The boat was so big that it was difficult to get out of the water.

The woman was very confident in her own strength and agreed to Locke's request directly. The boat slowly approached the Enterprise, and a roll of net rope was dropped on it. The woman climbed up along the net rope.

When they arrived at the deck, they found that the deck of the Enterprise was covered with a layer of grass. Locke came to the woman in a cloak and explained

"Look, this is our passage to the aquarium. We have fish-man partners and catfish as neighbors."

The woman looked at the opened door cover. There were many beautiful ornamental fish inside. Locke came to the stairs leading to the restaurant and said

"Come to the next floor to see it, so you can see it more clearly."

Locke walked in front, and the black woman followed closely. The banquet hall was brightly lit. There was a huge glass on the wall where you could see the swimming ornamental fish, and there were some corals inside as decorations.

The black-veiled woman was relieved to see this and said

"It seems that you are really an adventure group. Please treat them well in the future."

Locke returned to the deck and asked

"My name is Garfield Locke, the captain of the Locke Adventure Group. I wonder what your name is, ma'am?"

Nada said

"My name is Nada, a desert dancer."

Locke looked at the samurai sword hanging on Nada's waist and said

"A dancer with a samurai sword?"

Nada pulled out the samurai sword and said

"I only know some sword skills for self-defense. After all, I need sword skills for self-defense when I go out to sea frequently."

Locke asked

"Are you alone? Nada, what are you doing out to sea?"

Nada explained

"It's mainly because my skin can sense the changes in moisture in the air within dozens of kilometers to determine whether it will rain in a certain place. I rely on this talent to go out to sea to collect some rainwater to use or sell."

Locke thought that Alabasta was a desert country, and the cities in the country were built based on oases. It was good that Old Sand didn't come here.

Allen was shocked to hear Nada's talent and said

"Skin can sense the surrounding moisture?! If you become a navigator in the future, it will be God's gift."

Alan took Nada's hand and asked

"Nada, are you willing to become a navigator and go on adventures with us?"

Nada said

"No, I still have things to do."

Alan was determined to let Nada become a navigator and go on adventures with him, so he said

"Ah? Nada, what is your wish?"

Nada said

"It's like this, the water in the village's wells is getting less and less. I want the village to move to a place with rich water veins. Fang, His Majesty the King is very kind, allowing us to relocate the village and sending people to help find it, but we have not found a suitable place. "

Locke said

"So Miss Nada can become our navigator as long as she finds a new water vein and go on adventures with us, right?"

Nada nodded and said

"That's right, I was raised by everyone in the village, and I also want to make a contribution to the village!"

Locke said

"Leave it to us, Nada, you can take our ship back."

The crew had already lifted Nada's ship at this time, and the Enterprise began to sail to the Kingdom of Alabasta at full speed.

Soon the Enterprise arrived at the port of the Kingdom of Alabasta. Locke felt the hot wind blowing on his face and asked

"William, are you sure you want to go with us?"

William said generously

"It's not as hot as the heat-resistant experiment in the laboratory, boss."

Locke said

"Hannah and William, the three of us will follow Nada to find the water vein."

Adra stood up at this time

"I, I want to go with you too."

Locke said

"Who will take care of Shanks when you go?"

Adra replied

"Shanks is six years old and can take care of himself. How about letting Shanks go with us?"

Locke asked

"Shanks, do you want to go with us?"

Shanks pulled out the wooden sword at his waist and said happily

"Of course! I also want to go on an adventure with my dad!"

Locke ordered

"Then you two follow closely and don't get lost."

Shanks nodded in agreement, while holding up the wooden sword and cheering on the side.

"It seems that Shanks has reached the age to go out frequently. It's time for him to start training."

. . Two days later... . .

When everyone rode the moving crabs to Nada's village

"Nada, your village is too far away. Fortunately, I met the moving crabs on the way, otherwise I don't know how long it would take to get there."

Nada said embarrassedly

"So here is almost

It doesn't rain, so I have to go to the sea to collect rainwater."

"Take us to the well in your village first."

When Locke and his party arrived in the village, some villagers saw Nada and said gratefully.

"Nada, are you back from the sea again?"

"Nada, you came back much faster this time than before."

"Who are these people, Nada?"

Nada stood up and said.

"Everyone, these are the crew members of the adventure group I met on the sea. They are willing to help us find new water veins and change a new place for our village."

The village chief stood up and grabbed Locke's hand gratefully and said.

"Thank you very much. I thank you on behalf of the whole village. You are really a group of good children."

Locke's face was flushed by the praise. He came here for a purpose.

"William, jump into the well first and see what's going on in the well."

William took off his coat and jumped in directly. Soon there was a splash of water in the well and William's voice.

"Boss! This underground water vein seems to be drying up, I'll go upstream to see the situation first. "

Locke and his men were waiting nearby, and finally William climbed out of the well wet and said

"Boss, I think it's because the underground river has dried up due to insufficient rainfall, so we can only move to a new place."

Locke scratched his head at this time. He was not a tomb robber who didn't know how to find dragon points.

At this time, Nada said

"I went down the well before and found these problems, but I sensed that there was an undercurrent nearby, but because it was too difficult to dig, I gave up."

Locke stood up and asked

"Nada, how far is the underground river from here?"

"About five or six kilometers, there is a stone mountain above the underground river."

Locke clapped his hands and said

"Since it's hard to get through the top, I'll connect directly from the bottom."

Nada was shocked and said

"Huh? ! There's hard rock in the middle. "

Locke had come to the well and said

"Don't worry, I'm very strong. Nada, Hannah and William, come down together."

Soon everyone came to the well and Locke asked

"Nada, which direction do you sense the dark river?"

After walking upstream for a distance, Nada pointed to a stone wall and said

"It's behind here. As long as the middle is opened, the village will not lack water."

Locke pulled out Jingzhe and said

"Hannah and I will cut the stones together. William, you will be responsible for carrying the stones up."

Then Locke slashed four swords, and the sword energy instantly left a square with a length and width of five meters on the surface of the rock. Then Locke used the armed color to release it, and a cube of stone appeared.

... Don't forget the well digger when you drink water...

After three days, when Locke broke the last stone wall with a punch, a huge stream of water rushed out from the other side, turning Locke and Hannah in front of him into drowned rats.

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