For someone to challenge himself, Solon is still happy to accept the challenge.

In his eyes, there is no distinction between women and men, and fights are the same.

"Okay." Solon said indifferently, "I won't show mercy to your men just because you're a woman." Gu

Yina chuckled: "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you haven't won anyway, since you want to fight, then take out all your strength to fight, release water that is right, the opponent's disrespect."

"It seems that you understand it very well." As soon as Solon finished speaking, he suddenly realized something, "What haven't I won?" I've won a lot of people!

Gu Yina found that she seemed to have slipped her mouth a little, and immediately changed her words: "I'll just talk about it casually, don't take it seriously."

But after thinking about it, she changed her mind again: "No, I can't make this kind of decision without permission, or get the captain's consent first."

Solon: "Huh? What are you talking about?

Gu Yina shook her head and said, "I was going to challenge you just now to take it back, fight with you, I have to report to Lin Mo first."

"Who is Lin Mo?"

"My captain."

"Captain? Are you a pirate? "

Nope." Guina proudly said, "We are travelers.

Solon was stunned: "Traveler?

Gu Yina nodded affirmatively: "Well, traveler."

Solon smiled and asked, "Since you are a traveler, you should have been to many places, right?"

"Of course." Guina continued, "Although I got on the boat later than the others, I also followed them to many magical places, islands full of pink atmosphere, empty islands 10,000 meters away, food islands full of food and even dirt, and so on.

Gu Yina's expression softened: "I used to feel that swordsmen are lonely, and they must stick to walking alone to become stronger, since I got on Lin Mo's ship, I have slowly discovered that the bond of a partner will also make me stronger, and it is really good to have the feeling of a companion, Solon, you are right." The

front sounded fine, but hearing the back, Solon was shocked again: "You, have you seen me before?"

Gu Yina shook her head and said, "I haven't seen it."

Solon became more and more interested in the Lin Mo that Gu Yina said: "Your captain, that Lin Mo, what kind of person is it?"

Gu Yina shrugged: "He used to be a very cold personality, did not like others to get too close to him, and liked to be alone, but now, he has accepted the concept of a partner and is getting better and better."

Solon touched his chin thoughtfully, "It sounds more reliable than Luffy."

Guina continued, "What do you think of your companions?"

Solon thought back to what he had experienced with Luffy in the past, and then spoke, "It's bad, it's hard to say bad, but they are the best companions, and I don't regret getting on Luffy's ship."

"Just have a clear conscience." Gu Yina smiled and said, "It's really nice to have the feeling of being a companion."


As soon as Solon finished speaking, French came.

"Huh? Solon, you arrived first.

"Of course." Solon said of course, "I'm not a road idiot, what's wrong with coming first?"

Franky turned his gaze and found Guina beside Solon: "Who is she?"

Solon looked at Guina, paused, and then replied, "Her name is Guina, and she is here to help us." "

Oh oh, Guina, hello." Francie came to Guina and held out her hand.

Guina did not hesitate too much and shook Frankie's hand politely.

Later, Solon complained to Franky that Luffy actually went to the arena.

French said he knew for a long time.

Solon was shocked.

Then, together with the people of the little Terrans, they began to watch the live broadcast of Luffy and Green Pepper fighting.

When the live broadcast ended, it wasn't long before Usopp and Robin also arrived.

Then, the toy soldiers began to make the next battle plan for the villains and Robin and the others.

The toy soldier is Rebecca's father, who becomes a toy because he is touched by Doflamingo's men, and everyone who comes into contact with him loses all memories of him, including his daughter Rebecca.

Originally, Solon was arranged to go to the Miles Sunshine to save Nami and several people.

Guina is also going.

Therefore, in the end, it was still Solon, Guina and the little Terran who led Solon before.

Knowing that Solon did not recognize the way, Guina insisted on leading the way ahead.

When they turn into a street, they are confronted by Yamaji and a Kazunokoku man named Kinemon Gate.

The little Terran opened his mouth and asked, "Who are those two?" It looks like it's a good relationship. At

this time, Yamaji was kicking in the Jinwei Gate.

Solon replied, "It's the curly eyebrow and the bun." Then

, Solon and Guina converged with Yamaji Jinemon .

When Sanji saw Guina next to Solon, his eyes immediately turned red, but when he saw Solon again, he immediately returned to his original state, and said angrily: "Aaaaaaaa Why would you be with this beautiful lady? By what!

Solon was speechless, "Huh? Idiot curls his eyebrows, what are you pumping again.

Sanji directly bypassed Solon and rushed to Guina, his eyes turned into peach hearts again: "Beautiful young lady, my name is Yamaji, I don't know if there is..."

Before Yamaji finished speaking, Solon came up and kicked Yamaji's waist without hesitation.

Yamaji stumbled and almost fell.

"Abominable!" Yamaji said in annoyance, "Midori Moto, want to fight!"

Jinweimon had a headache and said, "These two are here again..."

Solon was too lazy to mess with Sanji: "You stop for me, we have more important things to do, there is no time to waste." Then

, Solon told Kinsemon and Yamaji about the purpose of his and Guina's visit.

After listening, Yamaji's pupils shook and said in disbelief: "What? You said you were going to save Miss Nami? They were in trouble, no wonder no one answered the phone, okay! I'll go with you! At

this time, Nami, Joba, Brooke, and Momonosuke met one of Mingo's men, the Artistic Fruit Ability, Jorah, on the Sunshine.

Jinweimon immediately said, "Wait Your Excellency Yamaji, aren't we here to tell Your Excellency Luffy about the current situation?" "

Several people are still talking.

A figure walked through the street.

Lin Mo won the Dionysian Competition and got a bottle of rare wine, he just sniffed it and put it into the system space.

Originally, he wanted to trick his daughter and saw that Lin Mo was so difficult to handle, so she turned back to the tavern and went looking for other prey.

Lin Mo was about to find a place to rest, when he met Gu Yina and Solon.

Seeing Lin Mo, Gu Yina immediately trotted over to him: "Captain, wait a minute, there is something I want to discuss with you." "

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