Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 725: The Navy suffers, Aokiji goes to prison

Time, back to the Navy.

Returning in embarrassment, the navy warships led by the three generals, Kizaru, Aokiji, and Green Bull, attacked the Kingdom of God. As a result, the entire army was wiped out just after entering the sea and before reaching the mainland of the Kingdom of God.

Tens of thousands of naval elites were buried under the sea like this, and even their bodies were not brought back.

Undoubtedly, this made Kizaru and the others' faces turn as dark as the bottom of a pot, because the navy behind them now doesn't even have a double ten, and the living ones are all strong lieutenant generals and some lucky major generals.

The loss was heavy, and it was hard to imagine the grief and anger in Kizaru's heart at this moment.

Because this is no longer a heavy loss, but it is no different from the entire army. The most important thing is that the other party only dispatched two people, a fish, and a black cloud that does not have a strong sense of existence!

Just this lineup turned their three generals, dozens of lieutenant generals, and tens of thousands of naval elites into losers and turned into seabed bones.

Feeling aggrieved and angry, it almost blew the hearts of Kizaru, Lu Niu and others.

However, the loss of Kizaru and others is not the only one, because the naval headquarters is also in flames and broken at the moment.

"what happened!"

Huang Yuan and others who returned in embarrassment looked at the naval headquarters with smoke billowing and ruined walls. If it weren't for the striking sign, they all wondered if they and others had gone wrong.

Standing on the cracked coast, the ghost spider stared, unable to believe it.

An hour later, in the temporary conference room, there was very little smoke at the moment, and the atmosphere was overwhelming, and every navy's face showed a heavy look.

First of all, the body of Warring States was still wrapped in bandages, more or less, the entire hall was actually injured.

Sitting in the first place, Warring States took a deep breath, trying to suppress the restlessness in his heart, but the more he wanted to suppress, the more intense the anger.

Blue veins jumped, Warring States red eyes, bloodshot inside, slapped his palm on the desk, looked down and lowered his head, far from the casual Garp he used to be, and yelled, "Kapp, you bastard, you are again your son dragon."

If it was the past, Garp would definitely raise his head, stiffen his neck, and say a word to the Warring States, but now, as usual, he is full of embarrassment and doesn't know what to say.

"The revolutionary army, the **** revolutionary army, has grown to such a point that it must be destroyed."

Panting, the anger in the Warring States almost ran through his head.

The matter is going back to a few days ago, when the Navy was preparing to attack the Kingdom of God, the Naval Headquarters welcomed several uninvited guests.

As soon as Garp led the four generals out of the naval field, the storm appeared.

There is no end, the sky that was clear a second ago was covered by dark clouds in the blink of an eye, and thunder and lightning flashed.

On the distant sea level, connecting the heavens and the earth, a waterspout rolled with countless seawater, thunder, and hurricanes.

That visual impact, like nature's anger, made the entire naval headquarters shaken in an instant.

In front of the power of heaven and earth, the naval headquarters, like an ant, shivered.

This is also the reason why Sengoku recalled Garp and Fujitora. However, when Garp returned to the rescue, the storm that overturned the river was already like a villain, forcibly pressed the navy to the ground and rubbed it.

In the face of natural disasters, it is far beyond what humans can resist.

And the storm is just a prelude, because the final crisis, followed by the storm, almost wiped out the navy.

Headed by the revolutionary army leader Long, Sabo, Ivankov, Xiong, and Imazuna, like no one, they forcibly pushed the entire naval headquarters.

Even Sengoku was injured by the dragon. If it wasn't for the quick return of Garp and Fujitora, maybe Sengoku wouldn't be sitting here now.

There is no doubt that the Navy suffered heavy losses this time, and even the Warring States period was unbearable.

"Damn dragon."

The Warring States had never been so gaffe that, now, like a powder keg, full of explosions.

As long as one thinks of the dragon's ability, the Warring States period is like a dead father and mother, ugly to die; if Xuan Ye is the incarnation of the sun, which can burn everything; then the dragon is the incarnation of the weather, which can also destroy everything.

Because the natural disaster hurricane that swept the naval headquarters was caused by the dragon.

It can also be seen from this that the terrifying phantom beast species, even if it is not a natural type, can also have the ability to subvert the world.

This is also the reason why Long established the Revolutionary Army, and under the siege and suppression of the behemoth of the World Government, he was able to achieve such success.

As we all know, in ancient times, there were three major weapons that could destroy the world; in some respects, Long, Xuan Ye, Whitebeard and others were the living Hades, Sea Kings, and Heavenly Kings.

However, things have happened, and the primary purpose is to solve the difficulties, not to get angry.

As a marshal, Sengoku knew this, so he just vented and regained his composure.

The Warring States period, who had regained his calm, turned his attention to Kizaru and the others. To be precise, it was Aokiji.

"Qingzhi, do you have anything to explain?" He clenched his fists tightly, although Warring States' face was calm, but the blood vessels on the arms under the bandages were protruding at the moment.

Half an hour ago, I heard the reports from Huang Yuan and others, and the Warring States couldn't believe it. Two of them, like heavy hammers, almost suffocated the Warring States.

Being able to control the Sea Kings, apart from the legendary ancient weapon Sea King, the Warring States period really couldn't think of other possibilities, and the most worrying thing about the Warring States period was that the Sea King was suspected to be in the hands of that madman.

The second is undoubtedly the most distressing in the Warring States period, because the backbone of the navy, an admiral of the navy, lost his loyalty, and even said that he had betrayed the navy and justice.

"Why does the kingdom of God suspect that it has the news of the Sea King? You didn't report it, causing the loss of the entire navy. Do you know what you're doing!"

Standing up suddenly, Warring States was furious, his eyes were like knives, staring at the green pheasant.

That is tens of thousands of naval elites, almost all of them are the support of the navy, but now because of Aokiji's negligence, the entire navy is almost collapsed.

No one can afford this responsibility.

Looking up, Qingzhi could clearly feel the anger in the eyes of the Warring States Period and the suspicion of his colleagues. At this moment, Qingzhi felt that he had nothing to say.

"Admiral Qingzhi, you must have betrayed the navy already! After all, he and Tianshen bird are friends. Some time ago, he returned from the kingdom of God unharmed. Is it because of this moment that the navy suffered heavy losses?"

There is a navy, with a gloomy face, looking at Aokiji with hatred.

Distrust, suspicion, and vigilance all flock to Aokiji at this moment. Even Garp frowned and opened his mouth to help, but he couldn't say anything.

"General Aokiji, do you have anything to say?"

With a livid face, the Warring States period looked at the green pheasant coldly.

Opened his mouth, Qingzhi's eyes were complicated, looking at the hateful eyes around him, after sighing, he said blankly, "I have nothing to say."

"You don't even have an explanation!" Looking at the calm-faced Aokiji, Sengoku felt very heartbroken.

However, Aokiji remained silent.

"Okay, okay, you are really a righteous navy." He laughed in anger, Sengoku's eyes spewed fire, and roared, "Take him down for me, put him in the infinite **** of the advancing city, no one is allowed without my order. Let him out."

For the order of the Warring States period, Qingzhi did not resist, but in just a moment, he was put on a stone cap by the navy, and he was held in prison.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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