this kind of natural disaster, we can cultivate better. I refuse to take off." When a hailstone was crushed, Lu Qi directly refused.

"Foxsy, Becky, you two need to learn Lu Qi well, this is the best training ground." Sucking a cigar indifferently, Xiliu hated that iron could not become steel.

"Are you crazy?" Not calm anymore, the feeling of dying at any time made Jin Ping, who had not yet been fully recovered, tremble.

However, no one answered Jinbei's words.

With the passage of time, Jinplain's restless heart began to calm down. It turned out that, except for the man, other people on this boat were also so powerful.

On the other hand, he was delusional about fighting against this kind of team. For the first time, Jinbei felt that he was sitting on the ground and watching the sky, and he didn't know what to do.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thank you (Ice Lotus Heart) for the reward. To be honest, I don't know how much you rewarded. It is 100 starting coins at a time, but no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. Thank you very much.

Thank you (Ruffian Xiaoya) for the 1700 starting point coins, thank you,

There are also the first elder of this book (April's Memories), the two helmsmen (Yang Xuan QAQ) and (Need for a low profile), and other readers who have been silently supporting the farmer. I have always wanted to thank you all. It's a pity that I don't have time, so tomorrow at the fifth watch, a chapter will be published today!

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