Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 498: You would rather die for him than live for me! Why?

"This time, God will help our navy, and when the Tenjin bird and Kaido have a decisive battle, it will be our navy's time to defeat the strongest man in the world."

"Tomorrow, inform the world that our navy will fully judge the crimes of the Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the second division, Fire Fist Ace."

Excitement is abnormal, and every navy's face is full of excitement.

In this way, following the actions of the navy, the whole sea, once again, was disturbed.


"One week later, the Navy will fully deal with the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace..."

"The world...the world is running wild."

The news of the navy, such as the explosion of thunder, once again shrouded a shadow over the war between the kingdom of God and Kaido, and the world was boiling.

"Hey! Hey! That's not true!"

There are pirates with a reward of over 100 million, looking at the two latest news in their hands, with a look of disbelief; one of them is the news that the emperor of the kingdom of God Tian Shenniao has issued a full-scale war with the beast Kaido, and the other is The navy has disclosed to the world that it has dealt with the son of the strongest man in the world, Fire Fist Ace.

Who is Fire Fist Ace? That was the son of the Five Emperors, the strongest man in the world, and now the Navy publicly disposes of Fire Fist Ace, no less than launching a war against Whitebeard.

In the past, there were the heavenly bird and the beast Kaido, and then there was the navy and the strongest man in the world. Is this world really going to collapse?

"It's incredible... Recently, did you miss something!" The unknown place, the King of the Underworld, Rayleigh, smacked his mouth.

Surprisingly, not only these famous monsters, but also various other forces.

The four seas, the great route, and the new world were all overturned by these two news.

The red-haired sea area, a super-large island, is very lively at this moment.

"Is she still unwilling to eat?" An anxious voice resounded from outside a room, only to see Shanks, Ling Mei looked at the maid in front of him.

"Lord Shanks, it's been several days in a row, and she refuses to eat." The maid gave a respectful salute, a little flustered.

"Go down!" Taking the meal from the maid with one hand, the redhead gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and then grinned, revealing a big smile.

Pushing open the door, it was warm and simple, and some furniture with no value was placed in the bedroom at this time.

At this moment, there was a perfect and lovely person on the dresser, with a haggard expression, dazed alone.

The slight footsteps, Shanks was afraid of disturbing the beauty, for this reason, the footsteps were unusually gentle.

"Maggie, eat something! You haven't eaten for a few days." He opened his mouth, his voice was low, and the redhead looked at the back that made him wonder what to do with pity.

"Shanks." Turning around, the originally bright eyes were now extremely dim. Maggie looked at Shanks, and the red and swollen eyes instantly misted.

"Send me back, Shanks."

The carefree smile froze, but the next moment, it resumed. I saw the red hair walking forward, putting the food on the dressing table, bowing his head, looking at Maggie seriously, and said solemnly, "You are very weak now, suffering from pain. Without the strong winds and waves at sea, the terror has not yet reached the kingdom of God, and you will fall ill again."

"I want to go back, the master and the others will die in front of me. If Ye comes back and sees all this, he will definitely go crazy. I must go and help him."

Excited, Maggie grabbed Shanks' one arm with tears in her eyes.

"No, you can't go back now, at least, after this incident is over." Unable to refuse, Shanks' broad smile disappeared immediately, and what remained was seriousness.

"Why, didn't you say that Kaido has been beaten by you? After so many days, he must have returned to the kingdom of God."

Anxious, Maggie's pretty face turned pale.

"However, the person you like has once again launched a full-scale war against the Five Emperors. Now it is not safe to send you back to the kingdom of God. I will never let you leave." pain.

"What?" Maggie was slightly taken aback.

"In order to avenge his master, Tenjin Bird has already launched a war against Kaido, just like BIGMOM; now he has no energy to think about other things, including you; in the eyes of that madman, the most important thing now is revenge. "

Shanks didn't plan to hide it at all, and told Maggie all of it directly.

"Then I'm going to help him, send me back!" Maggie held Shanks tightly and begged, "He must be in pain right now, that's his most beloved teacher, and I want to accompany him by his side. following him."

Gritting his teeth, for some reason, looking at Maggie's haggard and weak appearance, Shanks only felt a burst of anger that he couldn't hold back, and was about to explode.

"He must be in pain now, and I must stay by his side." Maggie couldn't imagine the scene when only Zefa's body was left in front of Xuan Ye...

Maggie was flustered, she had lost her composure, and her head was in chaos. She knew that she had to be by his side. Now is the time when he was in the most pain. how fragile.

Unbelievable, Maggie really couldn't imagine Xuan Ye's painful collapse. Thinking of this, Maggie's heart pierced like a strangulation.

With a pain in his heart, Shanks grabbed Maggie's fragrant shoulder and said in a serious tone, "He is going crazy now and wants to fight Kaido, which means that the lives that fall under his orders will be countless. , you will never be safe with him."

"But...but...he is in pain now, I have to go back and share for him." Tears fell, Maggie looked at Shanks begging, and said helplessly, "Shanks, help me... Help..."

Pained, his heart was cut like a knife, Shanks was pale, looked at Maggie with pear blossoms and rain, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

"Shanks... The only one who can help me is you. I want to be by his side. I can't lose him."

"Enough." Opening his eyes, Shanks found that as long as he faced this woman, his reason would disappear. Is it heartache, heartache, or anger?

"If you follow that lunatic, there will only be danger. What right does he have to own you? He can't even protect your safety. He will go crazy at every turn. This time, he will directly abandon you to stay in the kingdom of God, and he was almost caught by Kaido. Kill, tell me, why, why is he?"

Roaring, Shanks rages, his usual composure, **** it.

"If he can't even protect the woman he likes, what kind of man is he, what kind of five emperors."

The more he talked, the more angry Shanks became.

"He has nothing but crazy, you tell me." Furious, Shanks reprimanded.

"He loves me, and I love him too." Maggie had never seen Shanks make such a big fire since she met, but even so, Maggie gathered up her courage and looked directly at Shanks.

"Would you rather die for him than live for me?"

Shanks only felt difficulty breathing, and his heart stopped beating.

"If he dies, I die; if he lives, I can live."

Very determined, Maggie wiped away her tears, her eyes were red, and she looked at Shanks word by word.

"Kick... Kick..."

Taking two steps back, Shanks covered his chest with one hand, his face pale.

"You'd rather die for him than live for me, why on earth, without him Tang Xuanye, you should be mine..."

Over the years, the pain that has been pressing in Shanks' heart has all been said in one breath.

Maggie was silent, didn't say anything, just looked at Shanks pleadingly.

"Captain, come out, we have guests."

Suddenly, outside the door, a voice broke the stalemate.

"Shanks, Shanks..."

Seeing the back of Shanks leaving, Maggie shouted.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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