Lu Qi's words, everyone else present except Lin Mo was in the clouds.

Ace Dragon Tooth smiled and said, "Listening to your words, shouldn't I be alive?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Lu Qi shook his head, "Hmm... It can only be said that it is great that you are still alive.

As soon as Lu Qi finished speaking, Kaku looked at him thoughtfully.

Then, he shifted his gaze to Lin Mo's body, hesitated, and still spoke: "Captain, the old man has something to say to you."

Lin Mo glanced at him, nodded silently, and followed Kaku out first.

Lin Feng looked at the back of Lin Mo and Kaku drifting away, silent and did not speak.

Lu Qi greeted Ace warmly, eating meat and drinking wine with him, and punching wine.

Ace joined the restaurant with his own cooking.

Hongling asked Lin Feng to come and eat together, but Lin Feng refused, went directly to his room, and began to meditate and cultivate.

After walking out of the Red Dust Inn, Kaku used the ability of the Fruit of Silence to cover himself and Lin Mo.

"What's wrong?" Lin Mo asked strangely.

Kaku glanced at Lu Qi, who was fighting with Ace in the inn, and asked directly: "Captain, the owner of this inn, is it your doppelganger?" Hearing

this, several question marks appeared on Lin Mo's head: "Why do you ask so?"

Kaku took his gaze back, stared at Lin Mo, and continued: "Although it can be seen from his speech and behavior that he and the captain are people with different personalities, sometimes, he feels very familiar to the old man, and some of the words you say are very similar. Moreover, the old man observed that his stature was the same as that of the captain, and that certain small habits were the same..." It was

this kind of sign that made Kaku suspicious.

When Kaku said this, Lin Mo was blinded.

To say that the body is the same, it is understandable, he is the same person living in different parallel time and space.

As for the content of this statement, some similarities are normal.

But this little habit....

Lin Mo himself didn't know what little habits he had.

After a moment of silence, Lin Mo asked directly: "What habit?"

Kaku was a little surprised: "Captain, don't you even know about it?"

Lin Mo wordlessly rewarded him with a look that you looked at yourself.

Kaku couldn't help but laugh dryly: "Haha, in fact, it's nothing, that is, you will drink half a glass of wine before eating, if there is no wine, you will drink water, when picking dishes, your hand will be held in the back two-thirds of the chopsticks, after eating, you will place the chopsticks neatly on the right side of the bowl and lean against the bowl." Hearing

this, Lin Mo was silent.

Kaku continued: "Every morning when you wake up, you sit there for a minute before you get up, go out of the room with your right foot first, use to hold the side of your face with your left hand when fishing, take a deep breath before getting angry, pinch your index finger with your right thumb when you want to punch someone, and..."

The more Lin Mo listened, the more wrong it became, "These... Are they all my habits?

Kaku nodded and replied, "Yes, these are the conclusions that the old man has been observing for a long time." "

Although, some habits are still understandable, but which foot steps out the door first, it is outrageous."

Lin Mo asked a little speechlessly: "Step out the door first with your right foot, are you serious?"

Kaku scratched his head and smiled: "Of course, if there are a few times when the first out is the left foot, the old man will not say, as far as the old man observes, at least a hundred times, not once is the first to step on the left foot."

Lin Mo: "..."

Well, Lin Mo admitted, Kaku won.

Obviously, that guy is busy enough on weekdays, and he actually has time to observe others....

Forget it, this is not a big deal.

However, when Kaku said this, Lin Mo turned his head and looked inside the inn.

Sure enough, Lu Qi's method of holding the chopsticks was the same as Kaku said, and when he put down the chopsticks, he also placed them squarely on the right side of the empty bowl.

Kaku looked like you saw that the old man was not wrong, and said with a smile: "There are some things, the old man is afraid to ask for fear of being beaten, so he can only guess to understand, but this time, the old man really can't guess, if Lu Qi is really the captain's doppelganger, then the time limit for him to come to this world should be the same as ours." However, Xiao Li and they said that when this inn did not exist, Lu Qi was already in this world, and at that time, we had not yet come.

"No need to guess." Lin Mo didn't plan to tell Lu Qi about it, but Kaku said it all, and he didn't plan to hide anything, "He's not my doppelganger, he's me." "

Eh?" Kaku was a little confused, "Captain, you are, what do you mean?"

Lin Mo continued: "I am the same person as him.

"Same, same person?"

"Well, we have the same past, it's just that because of something, we went to different places, met different people, had different experiences, so... He and I are the same people living in parallel worlds. "

Parallel worlds?" Kaku frowned slightly, "It sounds a bit profound."

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, even if I have the same past as him, now, he is him, I am me, I and he are two different people, he has his own plans, and he has many friends, and I am too, when everything here is resolved, we will go back and join them with Anilu."

Kaku looked at Lin Mo stunned, and then said with a smile: "Captain, it's good to be recognized by you and become your friend."

Lin Mo said disapprovingly: "You are not friends, you are family."

After speaking, he turned around and entered the inn again.

Kaku looked at Lin Mo's back stunned, his nose was sour, and his eyes were moist: "Yes, we are already family." Lin

Mo, who has always liked to be alone, rarely joined Lu Qi's dinner.

Mainly, Lu Qi's taste in wine is extremely similar to Lin Mo's, so Lin Mo rushed to Lu Qi's hidden wine.

"Come here, come to punch?" Lu Qi sent out an invitation to punch the wine.

Lin Mo unceremoniously hugged a bottle of wine, took a sip, and calmly rebuffed him: "Just have Ace with you."

"Drink it alone, how can everyone drink it together?" I tell you, drinking by yourself, and drinking with others is not the same as losing the feeling, come, try, you will like it.

"No, play by yourself."

"It's really fun, come on."

Even Ace followed suit: "Lin Mo, try it, it's very interesting."

Hongling looked like she wasn't right, and asked as if surprised: "Shouldn't you be able to play?" How about I'll teach you?

"Okay, the captain doesn't want to play, so don't force him." At this time, Kaku also walked over.

Seeing that Lin Mo's expression was not quite right, he suddenly understood: "Ahem, that, the old man wants to play, but the old man won't, otherwise, you teach it?" "

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