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Nasir said with tears in his eyes, "Elder Yolulu is dead. He was beaten to death by someone!"

Dongli and Bu Luoji put down their glasses at the same time and asked, "Who killed Elder Yolulu? "

Nasir cried and said, "It's the evil god Charlotte Lingling! When she was five years old, she destroyed our village on a fasting day! She also killed Elder Yoluru!"

Dongli said in shock, "Five years old ? ! "

Nasir replied, "Because at that time we had been hungry for 11 days on the fasting day, and the evil god was born with great strength, and he could injure our giant warriors with one palm. "

Dongli took a sip Jiu asked, "So Nasir, how did you How did you become Locke's crew member?"

Nasir replied, "Senior, I was staying well in Elbaf, but one day a group of people from the World Government took me away for experiments. I met the boss in the laboratory. . ”

Bu Loki said gratefully, "Thank you, Brother Locke. When we go to Elbaf in the future, I and Dongli will definitely entertain you!"

Dongli gritted his teeth and said, "World Government! Nasir, I'm glad you're okay."

Nasir said "I'm lucky, but the other giant brother is miserable. The eldest brother was taken by him to do an organ transplant experiment. The transplanted organ is the heart of our giants!"

Dongli and Buloki shouted "What! How can the World Government Dare! "

Bu Loki hammered the ground with his left hand, and some crew members were even shocked. "Dongli, it seems that we have to end this meaningless fight!"

Dongli nodded and said, "Yes! Elbaf needs We! Our people need our protection! "

The two stood up and shouted, "Giant Pirates, assemble!"

Locke said, "Seniors, I know you are in a hurry, but this is the first half of the Grand Line. How do you go to the second half, senior?"

Dongli said generously, "It doesn't matter. As long as Brother Locke has a weapon, Bu Luoji and I can fight back to the new world!"

Bu Luoji said, "Thank you, Brother Locke. Help us to know that our hometown Elbaf has such a change, so I decided to teach you the unique skills of our giants! "

Nasir's eyes turned into little stars and he said excitedly, "Could it be? !"

Donli stroked his beard He smiled and said, "Yes, it is the hegemony!"

Nasir grabbed Locke's shoulders and said, "Boss, boss! You must teach me when you learn it!"

Locke was just in need of some methods of mass destruction, so he said, "No problem, both of you Senior, I will definitely learn it as soon as possible and will not waste your time. "

In the next few days, Locke and the crew have been conducting special training in the small garden, and the recording pointer has not shown any signs of absorbing full magnetic force.

Locke He learned how to dominate the sea from two giant legends. Because Locke has a giant heart in his body and his physique meets the requirements, it is not difficult to learn how to dominate the country. He just needs to master the tricks and practice diligently.

Joel and Adela were fishing in the boat, while Jenny watched and said, "I don't know why my brother likes fishing. He always catches a fish after training, but he always comes up empty-handed."

Joel explained "Locke said that fishing is also a form of exercise, which exercises our state of mind. Although I don't quite understand this, since Locke said so, it must make sense."

Adra joked on the side, "This is not even the first time I've married. Explain for Locke, um! Miss Joel. ”

Joel blushed and revealed Adra’s little secret. “Hum! I don’t know who tempted Locke every day before! Miss Maid. "

Adra broke down and cursed, "Baga! What am I doing?"

Before Adra finished speaking, Yoel's rod suddenly moved twice, and then sank violently. If Yoel hadn't caught the fish in time, Otherwise, the rod will be dragged into the sea.

"It's so heavy! It's a big fish! Jenny, come and help me."

Yol and the big fish at the bottom of the sea competed, but neither of them could do anything to the other.

"Joel, let me do it. I'll count one, two, three and we'll do it together!"


"One, two, three! Go!"

A sea king several dozen meters long was caught by Joel and Jenny. Jenny came up and said, "Miss Youel is amazing. She caught more fish than my brothers combined."


Yol said with a smile

"No, it's great that we can have fish soup tonight."

After Adra called several crew members nearby to carry the sea king to the kitchen, they continued fishing.

In the kitchen

Several chefs pointed at the sea king that had just been caught, and one of them said

"How is it possible! I have fished all around, but I didn't catch any sea king."

"Maybe Miss Yoel is lucky."

"No, I'll go there to make a nest later tonight."

"Add me!"

"And me."

A group of airmen were ready to try their luck. At this time, the chef Joe who was cleaning the sea king found a small treasure chest while cleaning the internal organs and said

"Strange, this is the first time I have seen something undigested after dissecting so many sea kings."

"Do you want to show it to the boss."

"That's right, let the crew at the door give it to the boss and say that it was found in the fish's belly. "

At this time, Locke, who was still training, saw a crew member running over with a box. After hearing the origin of the box, Locke was shocked and said, "Are you sure this box came out of the belly of a sea king? !"

"Boss, yes, Chef Joe told me so himself."

"Okay, there's nothing for you to do here, go back."

Locke took the box and muttered, "Oh my god, there won't be a volume of alchemy book inside, and the book says King Locke!"

Locke used fire to melt the iron lock, opened the box and found a book inside. Locke picked it up and looked at it and said, "It doesn't look like Shang Zhou's, but it looks like last week's. Looking at this cover, with my many years of surfing experience, it must be used by a mature woman. Let me see what secrets there are."

Locke opened one side, and the content on it made Locke close the notebook and then open it again.

The theme of that side was "The Explanation of Overlord Color Entanglement"

Locke said as he read it, "Is it true? How could such a powerful thing appear here? "

But as Locke turned the pages, it felt more and more real. The author of this book has a very unique understanding of Conqueror's Haki.

He introduced Conqueror's Haki like this

"Conqueror's Haki is actually a product of a unique temperament plus a certain destiny. The former factor can gradually become stronger with the will of the user, while the latter is determined by destiny.

To put it in one sentence, when the time comes, the world will work together, and when the luck is gone, the hero will not be free."

Locke said

"No wonder Luffy's Conqueror's Haki is so powerful that he defeated Teacher Kaido in one fell swoop. It turns out there is this factor."

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