The battle was won, and the battle was over.

The captains of the pirates who joined the BIGMOM Pirates saw that the Homies ship under their feet did not move, and they immediately realized that they were left behind as cannon fodder.

Some pirate captains cursed

"Nuwa! BIGMOM, you dog, you left without taking us, and left us behind as cannon fodder. So many of my brothers have fought for you, and you just abandoned us!"

The soldiers of the Garfield Kingdom on the side would not give up killing because of their pity.

The secondary guns of the Dreadnaught slowly turned and aimed at the pirate ships that voluntarily stayed. The gunfire quickly covered the sea area where they were, and the fragile pirate ships caught fire and began to take in water.

The morale of the pirates had fallen to the bottom of the sea, and they dropped their weapons and attacked

"Stop fighting! We surrender! We surrender!"

The soldiers took up their weapons and aimed at the surrendered pirates. They were waiting for the order of the superiors. Locke also noticed this. After thinking about it, he remembered the red army concept of his previous life and shouted

"Leave a warship to guard these surrendered pirates! Since they surrendered! Then stop killing!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The other pirates who were still fighting back saw that the soldiers of the Garfield Kingdom were willing to accept the surrender, so they dropped their weapons and lined up with the French military salute to wait for surrender.

Because of Locke's move, Locke only needed to pay a small amount of troops to guard, and the rest of the warships could quickly catch up with the BIGMOM Pirates.

Whenever the BIGMOM Pirates just stopped at an island to rest, the warships of the Garfield Kingdom would follow, and the supplies that BIGMOM had just replenished were delivered to the Garfield Kingdom.

In this way, the BIGMOM Pirates lost the islands around the Totland Sea. This chase lasted for half a month.

Locke sat on the bow of the Dreadnaught and reached out to catch a snowflake that looked like cotton candy. The sea water was also different in color from the outside world. A soldier took a sip and said

"It's actually orange juice! Ugh!"

The soldier fell to the ground as soon as he finished drinking. The ship doctor next to him ran over to give first aid and said

"He's poisoned! Give him an antidote."

"No one is allowed to eat foreign food."

Locke said

"It was BIGMOM's fruit ability that transformed this place. Order to continue the pursuit."

. . . . .

At the same time, on the Cake, BIGMOM was listening to Katakuri's report on the losses.

"Mom, of the eleven brothers and sisters who went on this expedition, only the eldest brother Perospero, my younger brother Cracker and I returned. The other brothers were either killed or captured by the Garfield Kingdom."

Lingling's chest became bigger after hearing this. The wound that had just healed was now broken again. Lingling suppressed her anger and asked

"What about other losses?"

Katakuri continued

"The pirate ships that went on the expedition with us were almost wiped out. We only had 20 pirate ships including the Cake. In terms of territory, the Garfield Kingdom chased us all the way, leaving us with only the core waters of the Totland Sea."

"The outer islands were all occupied by the Garfield Kingdom. The price was that their pursuit slowed down, and we had a chance to breathe."

Lingling lay weakly in her seat, watching the fleet she had accumulated with great difficulty go bankrupt, and the expansion of territory over the years was reduced to its original form overnight.

"Damn Locke! Everyone, turn around after resting!"

Katakuri saw that they had finally escaped, and now his mother was going back, so he hurriedly said

"Mom, we finally broke out, now~"

Lingling shouted loudly

"Follow my orders! Instead of running away like this and being defeated by Locke like a mouse, it is better to take the initiative now, and we are not alone now, there will be allies to support us!"

Katakuri heard that his mother insisted on doing this and gave the order helplessly.

At the same time, Locke also received the news.

"Report to His Majesty the King, the BIGMOM Pirates have returned after resting."

"Report to His Majesty the King, the Whitebeard Pirates are coming towards us."

Locke said after thinking

"Let the soldiers rest for a while, this war is over ahead of schedule."

. . . One hour later. . .

Locke sat on the bow of the Dreadnaught and looked at the Whitebeard Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates in front of him.

Kozuki Oden looked at Locke in the distance, his eyes full of hatred. He only recently learned that

The country has perished, and even the name has become history. The new name is Dragon Island. All of this is caused by the man in front of him called Garfield Locke.

Oden's wife Kozuki Toki felt her husband's pain and silently hugged Oden from behind. Oden's retainer Kin'emon said

"Lord, Wano Country has suffered such a big thing, and even the position of Shogun has been seized by outsiders. Wano Country needs your leadership, lord. I believe that with the prestige of the Kozuki family, Wano Country will soon be revitalized and your dream will be fulfilled."

Oden hesitated for a while and said

"We are still very weak now, and we are not the opponent of the Garfield Kingdom."

Kin'emon said

"Aren't we the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates? With the help of Whitebeard, we can definitely restore our country!"

Oden shouted angrily

"Asshole! Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates is our partner! How can we let them sacrifice for our restoration! Don't say such things again in the future, Kin'emon!"

Kin'emon said while sitting down

"Hi! Smith Marseille!"

. . . .

Whitebeard stood at the bow and shouted

"The fight between the Lunaria brats can be stopped!"

Locke said

"Whitebeard, who do you think you are?! Stop if you say so!"

Whitebeard hit the air with both hands, and the surrounding space shattered like a spider web. The soldiers on the warship looked at the surrounding sea area and shouted

"The sea level is rising! Tsunami, tsunami!"

Locke flew in the air and swung out two sword energies, and the surging tsunami was instantly cut by Locke.

Whitebeard shouted from the bow

"Kalaalaala! Tell me your conditions, kid, or I will sink you to the bottom of the sea!"

Locke said

"Don't laugh, Whitebeard. I know you don't have the strength. My request is very simple. I will divide the new forces based on my current boundary."

Lingling shouted angrily

"Don't even think about it, kid. I'm not dead yet!"

Locke said without even looking at Lingling

"I'm sorry, BIGMOM, you are a loser now, and losers have no say!"

Before Lingling could finish her words, she was interrupted by Whitebeard and said

"No problem! I hope there will be no more large-scale conflicts in the New World in the future!"

Lingling said loudly

"Whitebeard, I don't agree!"

Whitebeard glanced at Lingling and said lightly

"Lingling, are you going to face both of us at the same time?"

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