Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 432: Restless minion, that guy should wake up

The next day, dawn broke, and a new day came again.

In the imperial city, on this day, a few people sat down in the entire hall.

"Kalifa, Ain, you have worked hard during this time, and everyone, Das Fin, I am very satisfied with the current kingdom of God."

Sitting on the main seat, Xuan Ye looked at the crowd below and nodded with satisfaction, but looking at the empty seats, Xuan Ye couldn't help but frowned.

"Shiliu and the others haven't come back yet?"

Hearing Xuan Ye's question, everyone in the kingdom of God froze.

"What's wrong? Why are you the only ones in the entire kingdom of God?" Xuan Ye's face was dark, because in the hall now, the core members of the Xiyang Pirates are only Kalifa, Ain, Monet, Caesar, Sugar, There are only six people in Pacas, not counting the three ministers and other generals.

"Cough...cough..." Kalifa coughed and looked at Xuan Ye softly and said, "Boss, after you left, they all felt bored, so..."

"Tell me about the situation..." Leaning on the back of the chair, Xuan Ye tapped the table with one hand.

"Some time ago, there was news that Shiliu got the Supreme Sword and is currently destroying it in the waters of BIGMOM, and had a battle with BIGMOM. It seems that he is currently being hunted down, because that guy slashed 100% of BIGMOM's base camp, Cake Island. One, now BIGMOM is furious, saying that it is going to settle accounts with my kingdom of God."

Hearing Kalifa's remarks, Xuan Ye's face was expressionless, while the faces of the newly joined Luo and the others changed, and their faces were full of horror.

"Continue." Xuan Ye said coldly.

"El Nilu, Binz, and Becky are moving the empty island. It seems that they have encountered trouble and have not returned yet."

"And Valdo, who seems to have provoked Kaido, the four emperors, is now being hunted down by the queen of one of the three disasters..."

"When Lu Qi traveled a while ago, it seemed that a kingdom did not know how to provoke him. At present, the entire kingdom has been bleeding into a river. A few days ago, countless reports were condemning the cruelty of our kingdom of God..."

"As for Foxy, it seems to be cultivating on a primitive island..."

"And Jinping has not returned from Fishman Island..."

Reported one by one, everyone is so restless, Xuan Ye and others have nothing yet, but Wuerji and others, their pupils widened, thinking, who are these guys, who provoke the five emperors to provoke the five emperors , destroying the country, destroying the country, even running to the primitive island, is it all a monster?

Silently, those who are careful will find that several people start to sweat coldly on their foreheads.

"Contact Anilu and ask what troubles you have encountered."

After listening to the whereabouts of these unwilling and lonely men, Xuan Ye chose to let it go, then looked at Pacas and said, "These four guys are too weak, Pacas, you have time to train to death, the kingdom of God will not We need trash." Xuan Ye pointed at Absalom, Perona, Luo, and Urki with dissatisfaction on his face.

"Understood." Looking at the four of them, Pakas had a malicious look on his face, causing Urki and the others to numb their scalps.

"Tezolo, Ulis, you each find a place to live, and I will lift the restrictions for you at night." Squinting, a little cold, Xuan Ye looked at Tezzolo and Ulis, "Remember, there is only one chance. "

"Thank you BOSS." Excited, Tezzolo and Ulis' eyes lit up.

"By the way, I solemnly introduce a person to you, this is my wife, the queen of the kingdom of God in the future, I don't want to see things that should not be seen, and I don't want to hear things that should not be heard, do you know what to do? "

Xuan Ye looked indifferent, looked at everyone, and introduced Maggie to everyone.

"Queen." No one was presumptuous, whether it was Kalifa or Pacas, although there were other thoughts in their hearts, at this moment, they all chose to accept it.

"Don't be so fierce." After glaring at Xuan Ye, Maggie quickly stood up, looked at everyone, and said apologetically, "Everyone, don't be so serious, and you don't need to be so respectful to me."

Maggie felt a lot of pressure. As soon as she came up, Xuan Ye announced her status, which made her how to integrate herself in the future. After all, Maggie was not the kind of domineering person.

Everyone didn't speak. After all, the two sides are not familiar with each other. Maybe after a period of time, the two sides will not feel like they are now and feel a little alienated.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, you all quit! During this time, you've done a good job. You've worked hard." Gently pulling Maggie down, Xuan Ye was helpless. After all, Maggie's character was there. Dispersing his thoughts, Xuan Ye looked at the third minister of the kingdom and some other managers of the kingdom of God, and Xuan Ye waved his hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Slowly, everyone got up and slowly left the discussion hall.

"Why are you going?" With a slight frown, Xuan Ye looked at Perona and the others who were about to leave.

"Ah... Didn't you tell us to leave?" Perona's face was full of confusion.

With a dark face, Xuan Ye rubbed his forehead, looked at Kalifa and said, "Explain for them."

With a smile on his face, Kalifa nodded, then looked at the puzzled Wuerji and others and said, "The Kingdom of God and the Xiyang Pirates are separate, or in other words, the Xiyang Pirates are above the Kingdom of God, and Now, you are members of the Xiyang Pirates, and those people just now are the managers of the kingdom of God, the BOSS is telling them to leave, not you, so don’t be so stupid when you encounter this kind of thing in the future.”

"Uh!" Suddenly realized, her eyes lit up, Perona was also big-hearted, looked at Kalifa and said cheerfully, "This sister, does that mean that I am older than some ministers of the kingdom of God?"

"It can be said that as long as it is not unreasonable willfulness, you can do whatever you want in the kingdom of God, but you cannot cross the bottom line."

"What bottom line?" Perona was stunned.

"Okay, Kalifa, you'll explain to them later." With a wave, Xuan Ye interrupted, then looked at Caesar and said, "How about the artificial devil fruit."

"BOSS, everything is fine, but those little people want to see you, and they seem to want to thank the BOSS."

"Really. How about other research."

"BOSS, the experiment on how to deprive the devil fruit has not yet been researched." Caesar's voice became weaker and weaker, and he was a little weak, but the next moment, he raised his head and said arrogantly, "However, I have researched how to make inanimate things possess demons. The power of the fruit."

His eyes lit up slightly, Xuan Ye looked at Caesar, and said solemnly, "You mean that weapons can also eat devil fruits?"

"Yes." With a proud look on his face, Caesar almost looked at everyone with his nostrils, and this time Kalifa rolled his eyes.

"Very good, this time you have done a great job again. If you want anything, go directly to Kalifa, she will satisfy you."

"If there is nothing else, it's time for that guy to wake up." Standing up, Xuan Ye looked at Ain, Sugar, and Luo and said, "Come with me."

Full of curiosity, Wuerji and others, who didn't know what to do, didn't follow, nor did they follow. After all, they were completely unfamiliar with this place.

"Let's go, if you are interested, go and see, the most tumultuous, arrogant, and lively character of the Xiyang Pirates." Kalifa looked at Perona and the others and smiled.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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