The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Navy headquarters, Marinford.

In the admiral's office, Zefa was processing and correcting naval documents. Suddenly, the telephone bug in front of the desk rang, and Zefa took the phone.

"Zefer, go to the Sabaody Archipelago immediately. The Celestial Dragons have been killed!"

Zefer said

"Yes! Marshal Kong!"

Zefer put on the admiral's cloak, and justice swayed as Zefa walked. When Zefa arrived at the port, five giant warships were ready.

Zefa boarded the flagship and stood at the bow. His adjutant introduced the fleet situation and the information about the murderer who killed the Celestial Dragons.

"General Zefa! There are two vice admirals and ten major generals participating in this operation. Among them, there are five giant warships and ten large warships!"

Zefal said

"Only two vice admirals?"

The adjutant said

"Yes, due to the tension in the second half of the New World, most of the headquarters' troops are used to support the New World."

Zefal asked

"Which group of pirates killed the Celestial Dragons?"

The adjutant said

"It was Garfield Locke, the captain of the Locke Adventure Group from the West Sea. It is said that the Celestial Dragons took a fancy to the members of his ship, so Locke killed the Celestial Dragons."

Zefal said

"How audacious! What does the World Government say?"

The adjutant replied

"We want to capture Locke alive and bring him to Marijoa." Go."

The naval fleet quickly passed through the official channel of Marijoa and came to the front half. Zefa ordered

"Don't fire first, go directly to the intelligence to find out the location of the ship of Locke's adventure group."

A major general said

"What if the criminal escapes into the crowd?"

Zeffa said righteously

"That's not a reason for us to fire at civilians! We are the navy of justice!"

The major general looked at the justice on Zefa's back and instantly understood, and shouted

"For justice!"

On the shore of the Sabaody Archipelago, Locke looked at the densely packed warships on the horizon and said proudly

"Brothers! The Navy Headquarters thinks highly of us! Called so many people."

Behind Locke are the officers with high combat effectiveness on the ship. This time, Locke, Hannah and Jenny did not change their body shape, but revealed the characteristics of the Lunaria tribe.

"After this battle, my name will be known all over the world!"

Locke drew out the Jingzhe Sword, and all the domineering and strength in his body gathered together, and the terrifying momentum surged.

"Dominate! World! Kill!"

A golden-red sword energy flew out, and the terrifying high temperature instantly evaporated a large amount of seawater.

At the bow of the flagship, Zefa saw the sword energy flying over, used the Moon Step to come to the front of the fleet, and attached armed color domineering with both hands to withstand this attack.

The moment Zefa's hands touched the sword energy, he felt like his body was burning, and the domineering energy was quickly consumed. Finally, the sword energy exploded. From a distance, it looked like a small sun rising from the sea. The warships in the explosion range were instantly reduced to ashes, and the warships farther away began to spontaneously combust.

Locke looked at the chaotic formation of the navy on the sea and said

"The King's Haki entanglement plus the Sea Domination is really useful!"

Zeffa stepped on the moon step to the air, looked at the wreckage of the warship below, and ordered while enduring the burns

"Lieutenant General, Major General and I will go to the shore, and the others will do their best to treat the soldiers who fell into the water."

Zeffa stepped on the moon step to Locke, and Locke looked at the red Zefa in front of him and said

"Is this the Zefa who does not kill the general? I have admired him for a long time!"

Zeffa looked at Locke who was different from the intelligence and said

"You are Luna The Leah tribe? No matter what you are, accept the judgment of justice!"

Zeffa raised his fists and hit him. Locke's whole body was on fire and he picked up Jingzhe as a counterattack.

"Justice? Zefa, your justice is as weak as your fist!"

After Locke's head received a hard punch, he inserted the hot Jingzhe into Zefa's body. Zefa groaned and said

"Arrogant kid, justice is not what you think! Straight punch!"

Locke spread his wings and flew backwards to avoid the attack, then spread his wings and flew into the air to continuously release the Fiery Sun Slash.

A series of red sword energy looked at Zefa, and Zefa used one arm to resist Locke's attack and approach Locke.

Locke kept changing positions, and each sword energy hit Zefa accurately. Zefa could only rely on his powerful armed color defense to passively take the beating.

"Zeffa, this is the justice you said, you can't even touch me? ! It's so weak!"

Facing an aerial enemy like Locke, Zefa could only withstand the attack and fight Locke in close combat.

"Don't be so arrogant and think you can do whatever you want just because you have strength! I will definitely take you into the city of Push.

"Go inside and be judged!"

Locke found that the sword energy did not cause much damage to Zefa, so he stopped the long-range consumption, covered Jingzhe with Armament Haki and rushed over.

"Heart slash!"

Zefah saw Locke rushing over, and the Armament Haki in his body was running to the extreme. The Observation Haki kept searching for Locke's figure, but he could only be one step slower each time. Finally, after many years, his intuition told him to protect his chest.

Locke seized the opportunity, and the Overlord Haki entangled with the Armament Haki slashed together. A white sphere formed between Jingzhe and Zefa's arms, and the sphere gradually twisted Zefa's arms. The intense pain made Zefa sweat coldly on his head.

"Is it the Overlord Haki entanglement? ! Ugh!"

Zefah was chopped down from the sky by Locke, his hands deformed, and some fragments came out of his mouth. This was the damage caused by the domineering entanglement to Zefa's internal organs.

Locke descended from the sky, stepped on Zefa, and at the same time swung the sword to Zefa's chest, leaving a horrifying wound and said

"I left this scar on Zefa! "

The continuous intense pain made Zefa, a man of iron, faint, and Locke kicked Zefa aside.

On the battlefield

The morale of the navy generals was low when they saw Zefa's defeat, and the generals who were struggling to hold on began to be killed by Locke one by one.

Locke cut off the heads of each navy general and placed them next to Zefa.

Jenny ran over and said

"Brother, you are so awesome. You killed the evil Celestial Dragons and defeated the Navy Admiral!"

Locke said

"It's okay, mainly because Zefa is strong in Armament Haki. If he can use Domineering Haki, it will be troublesome."

Hannah came over with bandages on her body and said

"Fortunately, Locke, you solved Zefa in time. We can't take down the two Navy Vice Admirals for a while."

Locke said

"It's okay, you just lack training. Okay, the Enterprise is also coated. We can go to Fishman Island after we rob the Celestial Dragons' ship."

Yol asked

"Don't you want to kill Zefa? "

Locke said

"Living in peace is the greatest punishment for him, hahaha!"

Locke thought about the killing of Zefa's family and his defection to the navy. There were many things that could be done in between.

Locke and others boarded the Enterprise and left. At this time, the remaining navy soldiers in the distance ran over, and a colonel shouted

"Medical soldiers! Come quickly! Do your best to rescue Admiral Zefa!"

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