The battle was won, but the battle was won.

Outside the deserted island of the Lunaria tribe, a large ship flying the flag of the World Government was docked in the coastal waters. Although docking in the doldrums was a very dangerous move, it would cause attacks from the sea kings on the seabed.

However, because it was near the coast, the sea kings that came out to attack were not very powerful, and the well-trained CP7 agents on the ship could easily solve these troubles.

Music suddenly sounded near the main mast on the deck

"The vast horizon is my love~"

The CP7 agent standing next to him immediately pulled open a wooden board on the surface of the main mast when he heard the music.

There was a small space behind the wooden board, in which a Den Den Mushi was stored. It looked exactly like an ordinary Den Den Mushi outside, but the ringtone of this special Den Den Mushi was not "ding ding ding", but a very magical music.

"Mushi Mushi?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Got it!"

Before the CP7 agent hung up the phone, the phone was hung up from the other end.

"Everyone, assemble!"

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

As the emergency whistle sounded, the agents in the entire ship quickly came to the deck and stood there waiting for arrangements.

The CP7 agent captain standing at the bow saw that all his men had gathered and began to give orders.

"According to the original plan, Team One will follow me to the deserted island to meet the adults and escort the mortals at the same time. Team Two will stay to guard the ship, and the medical team will set off with Team One. Hurry up! Pull the boat to the beach!"


The agents who heard the order quickly took action. Some ran to the bottom of Class A and ordered the crew to row ashore quickly with whips.

"You slaves, why don't you row quickly! Do you want to be whipped again?"

CP agents symbolically whipped several crew members with whips.

The large ship moved quickly and soon docked on the pre-planned beach. A large team of agents quickly got off the ship.

. . . The dividing line drawn by the black knife. . .

Back to the top of the mountain

CP0 Captain Ying looked at his men who were dead or injured and thought about how he would explain to the Five Elders when he returned. After all, he only captured three survivors of the Lunaria tribe, which was far from the planned number of people, and there were only three people left, including the CP0 he brought with him. These people were originally used to infiltrate or assassinate the Rocks Pirates in the New World.

If it weren't for those crazy scientists saying that they found something in the Lunaria tribe, they wouldn't have gathered such a large force to specifically capture the survivors of the Lunaria tribe led by Jack.

Now that most of the CP7 elites have been lost, the area originally responsible for CP7 must be a mess.

"It's been a turbulent time. What happened in the past few years? Why are there so many incidents of killing Celestial Dragons, especially the Rocks Pirates in the New World!"

"Captain, the CP7 who stayed behind have arrived."

Eagle glanced at his watch

"It's really slow. It took an hour and a half."

"Captain, after all, they are with the logistics, so it's natural that they are slow."

"Next, go and give them orders!"


CP0 came to the front of the team

"We need doctors here. Come on, a few of them to treat us. By the way, don't let the prisoners over there die. The others just need to be on guard nearby."

"Well, sir, let me treat you."

A woman in a pink doctor's coat came out of the team and came in front of the CP agent.

. . . 2000years later. . .

A large ship that had just crossed the doldrums was flying the flag of the World Government.

In the captain's room, a captain belonging to the World Government reported to Eagle lying on a recliner.

"Report to the lord, we have left the doldrums. According to the plan, we should go to Island No. 7 next."

"Finally, we left the doldrums. This is the permanent compass to Island No. 7. Oh, by the way, how are those imprisoned Lunaria kids?"

"Except that they resisted fiercely at the beginning, we starved them for a few days and now they are obedient."

"That's fine. We just need to make sure that those Lunaria kids don't die on the way to Island No. 7."


"You go down."

Eagle lay on the chair and looked out the window calmly. If it weren't for the bandages on his body, he would look like a middle-aged man on a sea trip.

"Compared to the sea kings in the doldrums, the unpredictable weather in the paradise is simply a beautiful sight."

Coming to the bottom of the ship

This place is more ventilated than here.

The bright upper deck was filled with a foul smell. If it weren't for the weak candlelight, ordinary people couldn't tell the direction at all. The cell was at the innermost part, and the candlelight in the corridor couldn't reach here. Only a candle was specially arranged outside the iron railing to illuminate here.

Locke's limbs were tied with different chains, hanging in the air in a big letter shape, his face was full of bruises after being beaten, but his eyes were always staring at the spherical object hanging in front of him.

Jenny and Hannah were hanging in the air with iron chains like silkworms and had fainted.

Because Locke's attempt to escape was discovered last time, the CP agents on the ship discovered it, and then they directly fed Locke and the other two a day to save trouble, and they ate the leftovers they left.

At the same time, Eagle did not go against his words. He hung Jack's head in front of Locke, and he could see Jack's head as long as he opened his eyes.

"Brother, will we be killed by the evil Celestial Dragons?"

Jenny just woke up. The experience of the past few days made this little girl, who should have been innocent, look melancholy, especially when she saw her father's head hanging in front of her. Jenny fainted directly because of sadness.

After that, every time she woke up and saw her father's head, it seemed to tell her that this was not a nightmare, but reality. If it weren't for her brother and sister Hannah comforting her, she would have gone crazy long ago.

"It shouldn't be. If they want to kill us, they can kill us in a fierce battle on the island."

"Brother Locke, why do these CP organizations want to capture us alive?"

At this time, Hannah next to him woke up after hearing the exchange. Hannah is four years older than Locke.

At this time, Locke thought of the future big shot, Yan Zai Jin, who was captured by the World Government when he was young and conducted inhumane experiments, but he escaped successfully after meeting Kaido. It was almost at this time that the world was captured.

"I heard from my father that the World Government has an experiment that requires our Lunaria tribe to participate."

"This! Isn't that still death!"

"Woo woo."

Jenny next to him was on the verge of collapse and started crying.

"Jenny won't, as long as I'm alive, you won't die, and so will Sister Hannah. We have a chance to escape. If we persist, there will be a way."

Locke said to himself as if to encourage him

"Yes, if we persist, there will be a way!"

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