The young navy looked at the bloody woman in front of him and said sympathetically.

"Miss, I'm sorry, we have received orders not to let anyone in."

Yol said numbly.

"Then can you two gentlemen give me some medicine, I will go back to bandage my father's wound, okay?"

The older navy raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Yoel impatiently.

"Miss, we have received orders not to allow any supplies to flow into the Valley of God, please don't make things difficult for us."

Yol looked at the gun pointing at her. She could kill the two navy in front of her in an instant, but what about after that? Will she be chased by the navy and go on the road with Old Jack?

Yol could only turn around and leave silently, walking numbly on the familiar street, but this time there was no familiar person accompanying her.

The young marine said to his companions passionately

"Are we being too much? We obviously have enough medicines, and there is no prohibition on the flow of materials to the Valley of God. The people above are smuggling every day. Are we still the navy if we do this? Are we worthy of justice?"

The older marine next to him said in a tone of teaching

"Asshole, don't talk about these things in the future. Even after the mission is over, remember to keep it to yourself, unless you don't want to live one day!"

"But that woman came to beg me with blood all over her body. I can't imagine what she went through before!"

"There are not so many buts. If you want to blame, blame them for being born in a non-member country. We can only pray that they live in a member country in their next life! Got it!"

When Yoel returned to the tavern and opened the half-way door, he found that Old Jem was lying in a pool of blood.

Old Jem seemed to see Joel in a trance and said

"Joel, is that you? You are finally back."

Joel walked towards Old Jem like he was collapsing. When he knelt beside him, Joel didn't even dare to touch Old Jem with his hands. Joel said tremblingly

"Old Jem, what's wrong with you? Didn't I block it with clothes when I left? Why is there so much blood? Woo woo woo!"

Old Jem heard Joel crying and wanted to reach out, but he lost too much blood and had no strength in his body. He could only comfort Joel with words and said

"It's a penetrating wound. It's okay, my little Joel, don't cry. I just I am too tired and want to take a rest. "

Yol lay on Jem's chest and cried gently. Old Jem said helplessly

"My child, I am dying. You don't need to take care of the tavern after I die. If you meet a good person, you can leave this island with him. I think that the arrival of these navy and world government is not a good thing. Hurry up and leave here, your future~"

Yol burst into tears when he heard that Old Jem had no voice


Afterwards, Yoel buried Old Jem in the flowers in the backyard and used a piece of wood as Old Jem's tombstone.

It was written "Father of Yoel"

After burying Old Jem, Yoel cleaned the tavern alone, threw away the damaged furniture and replaced it with new ones.

"Old Jem, look, old Jem?"

The familiar response did not appear. At this time, Yoel remembered that Old Jem had left.

In the next few days, Yoel learned to cook while working as a bartender. But the people who came here were not good people. Every time they saw Yoel's appearance, they would make a scene and then be kicked out by Yoel.

Until today, I met Locke and his gang.

In Yoel's dream

Old Jem's figure appeared. Yoel hugged Jem tightly for fear that he would disappear. Old Jem said kindly

"Yoel, do you remember what I said? I think the boy who came today is good. This is the first time I have seen someone who drank the soup made by little Yoel in one breath, hahaha!"

"Old Jem, I'm not going anywhere. I will run the tavern with you."

After hearing Yoel's words, Old Jem stroked Yoel's head like a child and said helplessly

"Silly child, I can't accompany you for a lifetime. I have to go. I opened the tavern for you. If this tavern blocks your smile, I will burn it immediately."


"No buts, you are still young, there is no need to accompany me, I will watch you in the sky, if you miss me, just smile, I will definitely see it."

"Thank you! Old Jem! Thank you dad!"

As Yoel finished speaking, Old Jem's figure slowly disappeared like a light particle. When Yoel woke up, he found that it was already dawn. Everything last night was like a dream.

"Old Jim."

Yol opened the door to wash up, and the girl's room looked like this

The tear marks on the pillow proved last night's dream.

In the bathroom, Locke was washing up when a voice suddenly came

"Mr. Locke, can you come with me later?"

Locke looked down and found that it was Joel

"Joel, what's the matter? If you are not in a hurry, you can go after you finish washing up."

Locke came out, and the originally crowded room suddenly became much emptier. After Joel quickly finished washing up, he took Locke to the tombstone of old Jem and asked faintly

"Locke, can I trust you?"

Locke looked at the tombstone in front of him and immediately understood everything. The serious answer

"Joel, believe me, time will prove everything!"

Joel smiled amazingly when he heard Locke's answer

"Old Jem, I have found someone I can trust. I, I am leaving the Valley of God! If possible, I will open a tavern somewhere else in the world one day in the future. Old Jem, are you listening?"

The breeze gently blew over Joel and lifted some of his hair, like Old Jem's response.

Locke said solemnly in front of old Jim's grave

"Uncle Jim, I will take good care of Joel. If you are in heaven, please bless us to get through the difficulties ahead!"

Locke and Joel stood in front of Jim's grave for a while, and Joel suddenly said

"I have received the blessing from old Jim, Locke, let's go, everyone is still waiting for us."


There is a sign outside the tavern saying it is closed

Inside the tavern, on a large round table

Locke spoke first

"Brothers, we have a new partner today, she is our Miss Yoel."

Yol was pulled by Locke to raise her hand and explained herself with a red face

"My name is Yoel, I am 17 years old, I am very strong and very fast, I will not hold you back."

After Yoel finished speaking, he raised the round table to prove to everyone

"Okay, okay, we got it, Yoel, put the table down first."

After Yoel put down the table, Locke said solemnly

"I believe everyone knows the challenges we are facing. We still have two days left, these two days We need to get weapons and food as soon as possible within the next day."

"First of all, we can ask people to borrow weapons from the navy. With so many navy soldiers here this time, they must have stored a lot of supplies on the island, so this matter will be handed over to you two, Dean and Joel. You two are the only ones present who have the right appearance and body shape."

"For food, we will divide into two teams. I will lead one team, and you will lead the other team, Alan, while Nina and Michelle will stay at home."

"Oh, Michelle, you can make some medicines. We may need them in the fierce battle the day after tomorrow. Let our two teams find the raw materials for the medicines."

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