The next day, the Enterprise left the port and slowly headed for the Island of Gods. When they arrived, they found that this place was different from Angel Island. Angel Island was all supported by clouds, while the Island of Gods was made of land. Some crew members asked in surprise

"It's strange, why is there land here?"

Locke replied

"Remember the deserted island we were on?"

"Remember, Boss, there is a house that is only half left!"

Locke said

"In fact, what the big talker Nolando said is true. The Golden Country does exist, but it is not sunk to the bottom of the sea, but is washed up to the sky by the surging sea current! The land under our feet is part of Arpaiado, and Shangela is hidden here!"

The crew members were shocked to listen to Locke telling the truth

"It turns out that what the big talker said is true."

"Gold! Countless gold!"

This is a group of God's Guards in white clothes who stopped in front of the Enterprise and shouted

"Stop Qinghai people! The place ahead is where the gods live, it is a forbidden zone!"

Some old people who came out of the Valley of God heard the word "God" and came to the bow.

Hannah and Dean stood in front and said

"God? Are there gods here too?"

The priest said

"That's for sure!"

Hannah pulled out Shao Wang and asked

"Will gods bleed?"

"Qinghai people, please don't offend the majesty of gods!"

Hannah directly wrapped Shao Wang with armed color, and Dean next to her did the same.

"Lieyu Zhan!"

"Fengyun Zhan!"

The two jumped and appeared behind the God's Guard. As soon as the God's Guard wanted to turn around, their bodies turned into a pool of blood and flesh scattered all over the ground.

Locke was pulling out Jingzhe at the bow and said

"Brothers, plunder me hard!"

The Enterprise quickly docked at the shore. Under the leadership of the cadres, the crew was unstoppable. Many God's Guards were hacked to death by Locke's crew before they could react.

A "one hundred defeat ten thousand" play is being staged on the God's Island

The god Gan Fuer, who was still in the palace handling things, heard the noise outside and ordered the guard next to him

"Go out and see what's going on outside?"

The guard said

"Yes, God."

The guard just opened the door curtain and shouted "Ah!" and was pushed in by a figure.

At this time, Gan Fuer saw the long sword stuck in the guard's body and picked up the weapon and stood up. The God's Guards guarding the palace also protected Gan Fuer in the middle.

At this time, a voice came from outside

"The rain outside the window is dripping, and it has been there for three days and three nights, just like you who I love the most."

Locke hummed a little song and walked in with Jingzhe in his hand.

Gan Fuer shouted angrily

"Who are you, bastard!"

Locke stretched his arms to shake off the blood on Jingzhe and said

"According to your words, we are from Qinghai. We are just curious to see what strength you, a god, have to lead this country."

Gan Fuer shouted angrily after hearing Locke's words

"Guards! Guards!"

Locke cut off the door curtain with a sword and said

"Don't shout, country bumpkin. Your guards have been dealt with by us a long time ago."

Gan Fuer looked at the corpses outside. Some of Locke's crew members were finishing off the corpses one by one and throwing them directly into the fire to burn.

Gan Fuer seemed to smell a barbecue smell and vomited out of disgust.

"Devil! You are all devils! This must be retribution. We robbed the Shandian people's homeland, and now God has sent a devil to punish us."

Locke came up with Jingzhe in his hand, killing one God's Guard with one sword, and finally Ganfor was left kneeling on the ground to repent. Locke stretched out his big hand and grabbed Ganfor's head and ordered

"Loser! Your only use now is to announce to the public that both God's Island and Angel Island will be ruled by me, Garfield Locke, and my flags will be hung all over the island!"

Locke's fingers slowly exerted force, and Ganfor's desperate struggle was useless, as if Locke's hand was like a hydraulic press, constantly compressing Ganfor's head.

Finally, Ganfor screamed with blood coming out of his seven orifices

"I said! I said! Stop exerting force!"

When Ganfor said this, the tight spell on his head finally stopped. Locke threw Ganfor aside like throwing away garbage and said coldly

"Don't play tricks on me, otherwise death will be your greatest gift!"

Ganfor said weakly while lying on the ground

"Yes, sir."

At this time, Dean came in from outside and said


Boss, I killed all the God's Guards outside. Only ten crew members were slightly injured. Michelle is treating them. "

"Let the brothers take a rest first. Later, we will ask our Lord God to abdicate to me. Then we will have a piece of territory."

Hannah walked in and asked

"Then how should we rule this country, Locke?"

Locke smiled cruelly and said

"Destroy the temple! From now on, whether it is God Island or Angel Island, there is only one faith, that is me! God, do you think this is okay? Hahaha!"

Ganfor listened to Locke's order desperately and came to the projection of Den Den Mushi arranged by Locke. At the same time, Ganfor's image was projected everywhere on Angel Island

"I declare! The throne of God is passed to Garfield Locke from Qinghai! I will assist the new God in managing things."

For a while, all the angels on the island were in chaos. They didn't understand why God abdicated and let a Qinghai man take over.

"I protest. Only angels can become the gods of the angels! "

A strong man from the angel tribe stood up to object, and many angel tribe members around him also objected.

In the dark, the crew of Locke's adventure group watched all this and said

"It's time to start."

Fragmentation grenades were thrown into the crowd of people who opposed it. The sharp fragments instantly killed and injured angels, and many injured angels fell to the ground and wailed.

At this time, the crew of Locke's adventure group came out and said loudly

"Are there still people who object? From now on, Lord Locke's words here are the imperial decree! Give these people who are still alive a quick death."

Soon, several crew members took weapons and finished off the angel tribe who resisted.

At this time, Locke and Heidi Ram were looking at the drawings of the Ark Proverbs that were turned out from the temple.

"Heidi Ram, how can we make it?"

Heidi Ram looked at the complex design drawings in front of him and said

"It's a bit difficult. We haven't met some of the technical requirements on this drawing yet, but some things in it are worth taking."

Locke pointed to a drawing and said

"Is it an electric engine and a wind-jet shell that can be used indefinitely? "

Heidi Ram nodded

"Yes, the Ark cannot be built for the time being, but we can modify the Enterprise first. With the help of the wind shells and electric engines, our ship speed can be improved."

Locke said

"It's like this, the Coke engine consumes too quickly, and it can't be replenished in time at sea."

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