The old man was very happy.

Locke took the Enterprise back to the gate of Angel Island.

The gatekeeper angel knew that Locke had become a new god and said

"God, I wish you a pleasant journey."

Locke said

"No more Ace coins or Baileys in the future. Now Angel Island has issued new currency. If anyone wants to enter, let them exchange items. Someone will tell you the details."

"Understood, God."

Then the Enterprise left the Sky Island at high speed like a roller coaster. At a cliff, the express shrimp carrying the Enterprise below threw the Enterprise down.

All the crew members were so scared by the sudden scene that their eyes fell out.


"Is someone trying to murder us?"

"What should we do, Boss?!"

Just when everyone was at a loss, five small octopuses suddenly jumped down from above, and quickly grew larger in the eyes of everyone's surprise, and then the octopuses slowed down the Enterprise like a parachute.


"Thank you, Octopus Sauce!"

Locke knew what happened but didn't say anything, but used a camera to record the ugly behavior of the crew on the ship.

"Hahaha! It's so interesting, everyone come and see your expressions just now, sister Hannah, your face turned pale, okay, I will delete it."

Locke felt the death gaze from Hannah, and Locke was scared on the spot.

Jenny also said at this time

"Brother, there is also my part."


With the help of the octopus, the Enterprise slowly landed in an unknown sea. Locke asked

"Where is this? Is it still the Grand Line?"

Alan and Nada were analyzing the sea area where the Enterprise was located, and finally came up with an answer

"Locke, we should still be in the Grand Line, but not in the seven routes."

Locke said

"Then let's go forward and see if there are any islands or something."

So after confirming the opening direction, the Enterprise set sail again, and our hero octopus was thrown into the aquarium by Locke, maybe it will be used someday.

After three days of aimless sailing on the sea, the observation post on the mast reported

"There is an island in front of the boss."

Locke stopped practicing and asked

"Is it a deserted island or is it inhabited?"

The crew replied

"There are people, but they seem to be fighting?!"

Locke said

"Drive the ship nearby first, I'll go see what's going on."

After that, Locke flew to the island close to the sea surface. When he first landed on the island, he found that it was really as the crew said, with gunfire everywhere.

"Oh my god! The caliber of this cannon is really big, there is no problem fitting a person in it."

Locke saw a cannon of the harbor garrison through the telescope, which kept firing shells, even when the barrel turned red.

At this time, Locke quietly came to the opposite side and grabbed a scout and asked

"Where is this place, what mission are you on?"

The scout was overwhelmed by Locke's powerful momentum, and told everything he knew like pouring beans, and then Locke crushed his head and died.

"It turns out that this is the country of endless war, and the GF troops attacked the port. I wonder if Barrett is here."

Locke came to a high ground of the GF troops wearing a cloak, and then killed all the people in the entire position with his superb strength. Locke took out cotton cloth to wipe the blood on Jingzhe.

"Safely sneak in, no one found."

Locke picked up the telescope and observed the front line, looking for someone who looked similar to Barrett.

"Damn, I didn't see it. Let me think. I remember that Barrett's initial mission was usually to go to the front line to clear mines or carry bombs to make suicide attacks."

Locke picked up the Den Den Mushi and called back to the ship


"What's the matter, boss?"

"I found a good seedling here and I need to stay for a few days. You guys go to the nearby deserted island and wait for me."

"Got it, boss."

Locke continued to observe the place where the two sides were fighting. He saw several teenagers rushing to the opposite side with bombs, but they were soon shot by the defenders' muskets. Then the GF troops sent a large number of civilians to rush to the opposite side.

Finally, when it was unknown which wave of suicide attacks, Locke finally saw a boy with long light golden hair in the crowd. Compared with his peers, this boy was three meters tall, with more explosives tied on his back and body. He grabbed two corpses with both hands and rushed over.

"Whose general is this?"

Locke watched the boy throwing the explosives on his body frantically.

Each explosive was thrown into the trench accurately.

Under the leadership of the boy, the GF troops quickly broke through the enemy's defense line. A fierce street battle broke out at the port. The boy broke into a warehouse alone and cut open the bag to find that it was full of food.

The boy grabbed a handful of raw rice and put it into his mouth. The boy's bite force was twenty times that of an African hyena.

"How about hanging out with me, young man? I guarantee a different lunch every day."

The boy spit out the rice in his mouth and looked at the door. The originally closed door was pushed open by a man in a cloak.

"My name is Garfield Locke, the leader of an adventure group and the greatest adventurer in the future. Are you interested in going to sea with me?"

The boy picked up the long sword in his hand and answered Locke with action.

Locke looked at the stabbing long sword and didn't dodge it. The indestructible body and hard qigong of the ghost tribe made the sharp long sword not even cut the skin.

Locke's stomach was shattered to the ground by a long sword. Locke asked

"What's your name, boy?"

The boy said coldly

"Douglas Barrett, if you want me to go to sea, beat me first."

Locke caught Barrett's fist easily with his hand

"Go on, use whatever method you like."

Barrett's face turned red when he heard Locke's words, and his fist like a sandbag hit Locke's body and even left an afterimage.

Locke caught Barrett's crotch kick with his hand and said

"Barrett, it's my turn to attack!"

Locke grabbed Barrett's leg and threw him up. Barrett was thrown into the air by Locke. Just when Barrett wanted to stabilize his body, Locke jumped and grabbed Barrett's head, and smashed it to the ground with the armed color.

Suddenly, a huge air wave appeared, and the huge warehouse was turned into ruins by the aftermath of Locke's attack. Locke grabbed Barrett to check, and saw that Barrett's eyes were white and bleeding from all seven orifices.

"Luckily he's not dead yet."

Locke grabbed Barrett and flew to the Enterprise. A soldier in the port reported to a man in a general's uniform

"Report to the general, the sound just now came from the direction of the warehouse. When we went to see it, we found that the warehouse had become a ruin."

"Hurry up and move the ruins. Our food for the second half of the year depends on this."


Locke flew all the way to the Enterprise, then put Barrett on the deck and said

"Michelle, there are wounded people here who need treatment."

Michelle quickly ran to Barrett with several ship doctors to treat him. Michelle took out an adrenaline and treatment needle and pierced Barrett's artery.

"Boss, this man has a serious brain injury."

Locke said

"Don't worry, Michelle, Barrett has a strong vitality. By the way, he will be our new crew member in the future."

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