Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 493: Awesome Foxy and Perona

The sky collapsed, like a volcanic eruption, and the collisions resounding through the sky, like a continuous meteor shower, made the surrounding seas undulating.

The entire sky was dimly lit, with thunder and lightning flashing, and the island under the feet of several people could not hold it at all, and collapsed directly.


It was hard to resist, just for a moment, Xuan Ye vomited black blood, turned into a streamer, and smashed on another small island, the next one, torn apart, the island sank and turned into dust.

Following closely behind, five streamers, carrying long tail feathers, smashed to the ground.

"Roar..." The beast roared, shaking the sky, the entire sky poured out, and rose from the ground, Xuan Ye turned into a black light.

"It can't be dragged any longer." Monkey was impatient, looking at Xuan Ye with a ferocious face, like a devil, gritted his teeth.

"Not good." Suddenly, Valdo's face changed greatly, just because of the sky, nine endless beams of light seemed to come from across the universe, engulfing everything along the way, and bombarded himself and others overwhelmingly.

Separated in an instant, the five people moved at super high speed, but the endless black light, like eyes, followed closely behind.

At this moment, standing in the air, behind Xuan Ye's violent figure, the nine-round dark sun exudes bursts of scorching destruction, and the atmosphere around him collapses with unstoppable whining.

Following closely, it was like a meteor blasting, and behind everyone, there were two demon-like beams, showing their teeth and claws.


"Storm Slash."


"Devouring the door."

"Jun Tian is awesome."

The wind was surging, and they used their means to fight violently. For a time, five figures were arrogant.

However, the attack did not end. I saw that the black cloud topped the sky, which was torn apart suddenly, and a pitch-black spear tip protruded an evil impact.

"No, the BOSS's vitality is declining at a high speed, so using the ultimate move in a row will speed up the consumption." In the distance, Luo's forehead was sweating, and he was burning with anxiety.

"Damn, I can't wait any longer." Gritting his teeth, watching the endless storm of power in the sky, Foxy suddenly jumped into the air and rushed straight to the dazzling battlefield.


Everyone didn't know what to do. Suddenly, Luo's eyes lit up because he remembered Foxy's ability.

"call out..."

Approaching the periphery of the battle, Foxy's face was full of seriousness, and a pink-white light, like a flash in the darkness, rushed towards the irritable Xuan Ye.

"Foxsy." Resisting the Destruction Beam, everyone understood.

"Boss, I need your help."

Seeing that his slow light was easily avoided by Xuan Ye, Foxy quickly looked at everyone.

"Should have thought of it earlier." He patted his head regretfully, and everyone suddenly realized.

"Attract the BOSS's attention." Lu Qi's figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment he appeared beside Foxy, grabbing Foxy's shoulder directly, and disappeared without a trace.

"Do it."

With a full-scale explosion, the four of them used all their strength to shatter Xuan Ye's attack, and then encircled them, directly holding on to Xuan Ye's stalemate.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the space, and within a few minutes, a pink-white light hit Xuan Ye's body in an instant.

The next moment, Xuan Ye's offensive disappeared, and his whole body became dull.

"good chance."

Zizi wandered, and the violent thunder fell, condensed into ropes, and bound Xuan Ye in circles.


However, before they persisted for a few seconds, the expressions of everyone changed greatly, just because the billowing demonic flames broke through the light of Foxy, and completely collapsed and drowned towards everyone.

"No, the power of the boss is too violent at this moment, he must be made to faint."

In an emergency, Foxy once again shot a slow beam of light, but persisted for three or four seconds, and once again, Xuan Ye broke free.


The meteorite hit, and a strong and heavy voice resounded, and I saw the monkey, holding a sky-killing stick, hit the back of Xuan Ye's head fiercely. However, Xuan Ye did not faint as he imagined, but his spirit was even more fierce.

"Hurry up and think of a way, I can't hold on anymore."

On the other hand, Anilu blushed, desperately maintaining the lightning rope tied to Xuan Ye's body, because it was visible to the naked eye that the lightning ropes were already breaking.

"Dizzy me, dizzy."

Sweaty, the monkey was angry, and banged on Xuan Ye's head one after another. However, Xuan Ye was not dizzy, but became more and more brutal.


With each stick, the hearts of everyone jumped, and they all looked at the monkey with boundless power in disbelief.

"Sleeping ghost."

Suddenly, a ghost floated and rushed into Xuan Ye's body in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the body swayed, everyone could clearly feel that Xuan Ye's eyelids closed, but the next moment, they opened again.

"The method is effective." They all gathered around, Kalifa and others stepped on the moon and looked at Perona in surprise.

"Foxsy, Perona."

Everyone's mind flashed, and they all looked at Foxy and Perona fiery.

"Understood." No words were needed anymore, Foxy and Perona desperately used their abilities.

"Slow light."

"Sleeping ghost."

"Whoosh...whoosh..." One after another, endless pink-white light rushed down, followed by a series of infiltrating and lovely ghosts, rushing into Xuan Ye's body.

Around, Anilu and others restrained Xuan Ye's actions.

With the joint efforts of everyone, Xuan Ye had no chance of backhanding. Not only was his entire body bound by the lightning rope, but he was also sluggish all the time. Even, the ghosts were destroying Xuan Ye's brain nerves. So that, visible to the naked eye, Xuan Ye's eyelids were closed for longer and longer.

For half an hour, the entire sky was colorful, one after another, and finally, Xuan Ye's will was suppressed.


Wet from sweat, Foxy and Perona almost lost their strength, and they were supported by everyone with a pale face.

"It's finally over." Looking at the crumbling Foxy and Perona, everyone turned their eyes to the sky again, bound by Anilu and falling into a deep sleep on Xuan Ye.

"The abnormal phenomenon of BOSS has disappeared."

Luo breathed a sigh of relief, because the black runes on Xuan Ye's body and the black divine bird on his forehead slowly retreated, and the dark, empty icy aura all over his body also dropped to freezing point and disappeared.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Our boss is really tossing." For the sake of safety, Anilu did not release the rope, but kept Xuan Ye bound.

"When the boss wakes up, he won't go crazy again!" Kalifa's eyes were tight and full of worry.

"No, the original BOSS and BIGMOM's injuries were not good, but now with such an unbridled outbreak, the body will automatically fall into the weak zone, and after venting this time, the BOSS should be awake."

As a doctor, Luo understands everything Xuan Ye is going through right now, and for this reason, he directly came to a conclusion.

"That's good."

"Let's go! Go back to the kingdom of God."

"There's still a lot of work to do."

"BOSS is good, you can sleep in peace."

"Who called him the captain!"

"Would you like to just abandon the boss?"

"Anilu, you dare." The murderous intent fluctuated, and several pairs of dangerous eyes stared at Anilu.

"Che, why are you so nervous? It's just a joke."


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