Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 601: The sadness concealed by the rising scene

On the second day, the dawn broke, and outside the Imperial City of the Kingdom of God, a group of generals of the Kingdom of God stepped into the Council of the Kingdom of God.

This is the second national meeting of generals held since the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

"I have seen the king!"

Below, except for the Xiyang Pirates, all the ministers of the kingdom of God all knelt on one knee with extremely respectful expressions.

"Get up." Sitting on the throne with icy eyes, Xuan Ye was arrogant and arrogant, with an air of dominance over the world, pressing down on everyone, unable to breathe.

"Today, I'll just announce a few things."

"The first one, my sister, Tang Xuanxi, will be the princess of the kingdom of God..."

"The second one, offering a bounty to the world for any life-related devil fruit, technology, doctor..."

"The third piece, collect Devil Fruits..."

At this moment, a grand meeting is being held in the palace, and the outside world has gone crazy.

"Wow...what is this..."

A scream came, and the entire street, all the busy residents stopped to watch, were frightened.

"Xiaoxi... Slow down." With a charming appearance, a lotus flower blooming, Maggie, Ain, Bai Xing, Perona and other people accompanied Xiaoxi on the street, and came out to take an adventure.

That's right, it's an adventure. It's early in the morning, and Xiaoxi knocks on everyone's door, the long-awaited adventure in the kingdom of God.

"Wow... Uncle Tauren, so handsome!" There was no fear, but a little jumped off. Xiaoxi opened her eyes wide, stood in front of a tall tauren, stood on tiptoe, and touched someone's arm. On the muscles, look here, look there, full of curiosity.

"This... this..."

Stiff all over, the tauren uncle grinned, all embarrassed, if he hadn't seen the queen on the opposite side, the tauren would have thought he had met a lunatic.

"Wow...what a beautiful rabbit sister..."

"What is this... octopus..."


"amusement park..."



On this day, the entire Divine Kingdom exclaimed. All Divine Kingdom residents saw a young girl accompanied by a queen, happily smiling tirelessly.

At night, in the back garden of the imperial city, Xiaoxi slumped on the bench without any image, and she was exhausted today.


Around, a bonfire was burning, obviously a banquet was being held.

"Foxsy, let's do it..." He pulled Foxy with one hand, and the monkey poured it without saying a word.


Foxy was choked and immediately fell down and vomited. This scene made everyone laugh.

"Damn, Xiaobu, you actually robbed my barbecue." Suddenly, Becky and Salom were fighting.

Compared with the **** of the men, the beauties on the side are more ladies.

Each of them is like a fairy, wearing tempting clothes, showing their fascinating skin, holding red wine, covering their mouths and pointing at the noisy bastards, smiling softly.

The blazing light of the bonfire flickered on everyone. On a bench, Xuan Ye accompanied Maggie and glanced at Xiao Xi, who was jumping up and down again and joined the army. A gully formed an arc at the corner of his mouth.

In the past life, there may be no way to deal with congenital diseases, but now, in the world of One Piece, Xiaoxi's previous illnesses are completely in Luo's hands.

Therefore, these few days, Xiao Xi was able to escape like this with impunity, and the whole person jumped like a crazy rabbit.

But the kingdom of God is really too big, and there are too many interesting places in it, so Xiaoxi's adventure still has a long way to go.

This guy couldn't calm down at all. He looked at the thunder and lightning in Enile's hand for a while, full of shock; for a while, he watched Foxy use his abilities to make fun of Becky, and laughed; , with a shy look on his face, and soon, Xiaoxi became acquainted with everyone.

It seemed that Xiaoxi was born with an approachable and defensive temperament, and no matter who she was, she could mingle with her.

Enel, Luigi, Shiliu... One after another, the guys who kill without blinking an eye have all been captured.

Therefore, in such a short period of time, Xiaoxi has truly become everyone's princess.

And seeing Xiaoxi so happy, Xuan Ye also showed a smile, because Xiaoxi is happy, he is happy.

"Xiao Xi, so cute."

Holding Xuan Ye's arm, Maggie also covered her mouth and smiled, obviously in a good mood.

"When she was a child, because of illness, she stayed in the hospital and at home all the time. Originally, she was lively and curious about everything, but because of her weak body, it was an extravagant hope for even ordinary people to jump around. I was out of breath even after walking a few steps, and now, everything is better..."

Head to head, Xuan Ye's face had never shown such a pleasant smile, Maggie couldn't help but look crazy.

"Everything is getting better. Xiaoxi can jump and run like a normal person. You, as a big brother, have done a good job."

For the man in front of him, Maggie is full of luck, because he is her husband and the father of her children.

"Originally, before this, I was worried that Xiaoxi would not be easy to get along with, but now I think too much; with Xiaoxi and some of him, you will not be alone in the future."

Touching her stomach with one hand, Maggie's face was full of the brilliance of motherhood.

However, Maggie's words pierced into Xuan Ye's heart like a needle.

"Ye, do you like boys or girls? I often wonder if our children are more like you or more like me, will they be particularly naughty, or will they be rebellious; I am in the room, for him I prepared a lot of clothes, one year old, two years old... until adulthood, because I don't know if it was a boy or a girl, so I prepared a lot..."

Touching her belly, Maggie could clearly feel the little life connected to the blood inside. This is her child, the crystallization of her love with Ye, and with a smile, Maggie felt very happy at this moment.

"Don't...don't say..."

Covering his face with one hand, teardrops kept flowing from between his fingers. Xuan Ye's heart at this moment felt like it was torn apart.

"Maggie... we don't want this child, okay..." Turning around, with tears on her face, Xuan Ye hugged Maggie and begged.

"Don't say such stupid things again. This is our child. You are his father. In the future, he will be just like you. He is very handsome and gentle. Don't you think this was given to us by God?"

Being held by Xuan Ye, Maggie looked sad, but she was determined to give birth to this child.

"But, with him, I will lose you." Tears had already wet Maggie's shoulders, and the sadness and fear caused Maggie to hug Xuan Ye.

"I have no cure. I want to give birth to a child for you. This is my greatest wish. You have to promise me that you will love him well in the future."

"He shouldn't be... shouldn't be..."

The emotions began to get out of control, Xuan Ye was a little excited, and Maggie, gritted her teeth, hugged Xuan Ye even harder.

"You shouldn't say this, he is your flesh and blood, our flesh and blood, you must love him well, I have never asked you anything, but now I beg you, you must take good care of him he...."

She pursed her lips tightly, and two tears ran silently across her cheeks.

"I'm sorry...I'm useless..."

Feelings of powerlessness, unease, and fear enveloped Xuan Ye's entire soul at this time, causing him to tremble uncontrollably.

Why, God is so unfair to me, everyone who likes me has to die for themselves, since this is the case, the world is unfair to me, so what is the use of this world.

Regardless of the cost, I want to save you, I will never let you leave me.

Holding tightly, in the dim light, Xuan Ye's eyes were full of remorse and distortion.

At this moment, there is only one voice in his heart, he must save Maggie, even if the cost is the whole world.


Cough...cough... Recently, the farmer needs to keep a low profile. Although it is not in line with the purpose of this book, it has to be done. The farmer is also very helpless because I was arrested by the police...

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