The pirates were completely wiped out.

When Johnson and his men arrived at the port, the pirates on the port had been completely wiped out.

Johnson was not surprised to see this. He could easily destroy these people with his devil fruit. Keeping them was just to collect money for himself. He would just raise more dogs after they died.

Johnson stood in front and said arrogantly

"I'll give you one minute to think about it, men, put down your weapons and surrender to become my men, and women, just serve me well, hahaha!"

Hearing this, the faces of the crew members of the Locke Adventure Group changed, and the weapons in the hands of the cadres were all facing this arrogant guy.

Just when Johnson was still waiting, a sword energy swept across Johnson's face and cleared out a group of pirates behind Johnson.

"You are just a loser who escaped from the New World. You dare to bark in front of me? Use your strongest moves, or you will have no chance later."

Locke jumped down from the bow wearing a cloak. At this time, some people recognized Locke.

"Black cloak, swordsman, and adventure group, you are Locke, the pirate hunter of the West Sea?! How did you appear in the South Sea?"

Johnson didn't care when he heard that Locke was a swordsman, and directly used the fruit ability.

"Stone Giant Form!"

Johnson directly turned into a giant more than 50 meters tall and said arrogantly

"Swordsman, you look! As long as you don't find my entity, I am immortal! Stone Guard!"

Dozens of ten-meter-tall stone men broke out of the ground, each holding a giant sword and rushing towards Locke's crew.

Nasir's armed color covered his fists and punched a stone man. The other cadres were also like this. Under the blessing of the armed color, these stone men were as fragile as tofu.

"It's useless! It's useless! My guards are endless! King's Fist!"

After summoning a group of stone men again, Johnson controlled the stone giant to punch Nasir.

Just when Nasir was about to fight head-on, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked it with a sword.

No matter how hard Johnson tried, his fist couldn't fall. This scene reminded Johnson of when he faced those monsters in the New World. Johnson cursed

"Who do you think you are, bastard! You are just a weak chicken in the world. I came back from the New World!"

After saying that, he swung another fist at Locke. Locke directly lifted the stone giant with his sword. The 100-meter-tall giant was instantly lifted up by Locke for several meters. At this moment, Locke said

"Your body has told me your weakness - Heart Slash!"

In an instant, Locke appeared behind the stone giant, and then a cut appeared on the stone giant from the fist and gradually spread to the back. Then the upper body of the stone giant fell to the ground and stirred up a cloud of dust.

The cuts on the stone giant were very smooth, and Johnson lay on it with his eyes white. Locke grabbed Johnson's head and flew towards the Enterprise.

"Everyone, kill all the pirates on the island. If you have a bounty, chop off their heads and wait for the reward."


The remaining pirates saw that Johnson, the strongest man on the island, was killed in one blow, and they all fled in a hurry. The crew and cadres of Locke's adventure group went out to hunt down the remaining pirates.

In particular, each cadre has two-color domineering, and every hidden pirate will be killed in one blow under the observation color scan.

Adra stood at the bow holding a cup of milk tea waiting for Locke. Shanks next to him turned his eyes into little stars when he saw Locke cut such a big stone giant in half with one blow.

"Dad! Dad! I want to learn this move, too. Hey, Heart Slash!"

Locke touched Shanks' head and said

"Shanks, you should practice those basic swordsmanship first. Adra, drink the milk tea later. I have something to do now. I need to be alone."

"No problem, little master."

Adra put the milk tea aside, lifted her skirt with both hands and bent her legs.

Locke used Life Return to make his body smaller and smaller, and finally dragged Johnson to the seastone prison on the second floor of the basement. He first threw Johnson in the innermost part and locked it, then poured the fruit between the two layers of seastone and finally closed it.

The moment Locke felt Johnson's breath disappear, he used the Overlord Color on the surroundings. Locke did not stop until he felt the devil reborn in the fruit in the middle layer.

Pour out all the fruits inside, pick up one of the fruits that looks like a stone, and finally cut off Johnson's head and left.

"I almost let him run away. Sure enough, my guess was right. The devil fruit really has consciousness. Through the Conqueror's Haki, the will of the devil fruit can be suppressed, and then the directional reincarnation can be completed with the help of seastone.

I just don't know if the resistance consciousness of those mythical beasts will be stronger. "

When Adra saw Locke, Locke had already put the fruit back into the safe, holding only Johnson's head in his hand.

"Little master, come and play, come and drink milk, come and drink milk tea."

Locke was so upset that he knocked Adra's head hard.

The moon had just risen on the sea, and a huge bonfire rose in the port.

"Boss, the pirate heads with bounties are all here, a total of four. These are the treasures collected by those pirates. It is estimated that 200 million is no problem."

Locke was grilling steak and asked after listening to the harvest.

"What about supplies?"

"Very rich, the empty third-floor warehouse is now full, and there are many more. "

Locke said while eating the freshly grilled steak

"Just let the brothers eat as much as they want. If they can't finish it, burn it tomorrow. Take the five intact pirate ships in the port with you. Maybe they can sell them for more than 100 million Baileys in the second-hand market."

Looking at the crew members leaving, Locke muttered

"Killing people and setting fires to get gold belts. It's really profitable to rob the thieves!"

The next day, the Locke Adventure Group left the sea area on the Enterprise. The Pirate Island behind them was on fire. Only a half-body stone giant proved what happened.

The Locke Pirate Group went to the largest naval base nearby to exchange the bounty through the captured sea charts.

Naval Base

From time to time, warships left or entered the port. A naval soldier on the lighthouse in the distance saw the Enterprise coming and thought it was a pirate invasion. After seeing the familiar adventure group flag, he realized that it was the Locke Adventure Group, which was famous in the West Sea, and then called the port area's telephone bug.

"Hello? Port area? An adventure group is heading to the base."

"Adventure group? ”

“Look at the flag, it’s the Locke Adventure Group from the West Sea. I don’t know why they came to our South Sea.”

“Okay, I’ll report it now, you continue to stand guard.”


As the soldier made a phone call, the operator in the base immediately ran to the door of the base commander’s office and knocked on the door.

“Report to the colonel, I have something to report.”

“Come in!”

The soldier opened the office door, stood up straight after entering and said

“Report! The observation post just reported that the Locke Adventure Group from the West Sea is coming to our base!”

Colonel Arthur extinguished the cigarette in his mouth after hearing it and asked

“The Locke Adventure Group from the West Sea? Arrange someone to receive them in the reception room first, I will be there soon.”


After the soldier went out, he immediately made arrangements. When the Locke Adventure Group arrived at the port of the naval base, two rows of soldiers were already standing there waiting for them.

A small boat came under the Enterprise and shouted with a loudspeaker

“Locke Adventure Group, this ship will take you to the port.” "

Some crew members watched what was happening and said

"What is this navy doing? Why is it so grand?"

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