The battle was over, and the battle was over.

In the first half of the New World, on a deserted island near the Red Earth Continent, the fleet of the Garfield Kingdom and the people of the World Government were docked here.

Hannah led the Garfield side, and the World Government came with three ships flying the World Government flag and more than 40 merchant ships, led by a CP0 agent.

Hannah looked at the other party indifferently and said

"Hand over the people first."

The CP0 agent waved his hand, and the CP agent appeared behind him with five Lunalia people. The Garfield Kingdom soldiers saw it and ran up to take the people.

The CP0 agent said

"You can hand over our goods to us now."

At this time, a military doctor ran over and said

"Lady Hannah has checked it out. The World Government did not do anything. It's just that the five Lunalia people are a little weak."

Hannah said

"The goods you want and the twenty warships are in the back. The seastone and munitions are also on the warships. You can send someone to check it out."

Several CP agents came back after checking in a small boat and said

"It's okay, sir."

The CP0 agent said

"Your payment is the gold worth 10 billion Baileys and the goods on the forty-five merchant ships."

The transaction between the two sides went smoothly. The Garfield Kingdom got the gold and minerals it wanted, and the World Government also got the warships, munitions and seastone it wanted.

After a simple treatment by the doctor of Garfield Kingdom, the five Lunalia tribesmen came to Hannah. The leading Lunalia tribesman said

"Hello, fellow tribesmen, thank you for saving us. My name is Dot, Chad, Darren, Dick, and that's Jane."

Hannah's face was much more relaxed when she faced her fellow tribesmen, and she said in a firm tone

"I am Hannah, my husband Locke founded the Garfield Kingdom, and we made a deal with the World Government to let them release you. Don't worry, fellow tribesmen, come to our Garfield Kingdom, you don't have to worry about your life safety anymore, my husband Locke will protect everyone!"

Dot said

"Thank you so much, the five of us are from two laboratories."

Hannah said

"We also came from their laboratories Are there other Lunalia people inside?"

Dot said

"No, all the people I know who are still alive are here. Previously, some experiments required the participation of our Lunalia people, which resulted in very few of us being here."

Hannah asked

"What experiments are they doing now?"

Chad said

"In the past, they studied bloodline factors, and recently they have been drawing blood."

Hannah said

"Okay, let's go! Go back to the country that our Lunalia people hold tightly, and this country is worth our Lunalia people's efforts for it."

Jane said

"Don't worry, Sister Hannah, we will show the powerful strength of the Lunalia people and rescue more Lunalia compatriots!"

Hannah said

"Go back to Dragon Island!"


Inside the Dragon Island Palace

Locke has just completed the trade with the Golden Lion Shiki.

"The world has once again reached balance."

The warships that Locke sold to the World Government were equipped with anti-aircraft guns, but the performance of the guns was not good, the firing rate was slow, and the power was not enough to destroy Shiki's flying warships with one shot, but after all, there was a means to threaten Shiki.

Locke looked at the little head sticking out of the palace door and said

"Alexander, what do you want with your brother?"

After finding out that they were discovered, more than 20 little carrot heads jumped over, some jumped and sat on Locke's legs, and Alexander said

"Dad, we heard from auntie that other Lunaria people will come today."

Locke picked up Eva on his thigh and said

"Jenny, I wanted to tell you tonight."

The Garfield family has grown from 22 people to 30 people. They were all born in 1494 of the Haiyuan calendar last year. Five sons and three daughters. They are Duke, the 15th son, Dave, the 16th son, Dennis, the 17th son, Darren, the 18th son, Daniel, the 19th son, Adra, the 9th daughter, Irene, the 10th daughter, and Daisy, the 11th daughter.

Gabriel came to Locke at this time, took the backpack from his back and said to Locke

"Dad, guess what's in the bag?"

Locke said calmly

"Of course I know, and Gabriel, you're going to eat fried pork with belt tonight!"

Gabriel's legs softened when he heard Locke's words, and Locke quickly hugged the backpack. At this time, a baby's head popped out from the opening of the backpack.

Come. Locke put his head on the baby's head and said

"Daniel, are you okay?"

Daniel couldn't speak yet, so he could only answer Locke with a giggle. Gabriel on the ground said

"Dad, look, Daniel is laughing so happily, hey hey hey, don't cry ah ah ah"

Daniel burst into tears when he saw Gabriel, the murderer who put him in the dark place.

"I'll deal with you in the evening."

A guard ran in and said

"Your Majesty, Lord Hannah has returned with five Lunalia people."

Locke said happily

"Give the order to have a banquet tonight."

. . . In the evening. . .

Kurt looked at Locke and his children who looked different from him, and Kurt couldn't help asking

"Brother Locke, you look a little different."

Locke said with a smile

"This horn grew out of the experiment that the World Government conducted on me to fuse the blood of the ghost race, which caused my children to have the blood of the ghost race."

Jane covered her mouth in shock and said

"Brother Locke, you actually survived that experiment. We heard from some old people that this experiment has never been successful."

Locke said

"That's why my strength makes the World Government very afraid. Let's not talk about these things. Eat and drink!"

Dick said

"Brother Locke, we want to join the Garfield Kingdom and contribute our own strength to this country. We also want to save more Lunaria compatriots like you!"

Locke picked up the wine glass and said

"Good! We Lunalia people are born with strong strength. As long as we practice, ordinary vice admirals may not be our opponents."

Darren also said

"Yes, boss. If the World Government had not been so powerful, we would not have been caught by them!"

Locke took a sip of wine and said

"Everyone has changed their offense and defense now. The World Government has been dragged down by various things. I believe that the World Government will perish. Instead of believing in the so-called Sun God Nika, we should pick up the weapons in our hands and fight for ourselves and our descendants to create a world that belongs to us!"

Five Lunalia people stood up excitedly and raised their glasses and said

"Good! For the future of the Lunalia people!"

Locke looked at the five Lunalia compatriots excitedly. Their joining just made up for the lack of high-end combat power in the Garfield Kingdom.

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