The two elders agreed to send out the CP organization to destroy Morgans and the so-called God Clan.

We will never allow the Celestial Dragons to be attacked again.

Said the blond Peter Saint.

"Then what should we do with Admiral Kuzan? Saint Rozwald, whose son died, asked us to dismiss him."

Saint Nasujuro, who was bald and wearing a white Taoist robe, said coldly

"Then dismiss him. As the face of the World Government, it is really shameful for a Navy Admiral to lose."

"In the situation at that time, we could have launched the Demon Killing Order as Saint Rozwald said."

"If we had assembled a large number of naval forces, we would not have been defeated, and the two criminals would probably not have been able to escape."

Saint Maz expressed his opinion.

"I agree with dismissal. This is an explanation to Saint Rozwald."

The other two also agreed.

Kuzan's defeat was so tragic that it was reported in the newspapers this time, and people all over the world knew about it.

Not only is he no longer the face of the World Government, but it is a shame, and it has also destroyed the authority of the World Government.

There is nothing wrong with this decision.

Saint Satan said

"Then who will take the vacant position?"

After all, the lack of an admiral will reduce the deterrence to the pirates.

Under the current situation, the majesty of the World Government cannot be reduced.

Maz suggested.

"Why not let our people go? I have a good candidate, Green Bull, who will just strengthen the control of the navy."

He was very dissatisfied that the Demon Slayer Order was not directly launched this time. This was not a good sign, indicating that someone in the navy did not pay enough attention to the Celestial Dragons.

The Celestial Dragons were brutally killed, and the Demon Slayer Order was definitely launched.

The casualties of civilians do not need to be paid attention to at all.

His proposal was immediately agreed by the other four Five Elders.

The candidate he mentioned, Green Bull, is a natural-type Mori-mori fruit ability user.

It just corresponds to the natural-type ability of the current admiral.

They have nothing to disagree with.

After the meeting, Saint Satan personally told Sengoku the decision of the few people.

Sengoku looked helpless after receiving the notice.

As expected, it seems that Kuzan can't take over his job.

Even if he is the admiral of the navy. There is no way to protest against the decision of the Five Elders, so he can only do it.

In addition, they also airdropped a general. Are they not confident in the navy or dissatisfied?

On the New World Cake Island.

A man wearing a red and yellow hat, a candy cane in his hand, and a light yellow coat quickly rushed to his mother's side.

"Mom, this guy Morganus has released four big news again."

The big aunt who was enjoying the huge cake frowned.

"Perospero, what news did this guy Morganus release again?"

Roger's resurrection really shocked her before.

I don't know what big news this time.

Perospero handed over the newspaper.

"Mom, take a look yourself, there are too many contents this time."

The aunt put down the cake and picked up the newspaper to read.

The first newspaper was enough to shock her.

"So cruel? There are also photos of killing Celestial Dragons."

She was really shocked.

Celestial Dragons are world nobles, and their status can be said to be the most noble in the world.

They are backed by the World Government, which has ruled the world for 800 years, and the power of the World Government is so huge.

It is so huge that she doesn't want to go to war with the World Government at all, which is undoubtedly a futile move.

Don't look at her as one of the four sea emperors with a powerful family.

But if they start a full-scale war, she doesn't think she has any chance of winning.

Even if she adds her little brother Kaido, the chance of winning is not great.

Kaido was her little follower and still owed her a huge favor.

Morgans said that this is something that the Four Emperors dare not do.

She still feels uncomfortable.

But even if she feels uncomfortable, she will not do such a thing that will kill herself.

Killing the Celestial Dragons will definitely lead to full retaliation from the World Government.

Then she saw two more surprising news.

These two young men are very extraordinary. One of them calls himself a god and defeated the admiral Kuzan, and the other one transformed and killed two elite vice admirals in seconds.

Morgans rated their combat power as comparable to the Four Emperors.

Her face was a little solemn, but her heart was

And very disdainful.

The admirals of the navy are still powerful, but does defeating the admirals make them equal to the Four Emperors?

How naive! Morgans is still publishing some exaggerated newspapers as usual to attract people's attention.

As for defeating two elite vice admirals, she doesn't care about the elite vice admirals at all.

Except for that old bastard Garp, of course.

When she saw the last newspaper, she was so bold in her heart.

Morgans is so bold, he is really not afraid of death.

He dared to publish such a newspaper and directly challenged the status of the Celestial Dragons.

It really shows that he is not big enough.

As for this God Clan, she has never heard of it. Maybe it is some hidden clan.

These two young men are so strong.

So she has some ideas.

If she can marry this God Clan, wouldn't she get a very powerful ally?

These two boys are definitely not comparable to the Four Emperors, but they can defeat the admirals of the navy, so they can compete with her strongest son Katakuri.

She thinks this is a good family that can produce such excellent offspring.

Only family members are the most trustworthy.

Family members rarely betray her.

Compared with pirate subordinates, they are more trustworthy.

This idea is getting stronger and stronger.

She has an idea that if the other party can give birth to such an excellent child, wouldn’t it be possible to give birth to a stronger child if they are combined with her family?

If she were not old, she would be willing to do it herself.

She looked at Perospero.

"I want to marry this family, you go and communicate with these two boys."

Perospero was shocked.

Although he always listened to his mother and did not dare to resist, he had to say it this time.

"Mom, isn't this okay?"

"These two boys are only in their teens, their hair hasn't even grown out yet."

"And this tribe dares to call itself a tribe of gods, completely challenging the status of the Celestial Dragons. It's estimated that they will be destroyed in the near future. Should we marry them again?"

In his eyes, it's better not to marry this tribe.

Such an action will also provoke the Celestial Dragons.

Although they, the pirates, don't get along with the Celestial Dragons, but it's better not to be so blatant against them.

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