Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 82: Return to the Capital of Seven Waters (1)

Five days later, on the calm sea, a huge warship came slowly.

The capital of seven waters is famous for its shipbuilding and bizarre landscapes. It not only has famous food, but also has excellent craftsmanship.

Most importantly, the shipbuilding industry here is very developed, because One Piece's "Ol Jackson" was born here.

However, just today, this famous island is about to usher in a crisis.

In the port, countless semi-finished giant ships are gradually being perfected.

"What is this?" On the sea, a railroad track rose and fell in the sea water, and one extended life to the end.

Lying on the edge of the ship, there was a navy who was extremely surprised.

"A sea train?" Standing on the bow, Xuan Ye looked at the railway tracks in the sea and muttered.

"Go all out for the Water Capital!"


Approaching, approaching the port, Xuan Ye disembarked and walked straight towards the largest shipyard.

"All pirates on the island, all arrest, resisters, kill without mercy." Pausing, Xuan Ye quickly ordered.

"Whoosh..." 200 navies stood in the air, letting the boatmen here shout.

Because none of these boatmen have ever seen so many strong men walking in the air, but it can be seen from the clothes that these are harmless navy.

Since the last time a Rear Admiral started a killing spree here, the law and order here has stopped a lot in a short period of time, but because of the developed shipping industry here, it didn't take long for the place to be a lot of chaos.

Wearing ordinary casual clothes, Xuan Ye followed Aokiji, Monkey, and Pacas beside him, heading towards the No. 1 dock.

Because there, unsurprisingly, the goal this time must be.

The heat was in full swing, the discussion was heated, and the slightly familiar voice was faintly heard near the dock.

A bull-horned murloc, surrounded by a few boatmen, was looking at a blueprint and having a heated discussion.

"Captain, there is a navy." A boatman, standing opposite the murloc, inadvertently saw Xuan Ye and others.

Turning his head, the murloc was a little surprised, because he had seen the leader a few years ago, and his memory was fresh now.

"Rear Admiral, no, he should be Lieutenant Admiral now. I don't know why the famous Tianniao is here." Standing up, Tom's eyes flashed and he was ready.

Xuan Ye looked at the fat, two-headed guy in front of him, and sighed, "You should be ready."

"It's just that I didn't expect to see you in this situation."

"Haha... this day should have come a long time ago." Tom smiled wryly, because he knew this day would come.

"In other words, this time the world government sent you to end everything?" Finally, Tom breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right." Nodding, Xuan Ye said expressionlessly.

"Let's see if I can do me a favor while I'm building a boat for you!" After a moment of silence, Tom was a little unwilling and looked at Xuan Ye with fiery eyes.

"You said, but I'm sorry for violating my purpose." Xuan Ye also pondered for a moment.

"Can I get through to your marshal's phone bug? I have something to say!" Tom gritted his teeth.

"Okay!" Xuan Ye nodded, then took out the phone bug in his sleeve, and without saying a word, dialed the phone bug in the Warring States period.


"Hey! This is Warring States." The phone worm rang, and on the other side, Warring States answered the phone.

"Hey! I'm Xuan Ye."

"The mission is completed?" Warring States was a little surprised, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"No, it's the last one, someone wants to talk to you."


"Listen to yourself!" After speaking, Xuan Ye gave the phone bug directly to Tom.

"Hey! This is Tom's studio, I'm Tom." Taking over the phone bug, Tom directly revealed his name.

"Tom." In the Marshal's office, the Warring States hand tapped on the desk, pondering.

"I have a request, please delay my execution, because the design of the sea train has been drawn, and now it is time to practice." Tom's face was solemn, staring at the phone bug in his hand.

"Sea train? It's a train that can walk on the sea? I've heard the news."

"Connecting the islands, riding the wind and waves, and connecting to the prosperity of the sea area, this train seems to have more advantages than disadvantages." Rubbing his head in thought, the Warring States period hesitated.

"Wait a moment." Finally, Warring States turned off the phone bug, and he still planned to report it.

Ten minutes later, the phone bug in Tom's hand rang again.

"Give the phone bug to Lieutenant General Sky Bird."

"Hey! What's the matter, say it!" After taking the phone call, Xuan Ye was expressionless.

"Tom let it go for a while..." Sengoku's deep voice came.

"My mission." Xuan Yexi's words were like gold, and there was some depression and excitement in his words.

"With the approval of the Five Old Stars, you can use the intelligence network of Judicial Island, but only the Golden Lion." Warring States warned.

"Okay." With a snap, he turned off the phone bug directly, Xuan Ye showed a wicked smile, and his mission was finally completed.

"Go!" Turning around, although Xuan Ye couldn't wait, he still planned to rest on the island for one night.

At the same time, on the entire island, countless pirates were arrested, and the rebels all died, and the blood once again wet the Seven Waters.

Today's scene, and He Qi's acquaintance a few years ago.

In the end, what the sea soldiers couldn't solve, Xuan Ye and Qingzhi started. It was only an hour, and the entire Seven Waters City was silent, because on this day, all the pirates on the island disappeared.

Clay Continent, Mary Joa, the power center of the world government, in that plain room.

The five old people, standing or standing, exuded the breath of high-ranking people.

"What do you think of the news from the Warring States just now?" One of the old men with a knife said indifferently.

"It's just a murloc, it's harmless, and most importantly, our trial is over." A bald old man smiled with the victory in hand.

"Tianniao Xuanye Tang, you can become a general." An old man with a long beard patted the table and affirmed.

"Preliminary estimates, this guy hates pirates, and can destroy civilians in order to order. Such men are indispensable."

"If that's the case, then give him a chance."

"Even if he has dissent, we can suppress it."

"Now Kong is serving as the Marshal of the whole army, so is the naval marshal Sengoku really competent?"

"Since it is an empty guarantee, you can try it. The capable go up and the weak go down. This sea always belongs to us."

"Okay, then wait and see, this ever-expanding sea will never be able to escape from the palm of your hand and mine."

At the moment, Xuan Ye, who was recuperating in the Capital of Seven Waters, had no idea that his path had become much smoother once again.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

More (memories of April) 2000 starting coins for the reward, three shifts today.

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