Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 495: Wake up and give the order to fight Kaido

Trembling and swaying, Prometheus swallowed and slowly approached Xuan Ye in the threatening and encouraging eyes of everyone.


Trembling and cautious, Prometheus was sweating profusely, ready to escape at any time.

However, without moving, Xuan Ye seemed to have a sculpture, looking straight at the tomb, ignoring Prometheus directly.

"Idiot, hurry up."

Not far away, Anilu raised his fist, and the thunder and lightning were free, full of threats.

Aware of the threat behind him, Prometheus gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted, "The queen and princess are missing, do you still want to save them..."

The world was silent, and everyone held their breath, staring at the center.

Prometheus also went out of his way, and without waiting for Xuan Ye's reaction, he continued to roar, "If you continue to give up on yourself like this, the queen and princess will die..."

It stopped abruptly, and suddenly, Prometheus's pupils widened and his face was full of fear, just because a big hand suddenly pinched him, making him cold all over, and his hairs exploded.

"It's over... it's over... to be killed."

Wanting to cry without tears, Prometheus's heart has already collapsed, because at this moment, a pair of red eyes are staring at him, the pressure is like facing a natural disaster, and he is so small.


Sudden suffocation, Prometheus struggled desperately, the flames all over his body did not even have a chance to riot, and he could only passively mourn.

Pulling it, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, Xuan Ye stared at Prometheus full of fear, and then, boundless murderous aura rushed into the sky and spread to the entire kingdom of God like lightning.

In an instant, terrifying air pressure, lightning flashes, and ferocity swept through everything.

"You... say it again."

One word at a time, the voice is as frozen as Jiuyou, which is terrifying.

I don't know if he gave up or what. At this moment, Prometheus actually suppressed his fear, stared at Xuan Ye's eyes with a flinch, and scolded, "Thank you for defeating your mother's five emperors, the ability to bear in his heart is so fragile. , Still don't understand? Your wife and sister have disappeared, if you don't look for them, the rest will be the corpses."

He didn't know what he said at all, and when he reacted, Prometheus rolled his eyes, and unexpectedly, he passed out just like that.

This bizarre scene shocked Foxy and the others, and they all opened their mouths, not knowing whether to admire or despise.


However, the scene where Prometheus mustered his courage was objective, because Xuan Ye's deadly and tyrannical eyes gradually regained clarity at this time.

Taking a deep breath, Xuan Ye grabbed Prometheus, raised his head, closed his eyes, and stood still.

This time, it embarrassed everyone again.

Open your mouth is not, not open your mouth is not, everyone you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do.

Gritting her teeth and moving her footsteps, Kalifa stepped forward, looked at the figure with her eyes closed and breathless, opened her mouth and shouted.


Originally, there was no hope, but an accident happened.

"Tell me about the situation."

With a cold voice, he lowered his head, opened his eyes, and regained his usual emotions. Xuan Ye looked at Kalifa tiredly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because their BOSS had recovered.

"Yes, BOSS." With a smile, Kalifa relaxed.

"When we attacked the nations, Kaido broke the covenant and led his men to invade the kingdom of God. Teacher Zefa, Binz, Monet, and the three ministers all died, and the army left by the kingdom of God was even more casualties. countless.

In addition, Caesar has been captured by Kaido, and the queen has also been taken away by the red hair that suddenly appeared. As for the princess, according to the news, she is by Xia Tang, but at present, there is no news about Xia Tang.

Also, Jinbei, Urgi, Abu, all missing..."

Kalifa briefly explained the results, so that Xuan Ye could be mentally prepared.

"Let Kaku do a comprehensive search for Shatang and Jinpei. I want to know Xiaoxi's whereabouts. In addition, prepare to fight with Kaido the beasts."

"But BOSS, we should recuperate now. During the crusade against BIGMOM, our damage was too great." Kalifa explained with pale lips.

"Didn't you hear?" The gloomy eyes shot straight, Kalifa trembled all over, bowed her head, pursed her lips, and remained silent.

"I only give you one week, this time, I will let Kaido and BIGMOM end the same."

With a cold snort, Xuan Ye threw Prometheus in his hand on the ground, and with the latter groaning in pain, the figure gradually disappeared.

Seeing Xuan Ye disappear, Kalifa raised her head with sadness on her face.

"What to do, the best way now should be to live and rejuvenate, rather than fighting the Five Emperors again." Kalifa had a headache.

"When the war starts, let's start the war, what's the headache." Carrying the madman on his shoulders, Shiliuba couldn't help but find trouble with the Five Emperors.

"What do you know, do you think war is so easy? Didn't you see how much we lost just by crusade against BIGMOM? Not to mention wealth, the lives of soldiers alone are tens of thousands, and Binz and the others... ."

Kalifa glared angrily and looked at these slanderous guys fiercely.

"Cut!" The guys who only know the battle obviously don't understand the so-called war, because they don't even bother to imagine it.

As the general manager of the entire kingdom of God, Kalifa knows the consumption and cost of such a powerful war.

This time, the full-scale war with BIGMOM will bring the price that the entire kingdom of God almost collapses, as well as those who are familiar with it.

A week is too short, so short that the warriors have not recovered from the last war, and now fighting Kaido so impatiently is completely fighting against the body of steel with a tired body.

It's hard to imagine how many of these people would be left in the future if they really fought against the Beast Pirates, and who would sleep forever.

"It's useless to worry, we can't stop the boss." Valdo sighed, but it gave the impression, why are you so excited?

"Get ready!" Lu Qi said coldly, then turned around and left.

Afterwards, they disappeared one by one, and everyone planned to recover from their injuries within a week and prepare to fight again; but compared to the excitement of Anilu and others, Carly Law had a sad face.

This time, I don't know how many people will be killed and injured. Are you going to abandon the kingdom of God again?

"Ah..." Sighing, Kalifa covered her head, if the queen was still there, she would definitely be able to stop the boss.

With no other choice, Kalifa could only make preparations.

This time, the world will shake again, and no one can predict which direction this riotous sea will flow.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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