The battle was over, and the battle was over.

In the next few days, the newcomers Barrett and Damon followed Locke to learn the martial arts of the Kingdom of Flowers. Both of them were combat geniuses and quickly got started, especially Barrett, who was born with life-returning skills and trained without regard for his life.

After each training session, he would receive the medicinal bath prepared by Michelle, and Barrett's strength was rapidly improved. The ordinary crew members and Damon on the ship could not beat Barrett.

Some cadres also found it difficult to take down Barrett without using domineering. The intuition Barrett developed on the battlefield was comparable to the domineering of observation, and it was even a special domineering of observation. After sensing the attack, the body responded quickly.

One month after leaving the Endless War Country, the Enterprise sailed past the Long Chain Island and stopped for a while. After absorbing the magnetic force, it headed to the next island.

(Those who don't know about the Long Chain Island can go and see it by themselves. It's quite interesting anyway.)

Locke looked at the dilapidated Seven Waters City in front of him. Compared with decades ago, Seven Waters City is not the world's largest shipbuilding site. Every year, the entire island is hit by a huge tsunami called the Water Gods.

Heidi Ram looked at the ruined island in front of him and asked

"Locke, are there really excellent shipbuilders here?"

Locke looked at the Seven Waters City and said

"Don't worry, there are definitely some. The intelligence said that there is a fishman here who is very good at shipbuilding. William and Nina may have common topics."

William put down and grabbed the railing and said

"Are they the same again? I really miss Fishman Island."

Locke sat on the bow and said

"Don't worry, William, Nina, we will pass another island and reach Fishman Island. I will let you have fun then."

William was full of fighting spirit when he thought he would be able to go home soon.

Locke circled the Seven Waters City. It was too dilapidated here. There was not even a decent port. In the end, he could only anchor at a natural deep-water port.

As Locke got off the boat in his cloak, a little kid with blue hair ran out of the ruins and asked

"Mr. Cloak, do you need a new boat? My master's boat is the best boat in the world."

A slightly older boy with black hair ran out from behind and shouted

"Stupid Franky is making trouble for others again. Gentlemen, I'm very sorry that my brother disturbed you."

The boy dragged Franky away. Franky grabbed a stone tightly and refused to leave, saying

"Stupid Iceberg, let me go! The master's boat plus my super cannon, this must be the most powerful boat in the world!"

Iceberg heard that Franky had made new weapons and cursed

"Franky, you made those weapons again, I said We don't need such a ship!"

Locke stood up and said

"Can I meet your master? Two little friends."

Frankie asked

"Mr. Cloak, do you want my master to build a ship for you?"

Locke said

"No, I just heard that Mr. Tom is the world's number one shipbuilder, so I came to ask Mr. Tom if he can build something for us."

Iceberg said

"No problem, gentlemen, come with me, our shipbuilding company is nearby."

Locke said

"Then please lead the way, two little gentlemen."

Locke finally came to a dilapidated house after passing through the ruins, with a sign saying Tom Shipbuilding Company.

Locke pushed the door open and entered. He saw a huge fishman sitting on a chair making a model of a ship. When he saw Locke coming in, he asked, "Sir, are you here to build or repair a ship?" Locke said, "Please check our ship, Mr. Escape, and then please take a picture of something, just a blueprint." Tom took the blueprint of the electric engine and looked at it. After all, he was someone who had seen the Pluto blueprint. Although some of the ideas on it were fantasy to outsiders, Tom could understand it quickly and said, "Sir, this item is the engine on the ship! Using electricity as energy is a novel idea." Locke asked, "Can Mr. Tom build it?" Tom said generously, "Don't worry, sir, there is no problem. As long as there are enough materials, it can be built." "That's great! Mr. Tom, please come and see our ship by the way." Tom followed Locke to the deck of the Enterprise, where he saw William and mermaid Nina, who were also fishmen. "I never thought I could meet fellow countrymen."

William said

"Yes! My name is William, and the one next to me is Nina. We are both from Fishman Island.


Tom held William's hand and said

"Hello! My name is Tom, and I'm also from Fishman Island."

"Tom, let's talk tonight. Let's take a look at the Enterprise first."

"Okay! We won't go home until we're drunk tonight, hahaha!"

Locke walked in front, followed by Tom and Heidi Ram. Tom said

"I didn't expect Mr. Locke to be an adventurer. It's really rare in this era."

Locke said

"I don't want to be a pirate, and I don't want my children to bear the title of pirate as soon as they make a move."

Tom said

"I see, Mr. Locke, your ship is well built, and you maintain it very well. I'll have to check if there's any problem with your keel when I jump over."

Locke said

"Mr. Tom, go first. We'll wait for you here." "

After checking the interior of the cabin, Tom jumped into the sea to check if there was any problem with the keel of the Enterprise, and then came to the power room.

"Mr. Locke, I have seen your ship, and there is no problem with the keel. If you want to go to the New World, just pay attention to it."

After hearing that there was no problem with the Enterprise, Locke finally let go of his hanging heart, so he said

"The Enterprise is a lucky ship, just like its name. By the way, can Mr. Tom help us transform the Coke engine in front of us."

Locke handed the blueprint of the Coke engine and the transformation plan of Heidi Ram to Tom. After Tom took it and looked at it, he knocked on the Coke engine and said

"Mr. Locke, this machine is already perfect after your transformation. If you are still not satisfied, you can only build a new one."

Locke said

"Then please trouble Mr. Tom to build a new Coke engine. This is Heidi Ram, the mechanic on our ship. She is a devil fruit ability user, and she will come to help later."

Tom said

"That's really great. I wonder if the ability of the devil fruit can make the performance break through again. "

The next week, the Locke Adventure Group stayed in the Seven Waters City waiting for Tom and Heidi Ram to finish building the engine.

Heidi Ram said with several large parts floating behind her

"Locke, we have built it, now we just need to install it."

"Then you install it."

Soon, with the help of Heidi Ram, several machines were put together like building blocks.

Tom said

"The devil fruit ability is really magical."

Heidi Ram said

"Locke, we installed a new hybrid engine in the power room. This engine generates power and electricity through cola, and the electricity generated is finally collected as power. At the same time, the cola stored in the water shell is three times more than before. Now we only need to replenish cola once a month. If there is no cola, we can continue to sail by artificial power generation."

Locke said

"Ah? ! So awesome? This is the world of geniuses. Goodbye, there is no love. "

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