Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 611: Faced with a collapsed situation, various forces are waiting for the opportunity

The great route, an unknown place, is close to the windless belt, an island that does not look conspicuous, but no one knows that this is the base camp of the most feared "deprivation" of the king among the four powerhouses in the dark world.

Three years ago, it can be said that there was a major reshuffle in the Dark World, and the culprit was the Kingdom of God.

Because the underground tycoon Ocean King and Deep Ocean Current Yumit offended the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God made a move, and the five emperors and birds sent Tianjie to kill three underground tycoons forcefully.

The big news Morgans and the hidden master Gibson, who are also underground bosses, narrowly escaped.

With that incident, it can be said that the entire world has come to a standstill in a short period of time, and because of the death of the three underground bosses, the Dark World has also been reshuffled.

Among them, with the current five emperors who dominate most of the underground world, plus the big news who escaped everything and the two former underground bigwigs, the current dark world can be said to divide the world equally.

Originally, the Five Emperors Lonely Red had forcibly attacked the two former underground bosses, but for some reason, in the end, they acquiesced in the existence of the two underground bosses.

Therefore, the dark world is divided into four parts, and the biggest one is Lonely Red, followed by other scattered forces, and finally the big news and hidden teachers.

However, this situation that divided the world did not last long before it was broken by a sudden force.

That is "deprivation", no one knows how many people this force has, only that it is terrifying, and all those who opposed this force have disappeared.

Then, the Dark Realm shuffled the cards again, even if it was a lonely red, it was powerless in the end. Therefore, another force appeared in the Dark Realm, and with the development of the past two or three years, it has become a person other than the lonely red. The biggest king.

The lonely red, the deprivation, the big news, the hidden division, and the weakest scattered forces have divided the entire underground world.

Few people know about the power of "deprivation", because this power, even when it is in action, hides its identity, and even some eye-catching abilities are not dared to use, they seem to be avoiding something.

Deep in the island, a vast underground world is hidden here; and this is the base camp of "Deprivation".

"The thief haha... It finally started. For more than two years, I have been hiding in the dark for more than two years, and finally I have waited..."

There was little smoke, and there was a long table with many people sitting on it. If Anilu was here, he would find that this was the Blackbeard Pirates who had disappeared.

I have to say that Blackbeard's ability to hide is too strong, like a poisonous snake in the dark, no one knows when he will strike a fatal blow.

Becoming one of the big bosses in the dark world, such a big move must have attracted the attention of the kingdom of God, but the black beard did a good job, keeping all the tails tight, I don't know if it was luck, or because of other things , As a result, it has not been discovered by the kingdom of God, but in a few years, its strength has greatly increased.

Today, they finally had the opportunity to cut off the source of life that is now hidden and exposed like a street mouse: the kingdom of God.

"Captain, the time for our revenge is here." Next, Lafitte's aura is stronger than before, not only for Lafitte, but also for others. After all, time is fair. When oneself becomes stronger, others also become stronger.

"Two years, more than two years, we finally got the chance, Tianshen bird."

With murderous intent on their faces, all Blackbeard members can't wait to destroy the kingdom of God at this moment.

"All-out war with the beasts Kaido." Someone looked at the newspaper in his hand, looked up at the black beard on the first seat, and said with a grin, "When the kingdom of God is destroyed, it is the moment when we reach the top and become the five emperors."

"Get ready, it's time to realize our ambition, Tianshen bird, I must trample you underfoot."

With a ruthless face, Blackbeard has had enough of his life of hiding his head and showing his tail in the past few years, and now that he has obtained the ability he wants, as long as he waits for an opportunity, he can soar to the sky, and even have the strength to bury a person. The five emperors.

With Blackbeard sticking out his fangs in the dark, another super-powerful force also began to mobilize urgently.

"Finally, it's still a shot."

Looking at the information from the investigation in his hand, Long sat in a chair and fell into contemplation.

"Mr. Long, Luffy has set off, and has arrived in the new world, starting a new adventure."

Next to the dragon, Sabo smiled and looked at another document in his hand. What was once lost is now back.

I really look forward to meeting you, Luffy and Ace.

"Mr. Long, I want to go to the new world." Sabo couldn't wait to put down the information in his hand.

"Be careful, the era of great chaos has begun, and our revolutionary army must also speed up."

Long recovered from his contemplation, without objection, but only admonished Sabo.


At the same time, the new world, the sea of ​​red hair.

"Captain, do we need to do something?"

Beckman sighed, looking at the red hair that had changed somewhat, not knowing how to comfort him.

The matter still has to start with Maggie's death. At the time, the red hair didn't believe it, but after the final decision, the red hair seemed to be crazy. Beckman had never seen the red hair so angry, it was like eating people. , gave them a great impact.

Even, at that time, the red hair directly issued an order to fight the kingdom of God, but in the end, it was stopped by Beckman and others.

And the red-haired who really couldn't accept the news, on that day, was in a mess.

Hate, endless hatred, the red hair that woke up that day changed, although there was no impulse to issue an order to fight the kingdom of God, but after that day, the red hair pirates began to fall into a state of crazy expansion.

And this madness has been mad until now.

It's incredible. In the past few years, the red hair didn't bother to find Xuan Ye, as if all this had never happened, but with the backlog of time, the hatred began to deepen.

This is the difference between the character of Red Hair and Xuan Ye. If it were Xuan Ye, he would definitely launch a war to destroy humanity, but Red Hair, in order to be inhuman, he chose silence.

However, this silence is no less than the tranquility before the storm. With just a chance, this storm will destroy the world. Now, the world balance has fallen into another stage, but with the movement of the kingdom of God, chaos begins .

At this moment, all the forces in the world that can be regarded as facades basically held a meeting because of the actions of the kingdom of God.

Among them, the navy of the new world is waiting for the opportunity, and wants to maximize the benefits in this battle of the emperor. Therefore, countless navies outside have begun to return.

And the Hundred Beast Sea Area, one of the storm centers, was also urgently mobilized. For this war, Kaido had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Because of the war, he likes it, and as for who the other party is, he doesn't care at all.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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