The two swords collided in mid-air and exploded instantly.


Lingling picked up Napoleon and swung it forward, and a giant sword energy attacked Locke.


Locke was not to be outdone and also swung a red sword energy towards Lingling.

The two sword energies collided in mid-air and exploded instantly. The explosion even caused a large pit on the sea surface below, and countless seawater poured back to fill it up.

"BIGMOM, is this all you have? You might as well go back and have a few more children. If one of them inherits your talent, you'll become the mother of the Pirate King, hahahaha!"

Lingling heard Locke humiliating her and said

"It's you who should go back and have children! The kid who played the King's Game, Broken Blade"

Prometheus was wrapped around Napoleon, Lingling stepped on Zeus with the burning Napoleon, Locke spread his wings and the flames on his body burned to the maximum extent, holding Jingzhe Lin wrapped in Armament Color, and the two fought in the air.

From time to time, a burning sword energy flew out and chopped at the sea surface, evaporating a large amount of water vapor. Locke held the sword with both hands and kept slashing at Lingling, saying, "BIGMOM, haven't you been pregnant recently?!" Lingling also held Napoleon with both hands and kept fighting back. The hands holding the handle of the knife felt the strange power from Locke and said, "Little ghost, it seems that you haven't had sex recently, and your strength is not small!" Both sides are high-defense and high-blood bosses. Simple armament color release can no longer cause effective damage to each other, and the attacks of hegemony color entanglement begin to appear continuously. Every time Locke's Jingzhe and Lingling's Napoleon are about to touch, a white ball will form in the middle. The lightning that appears from time to time around represents that this is a battle between the owners of hegemony color. Napoleon in Lingling's hand is emitting flames and lightning, which is very difficult to deal with. Locke's skin is covered with traces of lightning strikes, but this is not a big problem. Locke is getting braver and braver. Off the court. Off the court. The pirate ship of the BIGMOM Pirates finally docked with the ship of the Garfield Kingdom at the cost of sacrificing most of the fleet. Countless Homies braved the hail of bullets and came to the warship of the Garfield Kingdom from the temporary wooden planks and chains.

On the warship, a four-group 20mm machine gun kept shooting at the Homies on the deck of the opposite pirate ship. The four barrels were already red, and the heat coming out even affected the vision. These machine guns began to suppress these pirate ships from a distance of two kilometers.

The bullets of the heavy machine gun easily shot through the bodies of countless Homies, and finally penetrated the deck and disappeared.

"Bullets! Load bullets for me quickly, those monsters are rushing up again!"

In addition to these large-caliber heavy machine guns, some soldiers on the warships also picked up self-defense weapons to fight back. The weapons in the hands of the soldiers of the Garfield Kingdom were several versions ahead of the trade weapons.

A soldier carrying a rocket launcher aimed at the water level of the other pirate ship and shouted

"Go to hell! Monsters!"

A rocket easily penetrated the hull and blew a huge hole at the water level. Countless sea water poured in. The pirate ship transformed by Homitz showed a horrified expression and shouted

"Ya Ma De! Ya Ma De! Too many people came in! It's going to break!"

Finally, Homitz sank to the bottom of the sea with a horrified expression, but before the soldier could take a breath, the next pirate ship appeared.

Charlotte Daifuku stood on the bow, watching her family's pirate ship being destroyed in ten minutes under the firepower of the Garfield Kingdom.

"Come out, demon!"

Charlotte Dafu rubbed the belt around her waist and a four-meter-tall blue-skinned giant holding a long-handled machete appeared. Dafu stopped rubbing when he saw the demon appear and ordered

"Use the demon slash on the ship in front of the target!"

The demon waved the sword in his hand, and a sword energy instantly cut the Garfield Kingdom's warship in half and sank it to the bottom of the sea.

"Even if ants master weapons, they are still ants!"

At this time, two figures appeared in the distance. Dean stepped on the moon step and swung a slash, while Brook stepped on the sea and swung a slash.

Dafu controlled the demon to resist the two flying slashes. The demon held the handle of the knife and slashed at one of them, but because he did not dodge, he was cut by Brook's slash and instantly turned into smoke.

Dafu didn't care when he saw the demon disappear, but continued to summon the next demon by rubbing his body.

Dean saw this and said

"Brook, you go deal with the demon he summoned, I'll deal with Charlotte Daifuku. Tiger Hunter!"

Dean suddenly accelerated and

He easily passed the demon and came to Charlotte Daifuku. Dean chopped down with the double swords in his hand. Charlotte Daifuku wrapped his arms with armed color to block Dean's double swords and said, "Do you think I am just a simple fruit ability user? My domineering is among the best in the family! Demon, go and get rid of that skull!" After receiving the order, the demon swung his weapon to attack Brook. Brook easily blocked it with the Soul-Destroying Sword and said, "Dean-san, I will hold this lamp spirit back, just fight with peace of mind!" The demon summoned by Charlotte Daifuku has a certain fighting instinct. After receiving the order from the ability user, it will start the intelligent mode, and the ability user does not need to spend energy to command. Dean used the armed color to wrap the double swords and continued to chop. Although Charlotte Daifuku had no weapons, his physical fitness was indeed domineering. He relied on the domineering wrapping to fight Dean back and forth. Dafu said with a smile

"Your sword can't hurt me, you idiot swordsman! Although I didn't inherit my mother's talent of steel balloon, you can't hurt me either."

Dean said

"What nonsense, I don't know how many self-righteous guys like you I have killed!"

Dean is trying to find Dafu's weakness through continuous fighting.

"What wind swordsman? Your wind makes me feel so cool!"

Brooke is fighting with a demon. This demon is extremely powerful. When the sword hits the demon, the demon will dodge by elementalization like the natural system. Seeing the demon turn into smoke again to dodge, Brook said with the sword

"Yo ho ho, I found your weakness! Rebirth Song • Underworld Wind!"

A slash with the breath of the underworld hit the demon. No matter how the demon tries to turn his body into smoke, his body begins to freeze slowly, and finally dissipates when it turns into an ice sculpture.

Charlotte Dafu feels the death of the demon she summoned, but now there is no way to summon a new demon through friction.

Dean took an attack and distanced himself from Charlotte Dafu. He held the knife in both hands and said, "The wind has told me the answer! Wind Dragon King! Tiangang Slash!" The wind was formed into a dragon shape by Dean. With the roar of the dragon, Dean slashed at Charlotte Dafu with the blessing of the wind. Charlotte Dafu looked at the exaggerated scene and shouted with her whole body wrapped in armed color. "Ordinary swords can't hurt me!" Dean nimbly dodged Dafu's fist and appeared behind Charlotte Dafu when he appeared again. Charlotte Dafu felt something and took two steps forward. A lot of blood spurted out of her chest and said, "Impossible! It's just ~" Dafu didn't finish his words and knelt on the ground with white eyes. Dean said, "There is nothing in this world that can't be cut."

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