Speaking of wine, Chen Mo was energetic, and he looked squarely at the woman on the other side, and asked expressionlessly: "Where is it?"

Seeing that Lin Mo was hooked, the woman continued with a slight hook on the corner of her mouth: "Just one block away, I know the way, you just follow me."

Lin Mo did not immediately respond to the woman, but first looked at it with a look.

It's not far away if it's only a block away.

After looking around, he really found a mobile stall with a banner with the word Dionysian Competition, and there were already many people around the stall, and the format of this competition was very simple, that is, the amount of alcohol.

This woman didn't lie.

Lin Mo said casually: "Good."

The woman's eyes lit up: "Then go now, the number of places to register every day is limited." "

Hmm." Lin Mo replied, picked up the remaining half bottle of wine and drank it directly to the bottle.

The woman cried and laughed and said: "The god of wine is more than drinking, don't drink now, otherwise if you lose the game because you drink a few more now, how uncomfortable it will be."

Lin Mo put the finished wine jug on the wine table and said lightly: "It can't be wasted."

With that, he also took out two bags from the system space and packed the remaining peanut rice and sauce beef.

Lin Mo's operation can make this woman who wants to talk to him dumbfounded.

It was the first time she had seen someone pack up leftovers in a tavern....

The woman asked in disbelief, "Why pack these things?"

Lin Mo still said the same thing: "Can't be wasted."

After speaking, Lin Mo got up and said expressionlessly: "Lead the way."

The woman laughed dryly, got up, and led the way in front: "Then you have to follow me, don't look at me short, in fact, I walk very fast."

After that, the woman really brought Lin Mo to the scene of the Dionysian Competition, and enthusiastically helped Lin Mo sign up and took the number plate of the eighty-nine.

"This game is about drinking." The woman smiled and said, "The first game has ten rounds, ten people in each round drink together, whoever persists until the end wins, and then after half an hour of rest, the ten people who win compete again, and the last person to fall is the champion, how about it, it's very simple, right?" "


"You talk so little." The woman still had a smile on her face, and seemed to be in a good mood and said, "I want to know more about you, can we make friends?"

Lin Mo said directly: "Can't."

The woman was stunned and continued to ask, "Why?" Am I not good-looking?

Lin Mo ignored her.

The woman did not adhere to it: "Just tell me, why is that?" I can do whatever you like, really.

As she spoke, the woman deliberately approached Lin Mo and wanted to stick to Lin Mo's body.

Lin Mo directly looked over and scared people.

The woman stopped all her small movements, and a drop of cold sweat broke out on her forehead: "What, look at me with such terrible eyes, people will be very afraid." If you don't get close, don't let you get close.

Lin Mo didn't look at her again.

The woman didn't bother Lin Mo anymore, although she didn't speak, she was already calculating in her heart how to deal with this arrogant guy after Lin Mo drunk for a while.

The other side.

Anilu agreed to go with Kaku.

But before leaving, he was going to beat Doflamingo up, and Kaku said he was fine.

As for the Navy and Luo of the other two camps.

Both Fuji Hu and Luo remained silent and waited to see what happened.

But the sailors and Caesar were already in a hurry.

Just now, the meteorite that Fuji Tiger pulled down from the sky with his ability was hit by the giant Anilu, but everyone here can see it, and Doflamingo's strength is also very clear to everyone.

If these two people really fight seriously, I am afraid that not only this island will be destroyed, but even they may be destroyed along with this island.

"Don't worry." Fuji Tora couldn't see, but his other senses were much more sensitive than ordinary people, and he could feel the worries of his subordinates, "If the battle between them will affect us, I will strike." Hearing

this, the sailors were slightly relieved.

Caesar shouted, "Is Joker really going to fight this terrible monster with long ears?" That would definitely endanger us! What to do, aaaaaa

Doflamingo sneered, "You don't really think I'll be defeated by this guy, right?" Hehe, it's impossible, he will never be able to beat me to death!

Anilu's 'smack' instantly appeared in front of Doflamingo: "Oh, use this trick to blind Ben Thor's eyes?" What a naïve! Who do you think Ben Thor is? From the moment you appeared, Ben Thor has already discovered that you are not who you are at all.

Doflamingo sneered, "What are you talking about? Anilu

was too lazy to talk more nonsense with him: "Still want to fake the real under the nose of Ben Thor?" Laugh to death, your doppelganger is rubbish compared to my captain. After

speaking, a thunder sword composed of thunder and lightning appeared in Anilu's hand.

Without hesitation, Anilu slashed at Doflamingo with a sword.

Doflamingo immediately flashed to the left with the help of seeing the color.

And Anilu used a faster speed to catch up with him in an instant, slashing all the way.

Kaku saw it and couldn't help but complain: "There is no technique at all, since you like to use swords, in the future, the old man will teach you swordsmanship, start with the basic skills, and practice chopping for two hours a day." "

Shut up you, bastard with a long nose!" Anilu said dissatisfied, "Ben Thor doesn't even connect that useless thing."

Although chatting with Kaku, Anilu's speed did not slow down, but increased, and at the same time as Doflamingo's Nth landing, Anilu finally hit Doflamingo's left shoulder with a sword.

Then, a powerful current set Doflamingo through.

But this Doflamingo is not dead yet, but the movement has been affected and slowed down.

Anilu took the opportunity to kick it to the ground, and stepped on Doflamingo's back, proudly saying: "Ben Thor is useless even with thunder drums and golden hoop sticks, look at your unproductive appearance, die you!" Then

, a blinding glare appeared under Anilu's feet.

With a 'pop', the strong light gradually disappeared, and Anilu was still there, but the Doflamingo that he was stepping on under his feet turned into a ball of silk.

A trace of sweat broke out on Luo's forehead: "This is... Doflamingo's line doppelganger? Is he still nearby? But why didn't I feel him...

?" Anilu yawned and said, "No, no, no, you don't even see it?" This guy was a doppelganger from the start. His own is not here, it's really boring, there is not a single one who can fight, he has a long nose, Ben Thor wants to eat ice cream, is there anything for sale in town.

"Yes, yes, but at the playground."

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