The day of the general meeting

In the Flower Capital, in the general's mansion, Kurozumi Orochi attended the meeting in a gorgeous kimono, and Mitsuki Sukiyaki sat in the main seat in the main hall.

Kurozumi Orochi looked at Kozuki Sukiyaki, who already had some white hair, and thought to himself

"Old man, after today, I, Kurozumi Orochi, will be the general of Wano Country! Hehehe, when the time comes, I will definitely wipe out your Kozuki family, and a few daimyo!"

At this time, Kurozumi Orochi's guard Kurozumi Tanimaru came to the side and said

"Master! The ninja just sent a message that the samurai of the Kozuki family are gathering outside the city recently."

Kurozumi Orochi said confidently

"After today, I will be the general of Wano Country. Aren't they just a few samurai? Don't worry about them. When the time comes, we will make Kozuki Sukiyaki abdicate to me!"

Kurozumi Tanimaru was helpless when he heard what Orochi said. Anyway, his barrier technique was invincible! No one could break his barrier.

At the beginning of the meeting, Kurozumi Orochi was the one who made trouble.

"I suggest that Kozuki Sukiyaki is unworthy of the position and should abdicate! The general of Wano Country should be Kurozumi Orochi?"

Several confidants of the Kozuki family stood up and cursed.

"You are talking nonsense! The descendant of a former traitor, your Kurozumi family is already the greatest mercy of the general if you are not dragged out and beheaded by the general!"

"You, Kurozumi Orochi, also want to seek the position of the general of Wano Country?! The general of Wano Country can only be the Kozuki family!"

Both sides drew their samurai swords and pointed them at each other. Fang, as long as the order is given, this place will become a battlefield. Kozuki Sukiyaki watched all this painfully. He thought about his rebellious son and finally all his helplessness turned into a sigh.

"Stop arguing! Stop arguing! Kurozumi Orochi, are you sure you can be the general of Wano Country?"

Kurozumi Orochi and Kozuki Sukiyaki looked at each other and said

"Of course I can!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki looked at the short, black and ugly man in front of him and prayed in his heart that Kurozumi Orochi's governance ability would not be as abstract as his appearance.

"Okay! From now on, you, Kurozumi Orochi, will be the general of Wano Country! I hope you treat the people of Wano Country well."

Kurozumi Orochi was so excited that he almost jumped up and said

"Of course~"

Just before Kurozumi Orochi finished speaking, an explosion suddenly occurred nearby, and several Kurozumi family confidants were blown to pieces. Then two samurai rushed in with weapons and shouted

"Clear the court! Everyone, follow me to wipe out the traitorous Kurozumi family!"

Everyone on the field was overwhelmed by the sudden attack. After hearing the words of the two samurai, the people on the Kurozumi family side instantly picked up their weapons and looked at the people on the other side of the Kozuki family.

"The Kozuki family is cheating, protect the master!"

"Who are you, bastard? Who asked you to come?"

"Bastard! They are not samurai of our Kozuki family at all!"

"I don't believe you!"

The samurai of both sides fought in a group. As for the first two samurai, they were already dead. Kurozumi Chanmaru used the barrier fruit ability to protect Kurozumi Orochi all the way out of the general's mansion. When he came outside, he found that the originally lively Flower City was now even more "lively".

The whole Flower City was burning. The samurai who supported the Kozuki family and the samurai who supported the Kurozuki family fought on the street. The samurai held samurai swords and killed people at will on the street.

When Kurozumi Orochi saw all this, he remembered the day of extermination when he was young, and he shouted in horror.

"The bastard Kozuki family led us here just to kill us all, just like they did to the Kurozumi family! Chanmaru, send out a signal to let the samurai and ninjas outside the city come over!"

Kurozumi Chanmaru felt that everything that happened today was strange, but time did not allow him to think too much, so he could only follow Orochi's orders, took out a firework stick from his pocket, and fired a dazzling firework into the sky.

After the samurai outside the city saw the distress signal, they rushed into the city quickly. Kurozumi Muchan asked

"What's the situation with Orochi?"

Kurozumi Orochi shouted

"Kozuki Sukiyaki is preparing to wipe out our Kurozumi family again. They arranged a bomb attack during the meeting."

"What?! Go in and capture Kozuki Sukiyaki alive!"

Some samurai in the Flower Capital who were under the banner of the Kurozumi family or the Kozuki family were killing civilians in the street after catching them. Some even rushed into houses to kill people, and after killing people, they threw torches into the houses, adding more enthusiasm to the Flower Capital.

Over the Flower Capital

Locke, Hannah, and Jenny were flying in the air and watching everything happening below. Locke said

"It's almost time, let the brothers start



Locke put his hands on his chest and a fireball appeared. Then Locke released it. The fireball flew quickly towards the General's Mansion. The fireball gradually grew in the air, and finally exploded when it became a fireball with a diameter of 100 meters.

The originally majestic and magnificent General's Mansion became a pile of ruins after Locke's attack. Only a hemispherical protective shield was seen protecting Kurozumi and the other two. As for the old guy Kozuki Sukiyaki, it was miserable. His whole body was burned into charcoal, but he was still alive under the perception of observation.

Kurozumi Orochi turned into Yamata no Orochi and shouted at Locke and the other two in the sky

"Who are you, bastards?"

Jenny did not answer him, but directly drew her bow and shot an arrow at one of Kurozumi Orochi's heads. The sharp arrow exploded instantly after entering the head.

Kurozumi Orochi was in severe pain and returned to his original form. At this time, Kurozumi Muchan next to him recognized Locke and shouted

"It's you, the fallen angel Locke who killed the Celestial Dragons! Are you coming to Wano Country to steal the country? ! "

Locke flicked his finger and said

"Correct answer, but no reward!"

Kurotan Muchan knew Locke's horrific record. He could defeat the admiral of the navy at the age of seventeen and even seized two member countries of the World Government. The World Government only increased Locke's bounty to 2 billion.

Kurotan Chanwan said confidently

"Locke-san, I think we can talk about it, how about that?"

Locke looked at the three people on the ground arrogantly and said

"Are you worthy? !"

After hearing Locke's words, Kurotan Chanwan formed a spherical protective shield in front of him and said

"Let my barrier technique prove whether the Kurotan family is worthy!"

Locke raised Jingzhe with one hand, and the domineering aura and will on his body gathered together, and then slashed out a red-gold slash.

"Ba Shi Zhan! "

Bashizhan collided with the barrier with the will to overcome everything, and the domineering domineering aura continued to destroy the barrier created by the devil fruit, and finally cracks appeared on the smooth barrier.

Kurozumi Chanmaru looked at the gradually broken barrier and said in disbelief

"No! Impossible! How could my invincible barrier be broken!"

In the end, no matter how Kurozumi Chanmaru used his ability, the barrier was finally broken into pieces, and Bashizhan used the remaining strength to cut a huge wound on Kurozumi Chanmaru's chest.

Kurozumi Chanmaru's blood was sprinkled on the faces of Orochi and Mu Chan, and both of them looked at it in disbelief.

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