"Brothers, you've seen this, let's go eat."

Locke picked up the plate and walked into the exclusive room. Jenny and others followed him in pairs, and their aura was full.

Locke opened the door and ordered food from the electronic menu on the screen.

"Michelle, Nina, what do you think of your people?"

Nina replied first

"William is remarkable. I can see that he will not eat his food in the end. He is ready to accept punishment."

"Ellen is very good. She knows how to help each other at this time. She is also very experienced. This will be of great help to us in the future."

Locke heard the two people's answers

"Then how can we say that they have passed the test?"

Dean expressed his thoughts

"The wind told me that their hearts are pure. They will be good fighters and brothers."

Nasir is a pure reckless man. He would not use his brain if he could do it. When he saw so many people thought it was okay, he just followed the crowd and clasped his hands and said

"Me too!"

Locke Hearing this, he pinched his forehead

"Nasir, at least think about it!"

Nasir could only say awkwardly

"Boss, you know me. I don't use my brain when I can do it."

"Let's not talk about this for now. How have you been training recently? Have you made any progress? If you don't understand, I'll help you with some reference."

"Boss, I've recently figured out a new set of boxing techniques. In addition, you asked me to increase my speed. I dare say that I can definitely beat the warden with this move, and then beat him into shit."

Locke was shocked to hear that it was Nasir who came up with the move himself. After all, he was the same person as Nasir. The moves were open and closed, and the characteristics were attack and attack, and injury for injury.

"The dish has not yet been presented to show its skills."

Locke picked up the rice and prepared to see if Nasir had any rice-matching skills.

"Watch out, boss, take that wall!"

"Thunder Fist!"

Nasir's bulky body quickly came to the wall several dozen meters away and swung his fist quickly, with dense fist shadows appearing.

When Nasir had enough, everyone realized that the wall originally forged by steel had been sunken by Nasir.

Locke took the lead in applauding and said

"Very good, Nasir, I see that you have mastered shaving. As a giant, your speed is already excellent."

Nasir saw that his boss and everyone were happy for him, and a smile appeared on his honest face

"Hahaha, it's okay, at least I can hit him when facing some fast ones in the future."

. . . The dividing line drawn by the black knife. . .

Allen and William after dinner

"Brother William, what did you say you did before?"

William heard and replied

"I was originally a butcher who farmed scallops on Fishman Island."

When Allen heard that William was from Fishman Island, he immediately became curious.

"Fishman Island! The next island I was going to venture to was Fishman Island. Damn pirates and slave-hunting teams! How did you get caught, brother?"

"Me? I was selling scallop meat in Mermaid Bay and then a group of pirates came and caught mermaids when they saw mermaids in Mermaid Bay. A little mermaid was taken away by them right in front of me. How could I tolerate this?"

"I picked up the knife next to me and killed those pirates. Later, the captain of that group of pirates came and defeated me, and then I was brought here by them. But the good news is that the little mermaid was not caught, hahaha!"

Alan admired

"Brother, you are great! A role model for my generation!"

"Hahaha! It's okay! If you come again I will get into trouble again!"

At this time, a group of guards came and blocked the road in front of them.

The leading guard said fiercely

"Bastard fishman, don't think we can do whatever we want after winning that day. Today is just a beginning, and there will be more such things in the future."

When William heard these people insulting him, he rushed up immediately, but was caught by other guards.

"Asshole, come out and fight one by one."

The leading guard said alone

"Are you good at fighting? What's the use of fighting? Do you think you can beat all these people here?"

The guard came over and patted William's face

"You need power and background to get involved."

Alan stood up for William at this time and pushed aside a guard on one side.

"Asshole, who do you think you are? Bullying the few with the many? Go away!"

"Asshole fur tribe, I'll deal with you later."

William didn't want to see Allen injured because of him and wanted Allen to leave here.

"Miss Allen, fighting is a rough job, so let me do it

Come on, men, you leave first."

Alan is not a delicate girl, she has ways and means to deal with these people

"What are you kidding, the fur tribe will not let friends face difficulties alone."

What else can the guards say after hearing this, it's the same to beat one or two

"It seems that in addition to dealing with the hybrid fishmen, we also have a fur lady."

"Assholes, don't underestimate women, wolf head assault."

Alan used the wolf head to knock a guard away directly.

"Brothers! Tell me."

William used the fishman taekwondo to punch a Karami, and Alan grabbed a guard and waved it as a weapon.

At this time, some guards found that something was wrong

"Go call the head guard and say that there was a riot among the experimental subjects."

"Yes! "

The battle lasted for half an hour.

The guards, who were originally numerous, now lay on the ground and wailed.

William grabbed the collar of the guard who had just insulted him and punched him one after another.

"I told you to be arrogant, but you are still a bastard? I will kill you today."

At this time, William and Allen were not feeling well. The melee just now also caused them a lot of damage.

Alan sat on the ground exhausted.

"Huff, huh, huh, I'm so tired. There are so many people. William, what do you think we should do next?"

William threw the guards on the ground casually. At this time, the guards were unrecognizable.

"Huff, huh, huh, they should execute us. Miss Allen, you should not get involved. I can defeat them alone."

Alan was ready to die the moment she stepped out of Zou, and said indifferently.

"What a joke, the fur tribe will not abandon their friends and run away."

"Pah! Pah! Pah! "

Suddenly there was applause in the corridor, and a cold voice came out

"What a friendship that sticks together through thick and thin, it makes me cry."

A terrifying figure came out from the corner, it was the warden of Island No. 7.

At this time, the guard who came out to report the news stood up and pointed at William and Allen and said

"The warden is the two of them who gave up the riot."

"Okay, go down! I know, a bunch of trash, so many people can't beat two people. Are you two ready and desperate?"

The warden walked towards them step by step.

William took the lead

"Merceman Karate-Tiger Shark Punch"

William gathered all his strength and threw a punch, but the warden turned around and dodged it, and then punched William in the face.

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