In the face of this dense crowd of corpses, they also tried to intimidate them.

Lin Mo and Anilu were both quite speechless.

These zombies, and even the weird-looking creatures similar to the three-headed dogs of hell and the strange creatures in the jungle that were stitched up just now, were actually from the hands of a man named Hoguguk who lived in the central castle of Ghost Island with Moonlight Moria.

Hogubak is a genius surgeon who makes the future Joba admire very much, and has saved many people with miraculous and superb operations, thus gaining the reputation and status that doctors deserve.

In fact, Hogubak is a bad doctor who thinks that money is better than saving lives, because of the mass zombie insults to the dead, which makes Joba, who came here six years later, completely disappointed him.

Of course, Hogubak is just an ordinary person who has not eaten the devil fruit, even if his medical skills are superb, there is no way to bring back the dead to life, so after reorganizing the dead and messy, the ability of moonlight Moria is also needed to make these dead things have the ability to act.

That is, with the ability of the shadow fruit, you can cut the shadow from the living person and stuff it into the body of these dead zombies.

Although with Lin Mo's understanding of Moria, that guy's strength is just like that, the fruit ability is indeed a little troublesome, once Moria finds an opportunity to cut the shadow, the person who lost the shadow will faint for a while.

Moriah usually throws the person who lost the shadow out of Ghost Island during the time when he faints, and does not kill the other party, because if the other party dies, the shadow he cut will disappear with it.

"Well, what are these?" Anilu said speechlessly, "Looking like people, but not people, I can't feel their heartbeat." "

There are no zombies on the empty island, in the original concept of Anilu, a guy without a 'sound' should be dead, but today's experience once again refreshed his understanding of the blue ocean.

Seeing those zombies coming, Anilu directly struck a large-scale lightning attack, causing the screams of this group of zombies.

Obviously watching them all fall to the ground, but soon, the group of zombies got up again.

"Huh? Can you still get up? Anilu flashed with terrifying lightning, and in this gloomy and dark cemetery, it was particularly bright.

And the group of zombies who were electrocuted by him just now did not continue to attack Anilu and Lin Mo, but also drilled back into the cemetery where they were hiding one by one faster...

Anilu was speechless: "What the hell are these guys? "

Zombies." Lin Mo replied lightly and continued to walk in the direction where the castle was located.

Anilu was stunned: "Zombies?

He immediately followed, asking as he walked with a curious look: "What is a zombie?" It doesn't sound like a good thing.

Lin Mo: "..." Lin

Mo didn't want to answer any more questions, now, he even felt tired of talking....

"It's really cold." Anilu saw that Lin Mo did not answer him, and did not bother to continue asking.

Just as the two were about to arrive at Moria's castle, an old man carrying a chandelier and looking like the group of zombies in the cemetery hurriedly ran out of the woods next to him.

"Two of you, please stay."

The old man choked and wanted to stop Lin Mo and Anilu.

Lin Mo ignored him, and Anilu looked back, and said in a light tone: "Heh, there is a voice, it seems to be a living person." "

The old man saw that they had no intention of stopping at all, so he immediately quickened his pace and chased in front of Lin Mo and Anilu, and directly knelt for them...

Lin Mo: "..." Anilu:


Two, please listen to me say a few words." The old man said with a sad expression, "Please, please go and defeat someone, if it is you, it will definitely be possible, as long as you defeat him, everyone can be saved, as long as you can find the shadow, everyone can be saved." "

Shadow?" Anilu looked strangely at the feet of the old man kneeling on the ground, the chandelier was next to it, and there was really no shadow to see, "Eh? You actually don't have a shadow?

Speaking of the shadow, the old man wanted to cry angrily: "That's right, on this island, the shadows of many people besides me have been snatched away by Moria, and without shadows, all of us can only live in the dark, and can no longer stand in the sun in the bright light." "

Moria?" Anilu plucked his ears boredly, "Who?"

"I saw your strength just now, I believe, only you have a chance to defeat him, please help us, please." The old man cried out as he spoke, "Moria is His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, very strong, I know that some strong people are difficult to do so, but now only you can save us, please." "

His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas?" Anilu suddenly remembered that Karp seemed to have told him before that if he fought with Qiwu Hai, it would be a bitter battle....

Seeing that Anilu was hesitating, the old man immediately kowtowed to him: "Please, only you can save us, save us."

"It's ugly." Anilu returned to his original state and said disdainfully, "If you want to recapture the shadow, go by yourself, we are not obliged to help you, get out of the way, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind." "

Huh?" A look of despair flashed on the old man's face, and his body trembled slightly, "Really, really can't it?"

"Hmph!" Anilu snorted coldly.

Lin Mo ignored the old man, bypassing him and continuing to walk forward.

Anilu followed him and sneered, "I thought you would be merciful to save them."

Lin Mo chuckled and didn't say anything more.

There are more wretched people in this world, and if everyone comes to him and asks him for help, and he agrees, then he must not exhaust himself?

Again, he doesn't think he's a bad person, and likewise, he doesn't think he's an absolutely good person, whether it's good or bad, it all depends on the mood.

Those so-called moral kidnappings are useless to him.

Although Lin Mo did not speak, Anilu appreciated him more and more: "Yahahahaha, it seems that it is not too bad to follow you everywhere to travel." The

old man watched Lin Mo and Anilu walk away, trembled and got up from the ground, picked up the chandelier, turned around dejectedly, and walked towards the boundless darkness of the jungle.

Soon, Lin Mo and Anilu came to Moriana's ancient castle full of Gothic gloomy atmosphere.

Anilu felt a little and found three people living in it.

Anilu smiled and said, "Lin Mo, is that Qiwu Sea named Moria very strong? If I fight him, is the winning rate high?

Lin Mo turned to look at him and chuckled, "If you don't underestimate the enemy, you can win." "

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